
function Watch-P1WebModel {
    Watch the model versions on PlannerOne web.
    Display for each session in PlannerOne Web application the model versions.
    .Parameter Tenant
    The tenant to use to retrieve connection informations.
    .Parameter HostName
    The hostname to query (default localhost)
    .Parameter ServicePort
    The hostname port of PlannerOne web Service (default 80)
    .Parameter WebAppName
    The web application name of PlannerOne (default PlannerOne)
    Watch-P1WebModel -ServicePort 8073

        [string] $Tenant,
        [string] $HostName,
        [int] $ServicePort,
        [string] $WebAppName
        if ($Tenant -ne "") {
            $info = Get-TenantInfo $Tenant
            if ($info -eq $null) {
                Write-Warning "No information registered for tenant $Tenant"

            $HostName = $info.WebHost
            $ServicePort = $info.SitePort
            $WebAppName = $info.WebApplicationName
        } else {
            $Tenant = "NA"

        if ($HostName -eq "") {
            $HostName = "localhost"

        if ($ServicePort -eq 0) {
            $ServicePort = 80

        if ($WebAppName -eq "") {
            $WebAppName = "PlannerOne"

        $url = 'http://' + $HostName + ':' + $ServicePort + '/' + $WebAppName + '/Api/CacheInfo.svc/versions'
        $serviceUrl = FixUrl $url
        $auto = $true
        $clean = $true
        $continue = $true
            echo "Tenant: $Tenant - Host: $HostName - Port: $ServicePort - WebApp: $WebAppName"
            $lastRefresh = Get-Date
            echo "$lastRefresh - Version format: Planning | Static | Dynamic"
            $stateJson = (wget $serviceUrl -UseDefaultCredentials).Content
            $state = $stateJson | ConvertFrom-Json
            Write-Verbose "state: $state"
            if ($state -ne $null) {
                $web = "WebApplication: " + $state.Name
                 # echo $web
                foreach ($session in $state.Sessions) {
                    if ($clean -eq $false -or $session.Environments -ne $null) {
                        $sess = "Session: " + $session.Id
                        echo $sess
                        foreach ($env in $session.Environments) {
                            $environment = "|_Environment: " + $env.Key
                            echo $environment
                            $vw = Get-PlanningVersionWeb $env.Working
                            echo "| |_Working:`t$vw"
                            $vp = Get-PlanningVersionWeb $env.Published
                            echo "| |_Published:`t$vp"
                            foreach ($tab in $env.Tabs) {
                                $t = $tab.Key
                                $v = "View: " + $tab.Version.View + " | Last: " + $tab.Version.Last
                                echo "| |_$t : $v"

                            echo "|"

                        echo ""

            echo "ESCAPE: Quit | R: Refresh | A: Auto-Refresh (5s): $auto | C: Clean empty sessions: $clean"
            $counter = 0
            if ($auto) {
                while(![console]::KeyAvailable -and ($counter++ -lt 10))
                    [Threading.Thread]::Sleep( 500 )

            if ([console]::KeyAvailable -or !$auto)
               $x = [System.Console]::ReadKey()

               switch ($x.key)
                   Escape { $continue = $false }
                   R { }
                   A { $auto = !$auto }
                   C { $clean = !$clean }

        Write-Output "Watch end"
        # Write-Host must be call for ReadKey to not corrupt the console