
$rootPath = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -ChildPath ('..\..\..\') -Resolve
Remove-Module PoShMon -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Import-Module (Join-Path $rootPath -ChildPath "PoShMon.psd1")

class ContentSourceMock {
     ContentSourceMock ([string]$NewName, [string]$NewCrawlState) {
         $this.Name = $NewName;
         $this.CrawlState = $NewCrawlState;

class SearchComponentMock {
     SearchComponentMock ([string]$NewName, [string]$NewServerName) {
         $this.Name = $NewName;
         $this.ServerName = $NewServerName;

Describe "Resolve-HighCPUWhileSearchRunning" {

    It "Should not change output for non-Search activity" {

        Mock -CommandName Invoke-RemoteCommand -ModuleName PoShMon -Verifiable -MockWith {
            $contentSources = @(
                                [ContentSourceMock]::new("ContentSource1", "Idle")
            $componentTopology = @(
                                [SearchComponentMock]::new("IndexComponent1", "Svr123")
                                [SearchComponentMock]::new("QueryProcessingComponent1", "Svr123")
            return @{
                "ContentSources" = $contentSources;
                "ComponentTopology" = $componentTopology

        $poShMonConfiguration = New-PoShMonConfiguration {}

        $testMonitoringOutput = @(
                "SectionHeader" = "Server CPU Load Review"
                "OutputHeaders" =[ordered]@{ 'ServerName' = 'Server Name'; 'CPULoad' = 'CPU Load (%)' }
                "NoIssuesFound" = $false
                "ElapsedTime" = (Get-Date).Subtract((Get-Date).AddMinutes(-1))
                "OutputValues" = @(
                                        "ServerName" = "Svr123"
                                        "CPULoad" = 5
                                        "Highlight" = @()
                                        "ServerName" = "Svr456"
                                        "CPULoad" = 99
                                        "Highlight" = @("CPULoad")
                "SectionHeader" = "Another Test Test"
                "OutputHeaders" = @{ 'ComponentName' = 'Component'; 'State' = 'State' }
                "NoIssuesFound" = $true
                "ElapsedTime" = (Get-Date).Subtract((Get-Date).AddMinutes(-1))
                "OutputValues" = @(
                                        "Component" = 123
                                        "State" = "State 1"
                                        "Component" = 456
                                        "State" = "State 2"

        $actual = Resolve-HighCPUWhileSearchRunning $poShMonConfiguration $testMonitoringOutput

        $testMonitoringOutput.Count | Should Be 2
        $testMonitoringOutput[0].OutputValues[1].Highlight[0] | Should Be "CPULoad"

    It "Should not change output for Search Query activity" {

        Mock -CommandName Invoke-RemoteCommand -ModuleName PoShMon -Verifiable -MockWith {
            $contentSources = @(
                                [ContentSourceMock]::new("ContentSource1", "Idle")
            $componentTopology = @(
                                [SearchComponentMock]::new("IndexComponent1", "Svr123")
                                [SearchComponentMock]::new("QueryProcessingComponent1", "Svr456")
            return @{
                "ContentSources" = $contentSources;
                "ComponentTopology" = $componentTopology

        $poShMonConfiguration = New-PoShMonConfiguration {}

        $testMonitoringOutput = @(
                "SectionHeader" = "Server CPU Load Review"
                "OutputHeaders" =[ordered]@{ 'ServerName' = 'Server Name'; 'CPULoad' = 'CPU Load (%)' }
                "NoIssuesFound" = $false
                "ElapsedTime" = (Get-Date).Subtract((Get-Date).AddMinutes(-1))
                "OutputValues" = @(
                                        "ServerName" = "Svr123"
                                        "CPULoad" = 5
                                        "Highlight" = @()
                                        "ServerName" = "Svr456"
                                        "CPULoad" = 99
                                        "Highlight" = @("CPULoad")
                "SectionHeader" = "Another Test Test"
                "OutputHeaders" = @{ 'ComponentName' = 'Component'; 'State' = 'State' }
                "NoIssuesFound" = $true
                "ElapsedTime" = (Get-Date).Subtract((Get-Date).AddMinutes(-1))
                "OutputValues" = @(
                                        "Component" = 123
                                        "State" = "State 1"
                                        "Component" = 456
                                        "State" = "State 2"

        $actual = Resolve-HighCPUWhileSearchRunning $poShMonConfiguration $testMonitoringOutput

        $testMonitoringOutput.Count | Should Be 2
        $testMonitoringOutput[0].OutputValues[1].Highlight[0] | Should Be "CPULoad"

    It "Should change output for non-Query Search activity" {

        Mock -CommandName Invoke-RemoteCommand -ModuleName PoShMon -Verifiable -MockWith {
            $contentSources = @(
                                [ContentSourceMock]::new("ContentSource1", "Idle")
            $componentTopology = @(
                                [SearchComponentMock]::new("IndexComponent1", "Svr456")
                                [SearchComponentMock]::new("QueryProcessingComponent1", "Svr123")
            return @{
                "ContentSources" = $contentSources;
                "ComponentTopology" = $componentTopology

        $poShMonConfiguration = New-PoShMonConfiguration {}

        $testMonitoringOutput = @(
                "SectionHeader" = "Server CPU Load Review"
                "OutputHeaders" =[ordered]@{ 'ServerName' = 'Server Name'; 'CPULoad' = 'CPU Load (%)' }
                "NoIssuesFound" = $false
                "ElapsedTime" = (Get-Date).Subtract((Get-Date).AddMinutes(-1))
                "OutputValues" = @(
                                        "ServerName" = "Svr123"
                                        "CPULoad" = 5
                                        "Highlight" = @()
                                        "ServerName" = "Svr456"
                                        "CPULoad" = 99
                                        "Highlight" = @("CPULoad")
                "SectionHeader" = "Another Test Test"
                "OutputHeaders" = @{ 'ComponentName' = 'Component'; 'State' = 'State' }
                "NoIssuesFound" = $true
                "ElapsedTime" = (Get-Date).Subtract((Get-Date).AddMinutes(-1))
                "OutputValues" = @(
                                        "Component" = 123
                                        "State" = "State 1"
                                        "Component" = 456
                                        "State" = "State 2"

        $actual = Resolve-HighCPUWhileSearchRunning $poShMonConfiguration $testMonitoringOutput

        $testMonitoringOutput.Count | Should Be 2
        $testMonitoringOutput[0].OutputValues[1].Highlight.Count | Should Be 0
        $testMonitoringOutput[0].NoIssuesFound | Should Be $true