
function New-RDPFile
        Creates a new Remote Desktop file
        Creates a new Remote Desktop file that can connect with a credential
        New-RDPFile -ComputerName MyComputer

    # The computername
    # The credential. RDP files created with this credential will only work on this machine
    process {
        #region Connection and Screen Settings
        $RdpFileContent = "
full address:s:"
 + $ComputerName 

        $RdpFileContent += "
screen mode id:i:2

        #endregion Connection and Screen Settings
        #region Embed Credential
        if ($psboundParameters.Credential) {
            $RdpFileContent += "
 + $credential.Username
            $RdpFileContent += "
password 51:b:"
 + ($credential.password | ConvertFrom-SecureString)
        #endregion Embed Credential
        if ($RunCommand) {
            $RdpFileContent += "
shell working directory:s:
alternate shell:s:"
 + $RunCommand
