
function Get-Bootstrapped
        Downloads a bootstrapper theme
        Downloads a bootstrapper theme via the bootstraper builder hosted on Heroku
        The bootstrapper builder was replaced by Bootstrap after version 3.
        If this function continues to work, it is only because they continued to be nice about hosting the tool.
        Since this change was made by Bootstrap, the primary option with a Pipeworks site uses a custom less.css page.

    # The foreground color of the theme
    #|Default 0248b2

    # The background color of the theme
    #|Default fafafa

    # The color used for links in the theme
    #|Default 012456
    # The fonts to use in the theme
    #|Default Segoe UI, Arial, sans-serif

    # The font size to use in the theme
    #|Default 15px

    # The line height used in the theme.
    #|Default 21px

    # If set, will output a property bag containing the settings and the theme. If this is omitted, the theme will be directly returned.

    process {
        #region Inherit styles from a Pipeworks manifest if one is found
        $fgColor= if ($foreGroundColor) { 
            "#" + $foreGroundColor.Trim('#')
        } elseif ($pipeworksManifest.Style.Body.color) {
        } else {

        $lColor=  if ($linkColor) {
            '#' + $LinkColor.Trim('#')
        } elseif ($pipeworksManifest.Style.a.color) {
        } else {

        $bgColor= if ($backgroundColor) {
            '#' + $backgroundColor.Trim('#')
        } elseif ($pipeworksManifest.Style.body.'background-color') {
        } else {
        $fontFam= if ($fontFamily) {
        } elseif ($pipeworksManifest.Style.body.'font-family') {
        } else {
            "'Segoe UI', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"

        $fs = if ($fontsize) {
        } elseif ($pipeworksManifest.Style.body.'font-size') {
        } else {
        $lh = if ($lineHeight) {
        } elseif ($pipeworksManifest.Style.body.'line-height') {
        } else {
        #endregion Inherit styles from a Pipeworks manifest if one is found

        # Download a customized bootstrap, containing their core color scheme.

        $r = $null

        $r =
            Get-web -Url "" -Method POST -Parameter @{
                js = '["bootstrap-transition.js","bootstrap-modal.js","bootstrap-dropdown.js","bootstrap-scrollspy.js","bootstrap-tab.js","bootstrap-tooltip.js","bootstrap-popover.js","bootstrap-affix.js","bootstrap-alert.js","bootstrap-button.js","bootstrap-collapse.js","bootstrap-carousel.js","bootstrap-typeahead.js"]'
                css= '["reset.less","scaffolding.less","grid.less","layouts.less","type.less","code.less","labels-badges.less","tables.less","forms.less","buttons.less","sprites.less","button-groups.less","navs.less","navbar.less","breadcrumbs.less","pagination.less","pager.less","thumbnails.less","alerts.less","progress-bars.less","hero-unit.less","media.less","tooltip.less","popovers.less","modals.less","dropdowns.less","accordion.less","carousel.less","wells.less","close.less","utilities.less","component-animations.less","responsive-utilities.less","responsive-767px-max.less","responsive-768px-979px.less","responsive-1200px-min.less","responsive-navbar.less"]'
`"@monoFontFamily`":`"Menlo, Monaco, 'Consolas'`",

} -AsByte -UseWebRequest

        if ($OutputObject) {
            $outObject = New-Object PSObject 
            $outObject  | Add-member NoteProperty ForegroundColor $fgColor -Force
            $outObject  | Add-member NoteProperty BackgroundColor $bgColor -Force
            $outObject  | Add-member NoteProperty LinkColor $lColor -Force
            $outObject  | Add-member NoteProperty FontSize $fs -Force
            $outObject  | Add-member NoteProperty FontFamily $fontFam -Force
            $outObject  | Add-member NoteProperty LineHeight $lh -Force

            $outObject  | Add-Member NoteProperty ThemeData $r -Force
        } else {