
function Get-PodeTimer
    param (

    return $PodeSession.Timers[$Name]

function Start-TimerRunspace
    if (($PodeSession.Timers | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) {

    $script = {
        while ($true)
            $_remove = @()
            $_now = [DateTime]::UtcNow

            $PodeSession.Timers.Values | Where-Object { $_.NextTick -le $_now } | ForEach-Object {
                $run = $true

                # increment total number of runs for timer (do we still need to count?)
                if ($_.Countable) {
                    $_.Countable = ($_.Count -lt $_.Skip -or $_.Count -lt $_.Limit)

                # check if this run should be skipped
                if ($_.Count -lt $_.Skip) {
                    $run = $false

                # check if we have hit the limit, and remove
                if ($run -and $_.Limit -ne 0 -and $_.Count -ge $_.Limit) {
                    $run = $false
                    $_remove += $_.Name

                if ($run) {
                    try {
                        Invoke-ScriptBlock -ScriptBlock (($_.Script).GetNewClosure()) -Arguments @{ 'Lockable' = $PodeSession.Lockable } -Scoped
                    catch {

                    $_.NextTick = $_now.AddSeconds($_.Interval)

            $_remove | ForEach-Object {

            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

    Add-PodeRunspace -Type 'Main' -ScriptBlock $script

function Timer
    param (



        $Limit = 0,

        $Skip = 0

    # lower the name
    $Name = $Name.ToLowerInvariant()

    # ensure the timer doesn't already exist
    if ($PodeSession.Timers.ContainsKey($Name)) {
        throw "Timer called $($Name) already exists"

    # is the interval valid?
    if ($Interval -le 0) {
        throw "Timer $($Name) cannot have an interval less than or equal to 0"

    # is the limit valid?
    if ($Limit -lt 0) {
        throw "Timer $($Name) cannot have a negative limit"

    if ($Limit -ne 0) {
        $Limit += $Skip

    # is the skip valid?
    if ($Skip -lt 0) {
        throw "Timer $($Name) cannot have a negative skip value"

    # run script if it's not being skipped
    if ($Skip -eq 0) {
        Invoke-ScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Arguments @{ 'Lockable' = $PodeSession.Lockable } -Scoped

    # add the timer
    $PodeSession.Timers[$Name] = @{
        'Name' = $Name;
        'Interval' = $Interval;
        'Limit' = $Limit;
        'Count' = 0;
        'Skip' = $Skip;
        'Countable' = ($Skip -gt 0 -or $Limit -gt 0);
        'NextTick' = [DateTime]::UtcNow.AddSeconds($Interval);
        'Script' = $ScriptBlock;