
function Switch-P1DEVTenant {
    Switch to another DEV branch an existing PlannerOne tenant (service + web app).
    Switch an existing PlannerOne tenant to another branch.
    Warning: PlannerOne service will be restarted during the process.
    .Parameter Tenant
    The tenant name.
    .Parameter DevType
    The type of the tenant could be ApAdapter, NavAdapter or PlanningManagement.
    .Parameter Branch
    The branch to switch to (trunk if empty).
    # Switch a PlannerOne tenant named DEVPM to branch PO-1234.
    Switch-P1DEVTenant -Tenant DEVPM -Branch PO-1234

    [string] $Tenant, 
    [string] $DevType, 
    [string] $Branch
        Write-Output "Preparing to switch tenant $Tenant ..."
        if ($Branch) {
            $webBinPath = "C:\dotnet\projects\PlannerOne\branches\$Branch\PlannerOneWebASP\PlannerOneWebASP"
            $srvBinPath = "C:\dotnet\projects\PlannerOne\branches\$Branch\$DevType\bin\Debug"
        } else { 
            $webBinPath = "C:\dotnet\projects\PlannerOne\trunk\PlannerOneWebASP\PlannerOneWebASP"
            $srvBinPath = "C:\dotnet\projects\PlannerOne\trunk\$DevType\bin\Debug"

        Write-Output ">> webBinPath: $webBinPath"
        Write-Output ">> srvBinPath: $srvBinPath"
        $TenantInfo = Get-P1Tenant $Tenant
        $serverPath = $TenantInfo.Path
        $siteName = (Find-WebSite $TenantInfo.SitePort).Name
        $webApp = Get-P1WebApplication $Tenant
        $webAppPath = $webApp.PhysicalPath

        Write-Output " "        
        Write-Output ">> current webAppPath: $webAppPath"
        Write-Output ">> current serverPath: $serverPath"
        $webAppName = $TenantInfo.WebApplicationName
        $poolName = $webApp.applicationPool
        $StorePath = Get-LocalStorePathFromTenant $Tenant

        $LinksStorePath = $StorePath + 'Bin'
        if (!(Test-Path $LinksStorePath) ) {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $LinksStorePath

        Write-Output "Stopping web application $poolName"
        Stop-WebAppPool "$poolName"
        Write-Output "Switching server..."
        if (Test-Symlink($serverPath)) {
            Remove-Symlink $serverPath
        # $srvLinkPath = $LinksStorePath + "\AppServer"
        # $TenantInfo.Path = $srvLinkPath
        # New-Symlink $srvLinkPath "$srvBinPath"
        $TenantInfo.Path = $srvBinPath
        Write-TenantInfo $Tenant $TenantInfo 

        Write-Output "Switching web application..."
        if (Test-Symlink($webAppPath)) {
            Remove-Symlink $webAppPath

        # $webLinkPath = $LinksStorePath + "\WebServer"
        # New-Symlink $webLinkPath "$webBinPath" -Force
        Set-WebConfigurationProperty "system.applicationHost/sites/site[@name='$siteName']/application[@path='/$webAppName']/virtualDirectory[@path='/']" -name 'PhysicalPath' -value $webBinPath

        Restore-P1WebSecurity $Tenant
        Write-Output "Starting web application $poolName"
        Start-WebAppPool "$poolName"
        Write-OK "Tenant '$Tenant' switched"