
# New-Region makes it simple to create sites that use JQueryUI to add a little extra kick.
# New-Region takes a simple table in PowerShell containing a layer name and content.
# By using several different switches, you can customize how this is laid out in JQueryUI.
New-Region -LayerId SimpleTabs -Layer @{
    "-AsTab"= "If you use -AsTab, the Region will be created as a tab"
    "Makes Tabs Easy" = "Did you know you can add hashtables together in PowerShell? This can make really cool layout really simple."
    "Tabs Will Be Alphabetized" = "By Default, the Layers will be alphabetized"
    "Unless You Say So" = "But you can specify your own layer order with -Order"
} -AsTab
# -AsAccordian will create a JQueryUI accordian instead
New-Region -LayerId SimpleAccordian -Layer @{
    "-AsAccordian"= "If you use -AsAccordian, the Region will be created as an accordian"
    "Makes Accordians Easy" = "Did you know you can add hashtables together in PowerShell? This can make really cool layout really simple."
    "Tabs Will Be Alphabetized" = "By Default, the Layers will be alphabetized"
    "Unless You Say So" = "But you can specify your own layer order with -Order"
} -AsAccordian
# -AsPopup will create Popups.
New-Region -LayerId SimplePopup -Layer @{
    "-AsPopup"= "If you use -AsPopup, the Region will be created as a popup.<br/>
Please, remember that most users really hate popups, but, in case you need it, here it is."
} -AsPopup
# -AsPopout might be a better alternative. It pops the content out directly below a wide button.
New-Region -LayerId SimplePopout -Layer @{
    "-AsPopout"= "If you use -AsPopout, then a wide button will toggle if the region is displayed."
} -AsPopout
# -AsPopdown will create a small button that pops out content directly below.
# If multiple items are expanded, they will be stacked.
New-Region -LayerId SimplePopdown -Layer @{
    "-AsPopdown"= "If you use -AsPopdown, then a button will toggle if the region is displayed, and all displayed regions will be stacked"
    "A Second Region"= "Here's a second region, so you can see how multiple popdowns expand"
} -AsPopdown
# -AsWidget will create a widget with a simple header.
New-Region -LayerId SimpleWidget -Layer @{
    "-AsWidget"= "Makes simple JQueryUI Widgets."
} -AsWidget
# You can also make a region resizable
New-Region -LayerId SimpleResizable -Style @{
} -layer @{
    "-AsResizable"= "-AsResizable makes resizable items."
} -asresizable
# By using the -Content parameter, the layer can avoid having a header.
New-Region -LayerId SimpleResizableWithContent -Style @{
} -Content "-AsResizable does not need a layer name." -asresizable
# -AsDraggable will let you create drag and drop widgets
New-Region -LayerId SimpleResizableWithContent -Style @{
} -Layer @{"Drag Me"= "-AsDraggable lets you make draggable widgets"} -asdraggable
# You can combine -AsResizable and -AsDraggable for resizable, draggable widget
New-Region -LayerId SimpleResizableWithContent -Style @{
} -Layer @{"Drag Me and Resize Me"= "-AsDraggable and -AsResizable are not exclusive"} -asdraggable -asresizable