
PowerShell Pipeworks contains several functions to help you simplify interaction with SQL.
The core functions are:
* Add-SQLTable
* Get-SQLTable
* New-SQLDatabase
* Remove-SQL
* Select-SQL
* Update-SQL
The two important ones for you to remember are:
* Select-SQL, which runs SQL and unrolls each result
* Update-SQL, which takes a pipeline of objects and updates a SQL database
To show you how these work, let's create and update a simple table.
First, we need to create a new database. This example requires that you run it on a computer with SQL server
 # Create a random DB name
$dbName = "Db" + (Get-Random)
 # Create the database on the local computer
New-SQLDatabase -DatabaseName $dbName
 # Craft a connection string to the database
$connectionString = "Data Source=$env:ComputerName;Initial Catalog=$dbName;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
Now we need to create some input for our table. We'll do this by creating a pair of random input objects, and then piping them into Update-SQL. If you provide -Force to Update-SQL, it will create the table and modify it to fit your input object.
 # Create the list of input objects
$inputObjs = @()
 # Add a couple of items to the list
$inputObjs += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    "a" = Get-Random
    "B" = Get-Random
$inputObjs += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    "a" = Get-Random
    "B" = Get-Random
$inputObjs |
    Update-Sql -TableName "TestTable" -Force -connectionStringOrSetting $connectionString
Now let's query the table to check that the items were inserted. Since we've already supplied a connection string, we don't need to do it again
Select-SQL -FromTable TestTable
Great! Now let's query again, and this time let's modify the values for B
Select-SQL -FromTable TestTable |
    Add-Member NoteProperty B (Get-Random) -Force -PassThru |
    Update-Sql -TableName "TestTable"
And let's check our table:
Select-SQL -FromTable TestTable
Now this time, let's modify only the first item's value for B
Select-SQL -FromTable TestTable -Top 1 |
    Add-Member NoteProperty B (Get-Random) -Force -PassThru |
    Update-Sql -TableName "TestTable"
Let's take one last look:
Select-SQL -FromTable TestTable
It's great that Pipeworks simplifies SQL, but it also gives you easy access to full SQL. Select-SQL has an alias, "sql", and it's first positional parameter is a raw SQL statement. This means you can write as complicated SQL as you'd like in PowerShell with very simple syntax like this:
SQL "SELECT COUNT(*) as Count FROM TestTable"
Let's remove our table to clean up:
Remove-SQL -TableName TestTable -ConnectionStringOrSetting $connectionString -Confirm:$false