PoShDynDnsApi SHORT DESCRIPTION PowerShell module used to interact with Dyn Managed DNS REST API. LONG DESCRIPTION This module interacts with the Dyn Managed DNS REST API. With it, you are able to add/update/remove DNS records or HTTP redirect services for your zones managed by Dyn. You can also add or remove your own DNS zone, view/publish/discard pending zone changes made within your session. You can view all zone publish notes. You can also list users within your managed service. SEE ALSO Add-DynDnsHttpRedirect Add-DynDnsRecord Add-DynDnsZone Connect-DynDnsSession Disconnect-DynDnsSession Get-DynDnsHistory Get-DynDnsHttpRedirect Get-DynDnsJob Get-DynDnsNodeList Get-DynDnsRecord Get-DynDnsSession Get-DynDnsTask Get-DynDnsUser Get-DynDnsZone Get-DynDnsZoneChanges Get-DynDnsZoneNotes Lock-DynDnsZone New-DynDnsRecord Publish-DynDnsZoneChanges Remove-DynDnsHttpRedirect Remove-DynDnsNode Remove-DynDnsRecord Remove-DynDnsZone Send-DynDnsSession Test-DynDnsSession Undo-DynDnsZoneChanges Unlock-DynDnsZone Update-DynDnsRecord https://help.dyn.com/understanding-works-api/ https://help.dyn.com/rest-resources/ |