
function Remove-Blob
        Removes blobs of cloud data
        Removes blobs of cloud data in Azure
        Remove-Blob -Container MyContainer -Name MyItem.txt
        Remove-Blob -Container MyContainer

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='RemoveContainer',ConfirmImpact='High', SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]    
    # The name of the container
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ParameterSetName='RemoveContainer')]

    # The name of the blob

    # The storage account

    # The storage key


    begin {
       $signMessage = {
    [string]$IfMatch  ="",
    [string]$Md5OrContentType = "",
    [string]$NowString = [DateTime]::now.ToString("R", [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture),
    [string]$method = "GET",

    $method = $method.ToUpper()
    $MessageSignature = 
    if ($IsTableStorage) {
            ( & $GetCanonicalizedResource $Url $StorageAccount)))

    } else {
        if ($md5OrCOntentType) {
            [String]::Format("{0}`n`n`n{1}`n`n{5}`n`n`n{2}`n`n`n`n{3}{4}", @(
                $(if ($method -eq "GET" -or $method -eq "HEAD") {[String]::Empty} else { $ContentLength }),
                "$(& $GetCanonicalizedHeader $Header)",
                "$( & $GetCanonicalizedResource $Url $StorageAccount)",
        } else {
            [String]::Format("{0}`n`n`n{1}`n{5}`n`n`n`n{2}`n`n`n`n{3}{4}", @(
                $(if ($method -eq "GET" -or $method -eq "HEAD") {[String]::Empty} else { $ContentLength }),
                "$(& $GetCanonicalizedHeader $Header)",
                "$( & $GetCanonicalizedResource $Url $StorageAccount)",

    $SignatureBytes = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($MessageSignature)

    [byte[]]$b64Arr = [Convert]::FromBase64String($StorageKey)
    $SHA256 = new-object Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 
    $sha256.Key = $b64Arr
    $AuthorizationHeader = "SharedKey " + $StorageAccount + ":" + [Convert]::ToBase64String($SHA256.ComputeHash($SignatureBytes))

$GetCanonicalizedHeader = {

    $headerNameList = new-OBject  Collections.ArrayList;
    $sb = new-object Text.StringBuilder;
    foreach ($headerName in $Header.Keys) {
        if ($headerName.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("x-ms-", [StringComparison]::Ordinal)) {
                $null = $headerNameList.Add($headerName.ToLowerInvariant());
    $null = $headerNameList.Sort();
    [Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection]$headers =NEw-OBject Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection    
    foreach ($h in $header.Keys) {
        $null = $headers.Add($h, $header[$h])

    foreach ($headerName in $headerNameList)
        $builder = new-Object Text.StringBuilder $headerName
        $separator = ":";
        foreach ($headerValue in (& $GetHeaderValues $headers $headerName))
            $trimmedValue = $headerValue.Replace("`r`n", [String]::Empty)
            $null =  $builder.Append($separator)
            $null = $builder.Append($trimmedValue)
            $separator = ","
        $null = $sb.Append($builder.ToString())
        $null = $sb.Append("`n")
    return $sb.ToString()    

$GetHeaderValues  = {
    param([Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection]$headers, $headerName)
    $list = new-OBject  Collections.ArrayList
    $values = $headers.GetValues($headerName)
    if ($values -ne $null)
        foreach ($str in $values) {
            $null = $list.Add($str.TrimStart($null))
    return $list;

$GetCanonicalizedResource = {
    param([uri]$address, [string]$accountName)

    $str = New-object Text.StringBuilder
    $builder = New-object Text.StringBuilder "/" 
    $null = $builder.Append($accountName)
    $null = $builder.Append($address.AbsolutePath)
    $null = $str.Append($builder.ToString())
    $values2 = New-Object Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection
    if (!$IsTableStorage) {
        $values = [Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($address.Query)
        foreach ($str2 in $values.Keys) {
            $list = New-Object Collections.ArrayList 
            foreach ($v in $values.GetValues($str2)) {
                $null = $list.add($v)
            $null = $list.Sort();
            $builder2 = New-Object Text.StringBuilder
            foreach ($obj2 in $list)
                if ($builder2.Length -gt 0)
                    $null = $builder2.Append(",");
                $null = $builder2.Append($obj2.ToString());
            $valueName = if ($str2 -eq $null) {
            } else {
            $values2.Add($valueName , $builder2.ToString())
    $list2 = New-Object Collections.ArrayList 
    foreach ($k in $values2.AllKeys) {
        $null = $list2.Add($k)
    $null = $list2.Sort()
    foreach ($str3 in $list2)
        $builder3 = New-Object Text.StringBuilder([string]::Empty);
        $null = $builder3.Append($str3);
        $null = $builder3.Append(":");
        $null = $builder3.Append($values2[$str3]);
        $null = $str.Append("`n");
        $null = $str.Append($builder3.ToString());
    return $str.ToString();



    process {
        $in = $_
        if ($in.Name) {
            $name = $in.Name

        #region check for and cache the storage account
        if (-not $StorageAccount) {
            $storageAccount = $script:CachedStorageAccount

        if (-not $StorageKey) {
            $StorageKey = $script:CachedStorageKey

        if (-not $StorageAccount) {
            Write-Error "No storage account provided"

        if (-not $StorageKey) {
            Write-Error "No storage key provided"

        $script:CachedStorageAccount = $StorageAccount
        $script:CachedStorageKey = $StorageKey
        #endregion check for and cache the storage account

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'RemoveContainer' -and -not $in.Name) {
            $method = 'DELETE'
            $Container = "$Container".ToLower()
            $uri = "http://$${Container}?restype=container"
            $header = @{
                "x-ms-date" = $nowString 
                "x-ms-version" = "2011-08-18"
                "DataServiceVersion" = "2.0;NetFx"
                "MaxDataServiceVersion" = "2.0;NetFx"

            $header."x-ms-date" = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("R", [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
            $nowString = $header.'x-ms-date'
            $header.authorization = . $signMessage -header $Header -url $Uri -nowstring $nowString -storageaccount $StorageAccount -storagekey $StorageKey -contentLength 0 -method DELETE
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("/$Container")) {
                $containerBlobList = Get-Web -UseWebRequest -Header $header -Url $Uri -Method $method -HideProgress
        } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'RemoveBlob' -or $in.Name) {
            $method = 'DELETE'
            $uri = "http://$$Container/$Name"
            $header = @{
                "x-ms-date" = $nowString 
                "x-ms-version" = "2011-08-18"
                "DataServiceVersion" = "2.0;NetFx"
                "MaxDataServiceVersion" = "2.0;NetFx"

            $header."x-ms-date" = [DateTime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("R", [Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
            $nowString = $header.'x-ms-date'
            $header.authorization = . $signMessage -header $Header -url $Uri -nowstring $nowString -storageaccount $StorageAccount -storagekey $StorageKey -contentLength 0 -method DELETE
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("/$Container/$Name")) {
                $containerBlobList = Get-Web -UseWebRequest -Header $header -Url $Uri -Method $method -HideProgress

    end {
        foreach ($inputInfo in $inputData) {
            if ($inputInfo.Name) {
                $Name = $inputInfo.Name

            if ($inputInfo.Container) {
                $Container = $inputInfo.Container

            $InputObject = $inputInfo.InputObject
            $containerBlobList = $null

