
[Markdown](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) is a way to write web pages without HTML.
PowerShell Pipeworks provides the [ConvertFrom-Markdown](/ConvertFrom-Markdown) function to turn markdown into HTML, and uses Markdown in many places within Pipeworks.
It's much easier to show Markdown than tell you about it, so let's start off with an example of ConvertFrom-Markdown:
ConvertFrom-Markdown @'
# Hello World
- - -
If you start a line with a # , it will show up as a H1 tag.
If you start a line with two #s, then it will show up as an H2 tag.
And so on until H6.
ConvertFrom-Markdown @'
# V
## WV
### GSBE
#### NOIHW
##### JHERLC
A pair of newlines will be treated like an HTML line break.
ConvertFrom-Markdown @'
Surrounding text with a * will italicize it.
Surrounding text with a pair of ** will bold it.
ConvertFrom-Markdown @'
You can create links in Markdown by surrounding the link text in brackets and following the link text with paranthesis containing the URL.
ConvertFrom-Markdown @'
[PowerShell Pipeworks](http://powershellpipeworks.com) is pretty powerful.
You can embed images by putting a ! before a link.
ConvertFrom-Markdown @'
! [PowerShell Pipeworks](http://powershellpipeworks.com/Assets/PowerShellPipeworks_Splash.png)
You can make bullet point list in Pipeworks by starting lines with *
* This Can Help Make Important Points
* Like listing the many ways Markdown is pervasively used in Pipeworks
ConvertFrom-Markdown @'
Markdown is used pervasively in [PowerShell Pipeworks](http://powershellpipeworks.com).
* About topics (.help.txt) are automatically converted into Markdown
* Walkthru files (.walkthru.help.text) can use markdown to in the demo text.
* Functions may use markdown to spruce up the help in their parameters.
Markdown can also make numbered lists, like this step-by-step list of instructions for getting started with Pipeworks.
ConvertFrom-Markdown @'
1. Download [PowerShell Pipeworks](http://powershellpipeworks.com)
2. Unzip and run install.bat
3. Enable IIS and ASP.NET
4. Install the [URLRewrite](http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/url-rewrite) extension for IIS
5. Open PowerShell as an administrator.
6. If you haven't yet changed your execution policy, do so: Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force
7. Run Import-Module Pipeworks -Force -Passthru | ConvertTo-ModuleService -Force