
    Walks the settings to evaluate them and return an updated settings structure
    Loops around all the properties in the settings (either hash keys or psobjects) and
    evaluates the values using Expand-String for strings or calling this function again for lists
    PS C:\> <example usage>
    Explanation of what the example does
    settings = the global settings used to allow expressions to refer to the settings i.e. databaseName = "{$Settings.environment & "-" & $settings.Project"
    thisSettings = the object to be evaluating the keys of.
    Output (if any)
    General notes

Function Invoke-SettingEvaluation {
        , $thisSettings)
    if ($null -eq $thisSettings ) {
        Write-Verbose "Evaluating Settings in order that we found them..."
        $thisSettings = $settings
    if ($thisSettings -is [psobject] -or $thisSettings -is [hashtable]) {
        $props = $
        if ($null -ne $props) {
            $settingName = ""
            $value = ""
            try {
                $ | ForEach-Object {
                    $settingName = "$($_.Name)"
                    $value = $thisSettings.$settingName
                    Write-Verbose "Processing key $settingName with value $value" 
                    if ($null -eq $value) {
                        $thisSettings.$settingName = $null    
                        Write-Verbose "Setting $settingName to `$null"
                    elseif ($value -is [String] ) {   
                        $thisSettings.$settingName = Expand-String $value       
                        Write-Verbose "Setting $settingName to $($thisSettings.$settingName)"
                    elseif ($value -is [datetime] ) {   
                        $thisSettings.$settingName = $value       
                        Write-Verbose "Setting $settingName to $($thisSettings.$settingName)"
                    elseif ($value -is [object[]]) {
                        $index = 0
                        Write-Verbose " Processing Array"
                        foreach ($item in $value) {
                            $thisSettings."$settingName"[$index] = Invoke-SettingEvaluation -thisSettings $value[$index] -settings $settings
                    elseif ($value -isnot [securestring] ) {
                        foreach ($item in $value.psobject.Properties) {
                            $name = $item.Name
                            $thisSettings.$settingName.$name = Invoke-SettingEvaluation -thisSettings $value.$name -settings $settings
                    else {
                        Write-Verbose " Setting $($thisSettings.GetType().Name) $($value.GetType().Name) $settingName to $value"
                        # $value | Invoke-Expression

            catch {
                $desc = "Evaluating expression for $settingName with expression $value failed`n$($_.Exception.Message)"
                $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new([Exception]::new($desc,$_.Exception), '', [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::OpenError, ""))
    else {
        $thisSettings = Expand-String $thisSettings
    Write-Verbose "Settings Done:"
    Write-Verbose "$($thisSettings | ConvertTo-Json -depth 5)"

    return $thisSettings