
Function ConvertFrom-PacliOutput {

    Converts the quote enclosed, comma separated string returned by certain
    PACLI commands to unquoted string values contained in an array.

    The PACLI executable returns raw string data from certain functions.
    Passing the output through this function allows the values to be
    extracted from the string and returned in an array for further processing.

    .PARAMETER pacliOutput
    The string Returned from the PACLI executable.

    PACLI commands which return output should be called with the 'ENCLOSE'
    output option to ensure all values are enclosed in quotation marks.

    All whitespace should be removed from the PACLI output via a
    Select-String -Pattern "\S" pattern match in order to prevent blank lines
    in the PACLI output affecting the number of property values returned by
    this function.

    .PARAMETER regEx
    A Regular Expression String. This is applied to the quoted output from
    the PACLI function to extract the quoted values from the string.

    The default Regular Expression used is: '"([^"]*)"'

    foreach ($pacliLine in $pacliOutPut){

        $returnValues = $pacliLine | ConvertFrom-PacliOutput


    Outputs an array containing the returned property values for each line
    of PACLI output passed to this function.

    $Results = (($Return.StdOut | Select-String -Pattern "\S") | ConvertFrom-PacliOutput)

    Converts StdOut of PACLI output (saved to $Return) to array (saved to $Results)

    AUTHOR: Pete Maan



            Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $False)]
        [string]$regEx = '"(.*?)"(?=,|$)'

    Begin {

        #define array to hold values
        $pacliValues = @()


    Process {

        #remove line break characters in pacli output data,
        ($pacliOutput -replace "\r\n","," |

            #find all values between quotes
            Select-String -Pattern $regEx -AllMatches).matches |

        ForEach-Object {

            #assign returned values to array and remove quotes
            $pacliValues += $_.Value -replace '"', ''
            write-debug "Parameter Value #$($pacliValues.count): $($_.Value)"



    End {

        #return array of values

