
$script:LevelColors = @{INFO='White'; WARN='Yellow'; ERROR='Red'; DEBUG='Cyan'}
$script:IsDebug = $false

#region accessor functions
Set the text color write-host uses for a specific log level (i.e. INFO, WARN, ERROR, DEBUG)

The log level to set the color for
Valid options: "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "DEBUG"

The Color to use for the specified log level text
Valid options: "Black", "DarkBlue", "DarkGreen", "DarkCyan", "DarkRed", "DarkMagenta", "DarkYellow",
  "Gray", "DarkGray", "Blue", "Green", "Cyan", "Red", "Magenta", "Yellow", "White"
Set-LevelTextColor "INFO" "Green"

function Set-LevelTextColor {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
    [ValidateSet("INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "DEBUG")]
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
    [ValidateSet("Black", "DarkBlue", "DarkGreen", "DarkCyan", "DarkRed", "DarkMagenta", "DarkYellow", "Gray", "DarkGray", "Blue", "Green", "Cyan", "Red", "Magenta", "Yellow", "White")]
  $script:LevelColors.$Level = $Color
  Write-Host "Set $Level to $Color"

Gets the full log file path
$logFilePath = Get-LogFilePath

function Get-LogFilePath {
  if ($script:FilePath) {
    return $script:FilePath
  else {
    Write-Host "Log file has not yet been created" -ForegroundColor Red

#region private functions
function Get-LinePrefix {
  param (

  return "[$($dateTime.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))][$Level]"

function Write-Log {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$Message,

    $Message = "$(Get-LinePrefix -Level $Level) $Message"
    Add-Content -Path $script:FilePath -Value $Message
    Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor $script:LevelColors.$Level

function Confirm-LogDirectory {
  param (
  $pathParts = $path.Split("\")
  foreach ($part in $pathParts) {
    $workingPath += "$part\"
    if (-not (Test-Path $workingPath)) {
      $dir = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $workingPath
      Write-Verbose " Created: $($dir.FullName)"

function Get-LogFileName {
  param (

  $FileName = Split-Path $FileName -Leaf
  $Extension = $FileName.Split('.') | Select-Object -Last 1
  $BaseFileName = $FileName.Substring(0, $FileName.Length - $Extension.Length - 1)

  return "$BaseFileName-$(Get-Date -Format $DateFormat).$Extension"

function New-LogFile {
  param (

  if (-not(Test-Path $LogFilePath)) {
    $path = Split-Path $LogFilePath -Parent
    $file = Split-Path $LogFilePath -Leaf

    Confirm-LogDirectory $path
    if (-not $NoDateTime) {
      $file = Get-LogFileName $file $DateFormat
    $fullName = Join-Path $path $file
    $log = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $fullName
    return $log


#region public functions
Writes INFO level message to log file and write-host

The message to log

Write-LogI "Something waranting info happened!"

Default write-host in WHITE. Can be set using Set-LevelTextColor

function Write-LogI {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$Message
  Write-Log $Message "INFO"
  # Write-Information $Message

Writes WARN level message to log file and write-host

The message to log

Write-LogW "Something waranting WARN happened!"

Default write-host in YELLOW. Can be set using Set-LevelTextColor

function Write-LogW {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$Message
  Write-Log $Message "WARN"
  # Write-Warning $Message

Writes ERROR level message to log file and write-host

The message to log

Write-LogE "Something waranting ERROR happened!"

Default write-host in RED. Can be set using Set-LevelTextColor

function Write-LogE {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$Message
  Write-Log $Message "ERROR"
  # Write-Error $Message

Writes DEBUG level message to log file and write-host

The message to log

Write-LogD "Something waranting DEBUG happened!"

Default write-host in CYAN. Can be set using Set-LevelTextColor

function Write-LogD {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$Message
  if ($script:isDebug) {
    Write-Log $Message "DEBUG"
  Write-Debug $Message

Creates the log file. This includes creating any directories listed in the -LogPath that don't
exist and creates the log file name. File name creation includes getting the datetime to add
before the file extension.

The full path of where the log file will exist. If "C:\log\lumberjack.log" is passed, then the
"log" directory will be created. By default, the file name created in this example would result
in a file name "lumberjack-yyyyMMddHHmmss.log" where "yyyyMMddHHmmss" would be the datetime in
that format.

Default: "$env:TEMP\PoShLumberjack\log\Lumberjack.log"

A normal Write-logI entry with an added [NOTE] tag just in case you have something of note you
want to add. Might be good if you keep a rolling log.

Will show up like this:
[yyyyMMddHHmmss][INFO][NOTE] My important note about the thing this is doing

The format in which you want the date to appear in the file name

Default: "yyyyMMddHHmmss"
Example: "yyMMdd"
Doc: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-date-and-time-format-strings

By default, debug logging will not write to host or file. Pass the -IsDebug switch to get Write-LogD entries to show

If you don't want the log file name to be modified with the date, use the -NoDateTime switch

Start-Logger -LogPath $LogPath -LogNote $LogNote -DateFormat $DateFormat
Start-Logger -NoDateTime
Start-Logger -IsDebug

Write-LogD will only show up if you pass the -IsDebug Switch

function Start-Logging {
  param (


  Write-Verbose "Setting up log file..."
  if (-not (Test-Path $LogPath)) {
    Write-Verbose " Creating log file: $LogPath"
    $script:FilePath = (New-LogFile $LogPath $DateFormat $NoDateTime).FullName
    Write-Verbose " Created log file: $($script:FilePath)"
  $script:IsDebug = $IsDebug
  Write-Verbose " Log file setup complete"
  if ($LogNote) {
    Write-LogI "========================"
    Write-LogI "[NOTE] $LogNote"
    Write-LogI "========================"