
function Use-BotSchematic
        Installs a bot onto the system
        Installs bots related to a module onto a system.
        The bot schematic's parameters are a table of command names and parameters (similar to the WebCommand section).
        Each key is the name of the command.
        The value can be a timespan describing the frequency the command will be run
            'Sync-Somthing' = '00:10:00'
        It can also be a table of parameters to be directly provided to Start-At, such as:
            'Start-CloudCommand' = @{
                UserTableName = 'MyUsers'
                TableName = 'MyUsers'
                Filter = "Pending eq 'True'"
                CheckEvery = "00:01:00"
                ClearProperty = 'Pending'
        Bots may also include one special value: As, which can include a pair of SecureSetting names
            As = MyUserNameSetting, MyPasswordSetting
        If no securesetting are found matching the value in As, a setting pair will be created an a credential will be requested.

    # Any parameters for the schematic
    # The pipeworks manifest, which is used to validate common parameters
    # The directory the schemtic is being deployed to
    # The directory the schematic is being deployed from
    # If provided, will output the schematic parameters, including optional parameters
    # If set, will output the schematic's optional parameters

    # If set, will output the schematic's optional parameters

    begin {        
        $requiredSchematicParameters = @{
        $optionalSchematicParameters = @{
            "BackgroundColor" = "The background color of the page"

    process {                             
        if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'GetSchematicParameters') {                                    
            if ($IncludeOptional) {
                $requiredSchematicParameters  + $optionalSchematicParameters
            } else {
        if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'GetAllSchematicParameters') {
            return $requiredSchematicParameters                        

        if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'GetSchematicHelp') {
            $helpObj = $myInvocation.MyCommand | Get-Help           

            if ($helpObj -isnot [string]) {


        $ParameterMinusAs = @{} + $Parameter        

        $asUserSetting = ""
        $asPasswordSetting = ""
        $asProvided = $false
        if ($Parameter.As -and $Parameter.As.Count -eq 2) {
            $asProvided  = $true
            $asUserSetting, $asPasswordSetting = $Parameter.AS

        } elseif ($Manifest.BotCredSetting) {
            $asProvided = $true

        # If a specific list of computers is used, check against that list
        if ($Manifest.BotNet) {
            $found = foreach ($b in $Manifest.BotNet) {
                if ($env:COMPUTERNAME -like "$b") {
            if (-not $found) { return @{}}
        $null = $ParameterMinusAs.Remove("As")

        # 3-25-2014 - Adding special keys blacklist and whitelist to the schematic parameter.
        # These ensure the bot will only be deployed when the computer name matches (or doesn't match) the criteria
        $botWhiteList = $Parameter.Whitelist
        $botBlackList = $Parameter.Blacklist 
        $null = $ParameterMinusAs.Remove("Whitelist")
        $null = $ParameterMinusAs.Remove("Blacklist")
        $asCred = $null
        if ($global:BotCred) {
            $asCred = $global:BotCred

        if ($botBlackList) {
            foreach ($bl in $botBlackList) {
                if ($env:COMPUTERNAME -like $bl) {
                    return @{}

        if ($botWhiteList) {
            $inWhiteList = foreach ($wl in $botWhiteList) {
                if ($env:COMPUTERNAME -like $wl) {
            if (-not $inWhiteList) { return @{} } 

        foreach ($kv in $parameterMinusAs.GetEnumerator()) {
            if (-not $asProvided) {
                $asUserSetting = $kv.Key + "_Username"
                $asPasswordSetting = $kv.Key + "_Password"

            if (-not $asCred) {
                if (-not $Manifest.BotCredSetting) {
                    $asUser = Get-secureSetting $asUserSetting -ValueOnly -Type String
                    $asPassword = Get-secureSetting $asPasswordSetting -ValueOnly -Type String    
                    if (-not ($asUser -and $asPassword)) {
                        $asCred = Get-SecureSetting -Name "BotCred" -ValueOnly | Select-Object -First 1 
                } else {
                    $asCred = Get-SecureSetting -Name $Manifest.BotCredSetting -ValueOnly | Select-Object -First 1 

            if ($manifest.IgnoreBotCredOn -and                 
                ($Manifest.IgnoreBotCredOn | ? {$env:COMPUTERNAME -like $_ })) {
                $asUser = $null
                $asPassword = $null

            if ($asUser -and $asPassword) {
                $asCred = New-Object Management.Automation.PSCredential $asUser, (
                    ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
            } else {
                if (-not $asCred) {
                    $asCred = Get-Credential -Message "Bot RunAs Credentials"

            if (-not $asCred) {

            if ((-not $asUser) -or (-not $asPassword)) {
# Add-SecureSetting -Name $asUserSetting -String $asCred.UserName
# Add-SecureSetting -Name $asPasswordSetting -String $asCred.GetNetworkCredential().Password

            $asCred = @($asCred) |Select-Object -First 1 

            $startAtParams = @{}
            $startAtScript = ""

            if ($realModule) {
                $moduleList = @($realModule.RequiredModules | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)  + $realModule.Name
                $startAtScript += "Import-Module '$($ModuleList -join "','")' -Global" 
            $startAtScript += "

            $startAtParams.ScriptBlock  = [ScriptBlock]::Create($startAtScript)
            if ($kv.Value -is [Hashtable]) {
                $startAtParams += $kv.Value
                $startAtParams["As"] = $asCred | Select-Object -First 1 
                if (-not $startAtParams.Name) {
                    $startAtParams.Name = $kv.Key

                if (-not $startAtParams.Folder) {
                    if ($realModule) {
                        $startAtParams.Folder = $realModule.Name
                    } else {
                        $startAtParams.Folder = "Bots"
                Start-At @startAtParams

            } elseif ($kv.Value -as [Timespan]) {
                $startAtParams["As"] = $asCred | Select-Object -First 1 
                if ($realModule) {
                    $startAtParams.Folder = $realModule.Name
                } else {
                    $startAtParams.Folder = "Bots"

                $frequency = $kv.Value -as [Timespan]
                $startAtParams.Name = $kv.Key + "_Now"
                Start-At @startAtParams -RepeatEvery $frequency -Now
                $startAtParams.Name = $kv.Key + "_Boot"
                Start-At @startAtParams -RepeatEvery $frequency -Boot 

