
#Requires -Version 5.1

#region info
The following members are exported via the module's data file (.psd1)

#endregion info

#region discover module name
$ScriptPath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$ModuleName = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module
Write-Verbose -Message "Loading module $ModuleName"
#endregion discover module name

#Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
try {
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http -ErrorAction Stop
catch {

#region load module variables
Write-Verbose -Message "Creating modules variables"
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssigments', '')]
$DynDnsSession = [ordered]@{
    ClientUrl           = 'https://api.dynect.net'
    User                = $null
    Customer            = $null
    ApiVersion          = $null
    AuthToken           = $null
    StartTime           = $null
    ElapsedTime         = $null
    RefreshTime         = $null

[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssigments', '')]
$DynDnsHistoryList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()
#endregion load module variables

#region Handle Module Removal
$OnRemoveScript = {
# Remove-Variable -Name DynDnsSession -Scope Script -Force
$ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.OnRemove += $OnRemoveScript
Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier ([System.Management.Automation.PsEngineEvent]::Exiting) -Action $OnRemoveScript
#endregion Handle Module Removal

#region dot source public and private function definition files, export publich functions
try {
    foreach ($Scope in 'Public','Private') {
        Get-ChildItem (Join-Path -Path $ScriptPath -ChildPath $Scope) -Filter *.ps1 | ForEach-Object {
            . $_.FullName
            if ($Scope -eq 'Public') {
                Export-ModuleMember -Function $_.BaseName -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
    Write-Error ("{0}: {1}" -f $_.BaseName,$_.Exception.Message)
    exit 1
#endregion dot source public and private function definition files, export publich functions

#region PSEdition detection
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core') {
    Set-Alias -Name 'Invoke-DynDnsRequest' -Value 'Invoke-DynDnsRequestCore'
} else {
    Set-Alias -Name 'Invoke-DynDnsRequest' -Value 'Invoke-DynDnsRequestDesktop'
#endregion PSEdition detection

#region classes
class DynDnsRawData {
    hidden [PSCustomObject]$RawData

class DynDnsRecord : DynDnsRawData {
    hidden [string]$RecordId

    DynDnsRecord () {}
    DynDnsRecord ([PSCustomObject]$DnsRecord) {
        $this.Zone = $DnsRecord.zone
        $this.Name = $DnsRecord.fqdn
        $this.Type = $DnsRecord.record_type
        $this.TTL = $DnsRecord.ttl
        $this.RecordId = $DnsRecord.record_id
        $this.RawData = $DnsRecord

class DynDnsRecord_A : DynDnsRecord {

    DynDnsRecord_A () {  }
    DynDnsRecord_A ([PSCustomObject]$DnsRecord) {
        $this.Zone = $DnsRecord.zone
        $this.Name = $DnsRecord.fqdn
        $this.Type = $DnsRecord.record_type
        $this.TTL = $DnsRecord.ttl
        $this.Address = $DnsRecord.rdata.address
        $this.RecordId = $DnsRecord.record_id
        $this.RawData = $DnsRecord

class DynDnsRecord_TXT : DynDnsRecord {

    DynDnsRecord_TXT () {  }
    DynDnsRecord_TXT ([PSCustomObject]$DnsRecord) {
        $this.Zone = $DnsRecord.zone
        $this.Name = $DnsRecord.fqdn
        $this.Type = $DnsRecord.record_type
        $this.Strings = $DnsRecord.rdata.txtdata
        $this.TTL = $DnsRecord.ttl
        $this.RecordId = $DnsRecord.record_id
        $this.RawData = $DnsRecord

class DynDnsRecord_CNAME : DynDnsRecord {

    DynDnsRecord_CNAME () {  }
    DynDnsRecord_CNAME ([PSCustomObject]$DnsRecord) {
        $this.Zone = $DnsRecord.zone
        $this.Name = $DnsRecord.fqdn
        $this.Type = $DnsRecord.record_type
        $this.NameHost = $DnsRecord.rdata.cname
        $this.TTL = $DnsRecord.ttl
        $this.RecordId = $DnsRecord.record_id
        $this.RawData = $DnsRecord

class DynDnsRecord_MX : DynDnsRecord {

    DynDnsRecord_MX () {  }
    DynDnsRecord_MX ([PSCustomObject]$DnsRecord) {
        $this.Zone = $DnsRecord.zone
        $this.Name = $DnsRecord.fqdn
        $this.Type = $DnsRecord.record_type
        $this.Exchange = $DnsRecord.rdata.exchange
        $this.Preference = $DnsRecord.rdata.preference
        $this.TTL = $DnsRecord.ttl
        $this.RecordId = $DnsRecord.record_id
        $this.RawData = $DnsRecord

