
function Write-Ajax
        Writes AJAX
        Writes AJAX. This will execute the URL and replace the contents of
        the HTML element with the ID $updateId with the contents of the returned document

    # The URL that will return updated contents
    # The method to use for the request
    [ValidateSet("GET", "POST")]
    [string]$Method = "GET",
    # The ID to automatically update
    # One or more input query values.
    # The InputIDs the provide the query values.
    # The name of the generated function. If this is not provided, it will be set automatically from the URL
    # Any post data
    # The Property to update on the update element
    [string]$UpdateProperty = "innerHTML",
    # If set, will output the ajax chunk in a <script> tag </script>
    # If set, will escape the output content.
    # If generating web pages with Write-Ajax to display to the user, instead of run in the browser, use -Escape
    # Runs one or more javascript functions when an ajax call completes, but before the property is set
    # Runs one or more javascript functions when an ajax call is made
    # Runs one or more javascript functions when before an ajax call is made
    # Runs one or more javascript functions when an ajax call completes and has set a property
    process {
        #region If no name is provided, generate one
        if (-not $psBoundParameters.Name) {
            $UrlFunctionName = $url.ToString()
            if ($urlFunctionName.Contains("?")) {
                $UrlFunctionName = $UrlFunctionName.Substring(0 ,$urlFunctionName.IndexOf("?")) 
            $UrlFunctionName = $UrlFunctionName.Replace("/","_slash_").Replace("\","_backslash_").Replace(":", "_colon_").Replace(".", "_dot_").Replace("-","_")            
            $name = $UrlFunctionName
        #endregion If no name is provided, generate one
        #region Determine the query data based off of the related controls
        $updateQueryData = ""
        if ($inputQuery) {
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $InputQuery.Count; $i++) {
                if (@($inputId)[$i]) {
                    $updateQueryData += "
    var element = document.getElementById('$($inputId[$i])')
    if (element != null && element.value.length != 0)
        if (queryData.length > 0) {
            queryData = queryData + '&$($inputQuery[$i])=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('$($inputId[$i])').value);
        } else {
            queryData = '$($inputQuery[$i])=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('$($inputId[$i])').value);
        #endregion Determine the query data based off of the related controls
        if ($updateQueryData) {   
            Write-Verbose $updateQueryData

        $xmlHttpVar = "xmlHttp${$Name}"
        if (-not $psBoundParameters.Name) {
            $Name = "update${UpdateId}From_${Name}"
        #region Code Generate the Ajax
$ajaxFunction = @"
function ${name}() {
    var $xmlHttpVar;
    var url = "$url";
    var queryData = "$postData";
    var method = '$($method.ToUpper())';
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
        // code for IE7+, FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
        $xmlHttpVar = new XMLHttpRequest();
    } else
        // code for IE5, IE6
       $xmlHttpVar = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    element = document.getElementById("$UpdateId");
    if (element.nodeName == 'IFRAME') {
        element.src = url
    $xmlHttpVar.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (${xmlHttpVar}.readyState == 4) {
            if (${xmlHttpVar}.status == 200) {
                responseData = $xmlHttpVar.responseText;
                $(if ($escape) { 'responseData = escape(responseData)'})
                $(if ($WhenResultReceived) { $WhenResultReceived -join (';' + [Environment]::NewLine) + (' ' * 12) })
                document.getElementById("$UpdateId").${UpdateProperty}= responseData;
                $(if ($thenRun) { $thenRun -join (';' + [Environment]::NewLine) + (' ' * 12) })
            } else {
                document.getElementById("$UpdateId").${UpdateProperty}= $xmlHttpVar.Status;
        } else {
            if (${xmlHttpVar}.readyState != 1) {
                document.getElementById("$UpdateId").${UpdateProperty}= $xmlHttpVar.readyState;
            } else {
                $(if ($WhenRequestMade) { $WhenRequestMade -join (';' + [Environment]::NewLine) + (' ' * 12) })
    $(if ($BeforeRequestMade) { $BeforeRequestMade -join (';' + [Environment]::NewLine) + (' ' * 12) })
    if (method == 'POST') {
        $xmlHttpVar.open(method, url, true);
        $xmlHttpVar.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
        $xmlHttpVar.setRequestHeader("Content-length", queryData.length);
        $xmlHttpVar.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
    } else {
        var fullUrl;
        if (url.indexOf('?') != -1) {
            fullUrl = url + '&' + queryData;
        } else {
            fullUrl = url + '?' + queryData;
        $xmlHttpVar.open(method, fullUrl, true);
        #endregion Code Generate the Ajax
        if ($IncludeScriptTag) {
<script type='text/javascript'>

        } else {