
function New-RssItem
        Creates a new RSS Feed Item
        Creates a new RSS Feed Item. When use with Out-Feed, can easily publish any information as RSS
        New-RssItem -Title 'My Post' -Description 'Things I Learning While Writing Pipeworks' -Author $env:UserName -Link '.' -Category Stuff, OtherStuff

    # The post title
    # The post description
    [Alias('ArticleBody', 'Html')]
    # The post link
    # The author of the post
    # Then the post was published
    [DateTime]$DatePublished = [DateTime]::UtcNow,
    # Categories for the post
    [Alias('Keyword', 'Keywords', 'Tags')]
    # If set, returns the RSS item as HTML with microdata
    begin {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
    process {
        #region Collect the Categories
        $category = $category -split "\|"
        $categoryChunk = foreach ($c in $category) {
            if (-not $c) { continue }

        #region Create the XML
        $rssXml = @"

        if (-not ($rssXml -as [xml])) {
        $rssXml = @"

        $rssXml = [xml]$rssXml
        } else {
            $rssXml = [xml]$rssXml
        #endregion Create the XML

        # If no rssXMl exists, an exception from converting the XML should have bubbled up, so return.
        if (-not $rssXml) { return } 
        if ($AsHtml) {
            $pageContent = $psBoundParameters
$cats = foreach ($cat in $pageContent.Category) {
    if (-not $cat) { continue } 
    $catLink = $cat.Replace("|", " ").Replace("/", "-").Replace("\","-").Replace(":","-").Replace("!", "-").Replace(";", "-").Replace(" ", "_").Replace("@","at").Replace(",", "_") + ".posts.html"
    " <a class='relatedTagButton' href='$catLink'>
        <span itemprop='keywords' font-size='x-small'>$cat</span>

    <h2 class='ui-widget-header'><a href='$($pageContent.Link)'>$($pageContent.Title)</a></h2>
    <meta itemprop='name' style='display:none' content='$([Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlAttributeEncode($pageContent.Title))' />
    <meta itemprop='url' style='display:none' content='$([Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlAttributeEncode($pageContent.Link))' />
    $(if ($cats) { 'More' + ($cats -join ' | ') })
    <p style='text-align:right'>
        <span itemprop='datePublished' style='font-size:small'/>$(([DateTime]$pageContent.DatePublished).ToLongDateString())</span><br/>
        <a href='$moduleRssName.xml'><img src='rss.png' border='0'/></a> | $(Write-Link 'facebook:share', 'twitter:tweet' -Horizontal )
        <meta itemprop='author' style='display:none' content='$([Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlAttributeEncode($pageContent.Author))' />
    <div itemprop='ArticleBody'>
    $(if ($pipeworksManifest.Blog.DisqusId) { Write-Link "disqus:$($pipeworksManifest.Blog.DisqusId)" })
        } else {
            #region Save it as balanced tags and chop off the xml declaration
            $strWrite = New-Object IO.StringWriter
            $prettyXml = "$strWrite"
            $prettyXml.Substring($prettyXml.IndexOf(">") + 3)        
            #endregion Save it as balanced tags and chop off the xml declaration