
function Start-SmtpServer
    # ensure we have smtp handlers
    if ((Get-PodeTcpHandler -Type 'SMTP') -eq $null) {
        throw 'No SMTP handler has been passed'

    # scriptblock for the core smtp message processing logic
    $process = {
        # if there's no client, just return
        if ($PodeSession.Tcp.Client -eq $null) {

        # variables to store data for later processing
        $mail_from = [string]::Empty
        $rcpt_tos = @()
        $data = [string]::Empty

        # open response to smtp request
        tcp write "220 $($PodeSession.IP.Name) -- Pode Proxy Server"
        $msg = [string]::Empty

        # respond to smtp request
        while ($true)
            try { $msg = (tcp read) }
            catch { break }

            try {
                if (!(Test-Empty $msg)) {
                    if ($msg.StartsWith('QUIT')) {
                        tcp write '221 Bye'

                        if ($Client -ne $null -and $Client.Connected) {
                            try {
                            } catch { }


                    if ($msg.StartsWith('EHLO') -or $msg.StartsWith('HELO')) {
                        tcp write '250 OK'

                    if ($msg.StartsWith('RCPT TO')) {
                        tcp write '250 OK'
                        $rcpt_tos += (Get-SmtpEmail $msg)

                    if ($msg.StartsWith('MAIL FROM')) {
                        tcp write '250 OK'
                        $mail_from = Get-SmtpEmail $msg

                    if ($msg.StartsWith('DATA'))
                        tcp write '354 Start mail input; end with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>'
                        $data = (tcp read)
                        tcp write '250 OK'

                        # set session data
                        $PodeSession.Smtp.From = $mail_from
                        $PodeSession.Smtp.To = $rcpt_tos
                        $PodeSession.Smtp.Data = $data
                        $PodeSession.Smtp.Lockable = $PodeSession.Lockable

                        # call user handlers for processing smtp data
                        & (Get-PodeTcpHandler -Type 'SMTP') $PodeSession.Smtp
            catch [exception] {
                throw $_.exception

    # setup and run the smtp listener
        $endpoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint($PodeSession.IP.Address, $PodeSession.Port)
        $listener = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener -ArgumentList $endpoint

        # start listener

        # state where we're running
        Write-Host "Listening on smtp://$($PodeSession.IP.Name):$($PodeSession.Port)" -ForegroundColor Yellow

        # loop for tcp request
        while ($true)
            $task = $listener.AcceptTcpClientAsync()

            $PodeSession.Tcp.Client = $task.Result
            $PodeSession.Smtp = @{}
            . $process
    catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {
        Close-Pode -Exit
    finally {
        if ($listener -ne $null) {

function Get-SmtpEmail
    param (

    $tmp = ($Value -isplit ':')
    if ($tmp.Length -gt 1) {
        return $tmp[1].Trim().Trim('<', '>')

    return [string]::Empty