class DynDnsRecord_SRV : DynDnsRecord {

    DynDnsRecord_SRV () {  }
    DynDnsRecord_SRV ([PSCustomObject]$DnsRecord) {
        $this.Zone = $DnsRecord.zone
        $this.Name = $DnsRecord.fqdn
        $this.Type = $DnsRecord.record_type
        $this.Target = $DnsRecord.rdata.target
        $this.Port = $DnsRecord.rdata.port
        $this.Priority = $DnsRecord.rdata.priority
        $this.Weight = $DnsRecord.rdata.weight
        $this.TTL = $DnsRecord.ttl
        $this.RecordId = $DnsRecord.record_id
        $this.RawData = $DnsRecord

class DynDnsRecord_PTR : DynDnsRecord {

    DynDnsRecord_PTR () {  }
    DynDnsRecord_PTR ([PSCustomObject]$DnsRecord) {
        $this.Zone = $DnsRecord.zone
        $this.Name = $DnsRecord.fqdn
        $this.Type = $DnsRecord.record_type
        $this.NameHost = $DnsRecord.rdata.ptrdname
        $this.TTL = $DnsRecord.ttl
        $this.RecordId = $DnsRecord.record_id
        $this.RawData = $DnsRecord

class DynDnsRecord_NS : DynDnsRecord {

    DynDnsRecord_NS () {  }
    DynDnsRecord_NS ([PSCustomObject]$DnsRecord) {
        $this.Zone = $DnsRecord.zone
        $this.Name = $DnsRecord.fqdn
        $this.Type = $DnsRecord.record_type
        $this.NameHost = $DnsRecord.rdata.nsdname
        $this.Authoritative = $DnsRecord.service_class
        $this.TTL = $DnsRecord.ttl
        $this.RecordId = $DnsRecord.record_id
        $this.RawData = $DnsRecord

class DynDnsRecord_SOA : DynDnsRecord {

    DynDnsRecord_SOA () {  }
    DynDnsRecord_SOA ([PSCustomObject]$DnsRecord) {
        $this.Zone = $DnsRecord.zone
        $this.Name = $DnsRecord.fqdn
        $this.Type = $DnsRecord.record_type
        $this.Administrator = $DnsRecord.rdata.rname
        $this.SerialNumber = $DnsRecord.rdata.serial
        $this.PrimaryServer = $DnsRecord.rdata.mname
        $this.TimeToExpiration = $DnsRecord.rdata.expire
        $this.TimeToZoneFailureRetry = $DnsRecord.rdata.retry
        $this.TimeToZoneRefresh = $DnsRecord.rdata.refresh
        $this.DefaultTTL = $DnsRecord.rdata.minimum
        $this.TTL = $DnsRecord.ttl
        $this.RawData = $DnsRecord

class DynDnsHistory {

    DynDnsHistory () {}
    DynDnsHistory ([PsCustomObject]$DynDnsHistory) {
        $this.Timestamp = [System.DateTime]::Now
        $this.Command = $DynDnsHistory.Command
        $this.Status = $DynDnsHistory.Status
        $this.JobId = $DynDnsHistory.JobId
        $this.Method = $DynDnsHistory.Method
        $this.Body = $DynDnsHistory.Body
        $this.Uri = $DynDnsHistory.Uri
        $this.StatusCode = $DynDnsHistory.StatusCode
        $this.StatusDescription = $DynDnsHistory.StatusDescription
        $this.ElapsedTime = $DynDnsHistory.ElapsedTime
        $this.Arguments = $DynDnsHistory.Arguments

class DynDnsTask : DynDnsRawData {

    DynDnsTask () {  }
    DynDnsTask ([PSCustomObject]$DynTask) {
        [datetime]$origin = '1970-01-01 00:00:00'

