
$rootPath = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -ChildPath ('..\..\..\') -Resolve
Remove-Module PoShMon
Import-Module (Join-Path $rootPath -ChildPath "PoShMon.psd1") -Verbose

class CounterSampleMock {

    CounterSampleMock ([string]$NewPath, [double]$NewCookedValue) {
        $this.Path = $NewPath;
        $this.CookedValue = $NewCookedValue;

class CounterResultsMock {

    CounterResultsMock ([datetime]$NewTimestamp, [CounterSampleMock[]]$NewCounterSamples) {
        $this.Timestamp = $NewTimestamp;
        $this.CounterSamples = $NewCounterSamples;

Describe "Test-CPULoad" {
    It "Should throw an exception if no OperatingSystem configuration is set" {
        $poShMonConfiguration = New-PoShMonConfiguration { }

        { Test-CPULoad $poShMonConfiguration } | Should throw

    It "Should return a matching output structure" {
        Mock -CommandName Get-Counter -MockWith {
            $sample1 = [CounterSampleMock]::new("\\Server1\\processor(_total)\% processor time", 12.345)
            $sample2 = [CounterSampleMock]::new("\\Server1\\processor(_total)\% processor time", 56.789)
            $samples = @($sample1, $sample2)
            $timestamp = Get-Date
            return [CounterResultsMock]::new($timestamp, $samples)

        $poShMonConfiguration = New-PoShMonConfiguration {
                        General -ServerNames '.'

        $actual = Test-CPULoad $poShMonConfiguration

        $actual.Keys.Count | Should Be 5
        $actual.ContainsKey("NoIssuesFound") | Should Be $true
        $actual.ContainsKey("OutputHeaders") | Should Be $true
        $actual.ContainsKey("OutputValues") | Should Be $true
        $actual.ContainsKey("SectionHeader") | Should Be $true
        $actual.ContainsKey("ElapsedTime") | Should Be $true
        $headers = $actual.OutputHeaders
        $headers.Keys.Count | Should Be 2
        $values1 = $actual.OutputValues[0]
        $values1.Keys.Count | Should Be 3
        $values1.ContainsKey("ServerName") | Should Be $true
        $values1.ContainsKey("CPULoad") | Should Be $true
        $values1.ContainsKey("Highlight") | Should Be $true

    It "Should not warn on CPU below threshold" {

        Mock -CommandName Get-Counter -MockWith {
            $sample1 = [CounterSampleMock]::new("\\Server1\\processor(_total)\% processor time", 12.345)
            $sample2 = [CounterSampleMock]::new("\\Server1\\processor(_total)\% processor time", 56.789)
            $samples = @($sample1, $sample2)
            $timestamp = Get-Date
            return [CounterResultsMock]::new($timestamp, $samples)

        $poShMonConfiguration = New-PoShMonConfiguration {
                        General -ServerNames 'localhost'

        $actual = Test-CPULoad $poShMonConfiguration
        $actual.NoIssuesFound | Should Be $true

        $actual.OutputValues.GroupOutputValues.Highlight.Count | Should Be 0

    It "Should warn on CPU above threshold" {
        Mock -CommandName Get-Counter -MockWith {
            $sample1 = [CounterSampleMock]::new("\\Server1\\processor(_total)\% processor time", 12.345)
            $sample2 = [CounterSampleMock]::new("\\Server1\\processor(_total)\% processor time", 97.789)
            $samples = @($sample1, $sample2)
            $timestamp = Get-Date
            return [CounterResultsMock]::new($timestamp, $samples)

        $poShMonConfiguration = New-PoShMonConfiguration {
                        General -ServerNames 'localhost'

        $actual = Test-CPULoad $poShMonConfiguration
        $actual.NoIssuesFound | Should Be $false

        $actual.OutputValues.Highlight.Count | Should Be 1
        $actual.OutputValues.Highlight | Should Be 'CPULoad'
    It "Should use the configuration threshold properly" {
        Mock -CommandName Get-Counter -MockWith {
            $sample1 = [CounterSampleMock]::new("\\Server1\\processor(_total)\% processor time", 12.345)
            $sample2 = [CounterSampleMock]::new("\\Server1\\processor(_total)\% processor time", 57.789)
            $samples = @($sample1, $sample2)
            $timestamp = Get-Date
            return [CounterResultsMock]::new($timestamp, $samples)

        $poShMonConfiguration = New-PoShMonConfiguration {
                        General -ServerNames 'localhost'
                        OperatingSystem -CPULoadThresholdPercent 50

        $actual = Test-CPULoad $poShMonConfiguration
        $actual.NoIssuesFound | Should Be $false

        $actual.OutputValues.Highlight.Count | Should Be 1
        $actual.OutputValues.Highlight | Should Be 'CPULoad'