
PowerShell Pipeworks is a framework for writing Sites and Software Services in Windows PowerShell modules.
Pipeworks provides powerful tools to write websites in PowerShell.
It helps you pipe together tons of tech to write smarter software as a service.
The easiest way to explore pipeworks to to visit the web site [http://powershellpipeworks.com/](http://powershellpipeworks.com), or to build yourself a local copy.
To do this, make sure you:
1. Download and Install PowerShell Pipeworks
2. Enable IIS and ASP.NET
3. Install the [IIS URL Rewrite](http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/url-rewrite) extension
4. Change your local PowerShell execution policy to Bypass (Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force)
Once you've done this, just open up PowerShell and run these three lines to create your local Pipeworks site and run it.
    Import-Module Pipeworks
    ConvertTo-ModuleService Pipeworks -AllowDownload -Force
    Start-Process http://localhost/pipeworks