        $this.TaskId = $DynTask.task_id
        $this.Created = $origin.AddSeconds($DynTask.created_ts).ToLocalTime()
        $this.Modified = $origin.AddSeconds($DynTask.modified_ts).ToLocalTime()
        $this.CustomerName = $DynTask.customer_name
        $this.Zone = $DynTask.zone_name
        $this.TaskName = $DynTask.name
        $this.Status = $DynTask.status
        $this.Message = $DynTask.message
        $this.Blocking = $DynTask.blocking
        $this.Steps = $DynTask.total_steps
        $this.StepCount = $DynTask.step_count
        $this.Arugments = $DynTask.args
        $this.Debug = $DynTask.debug
        $this.RawData = $DynTask

class DynDnsZone : DynDnsRawData {

    DynDnsZone () {  }
    DynDnsZone ([PSCustomObject]$DynDnsZone) {
        $this.Zone = $DynDnsZone.zone
        $this.SerialNumber = $DynDnsZone.serial
        $this.SerialStyle = $DynDnsZone.serial_style
        $this.Type = $DynDnsZone.zone_type
        $this.RawData = $DynDnsZone

class DynDnsZoneNote : DynDnsRawData {

    DynDnsZoneNote () {  }
    DynDnsZoneNote ([PSCustomObject]$DynDnsZoneNote) {
        [datetime]$origin = '1970-01-01 00:00:00'

        $this.Zone = $DynDnsZoneNote.zone
        $this.Timestamp = $origin.AddSeconds($DynDnsZoneNote.timestamp).ToLocalTime()
        $this.Type = $DynDnsZoneNote.type
        $this.User = $DynDnsZoneNote.user_name
        $this.SerialNumber = $DynDnsZoneNote.serial
        $this.Note = $DynDnsZoneNote.note.trim()
        $this.RawData = $DynDnsZoneNote

class DynDnsZoneChanges : DynDnsRawData {

    DynDnsZoneChanges () {  }
    DynDnsZoneChanges ([PSCustomObject]$DynDnsZoneChanges) {
        $this.Zone = $DynDnsZoneChanges.zone
        $this.UserId = $DynDnsZoneChanges.user_id
        $this.Type = $DynDnsZoneChanges.rdata_type
        $this.Name = $DynDnsZoneChanges.fqdn
        $this.SerialNumber = $DynDnsZoneChanges.serial
        $this.TTL = $DynDnsZoneChanges.ttl
        $this.RecordData = $DynDnsZoneChanges.rdata
        $this.RawData = $DynDnsZoneChanges

class DynDnsHttpRedirect  : DynDnsRawData {

    DynDnsHttpRedirect () {  }
    DynDnsHttpRedirect ([PSCustomObject]$DynDnsHttpRedirect) {
        if ($DynDnsHttpRedirect.keep_uri -match 'Y') {
            $KeepUri = $true
        } else {
            $KeepUri = $false
        $this.Zone = $DynDnsHttpRedirect.zone
        $this.Name = $DynDnsHttpRedirect.fqdn
        $this.Url = $DynDnsHttpRedirect.url
        $this.ResponseCode = $DynDnsHttpRedirect.code
        $this.IncludeUri = $KeepUri
        $this.RawData = $DynDnsHttpRedirect

class DynDnsUser : DynDnsRawData {

    DynDnsUser () {}
    DynDnsUser ([PSCustomObject]$DynDnsUser) {
        $this.User = $DynDnsUser.user_name
        $this.Status = $DynDnsUser.status
        $this.CustomerName = $DynDnsUser.organization
        $this.Nickname = $DynDnsUser.nickname
        $this.FirstName = $DynDnsUser.first_name
        $this.LastName = $DynDnsUser.last_name
        $this.Email = $DynDnsUser.email
        $this.Phone = $DynDnsUser.phone
        $this.Groups = $DynDnsUser.group_name
        $this.RawData = $DynDnsUser

class DynDnsHttpResponse {

    DynDnsHttpResponse () {}
    DynDnsHttpResponse ([PsCustomObject]$DynDnsHttpResponse) {
        $this.Method = $DynDnsHttpResponse.Method
        $this.Body = $DynDnsHttpResponse.Body
        $this.Uri = $DynDnsHttpResponse.Uri
        $this.StatusCode = $DynDnsHttpResponse.StatusCode
        $this.StatusDescription = $DynDnsHttpResponse.StatusDescription

class DynDnsRestResponse {

    DynDnsRestResponse () {  }
    DynDnsRestResponse ([PSCustomObject]$DynDnsRestResponse) {
        $this.Response = $DynDnsRestResponse.Response
        $this.Data = $DynDnsRestResponse.Data
        $this.ElapsedTime = $DynDnsRestResponse.ElapsedTime
#endregion classes