
function Get-PodeSchedule
    param (

    return $PodeContext.Schedules[$Name]

function Start-PodeScheduleRunspace
    if ((Get-PodeCount $PodeContext.Schedules) -eq 0) {

    $script = {
        # first, sleep for a period of time to get to 00 seconds (start of minute)
        Start-Sleep -Seconds (60 - [DateTime]::Now.Second)

        while ($true)
            $_remove = @()
            $_now = [DateTime]::Now

            # select the schedules that need triggering
            $PodeContext.Schedules.Values |
                Where-Object {
                    (($null -eq $_.StartTime) -or ($_.StartTime -le $_now)) -and
                    (($null -eq $_.EndTime) -or ($_.EndTime -ge $_now)) -and
                    (Test-PodeCronExpressions -Expressions $_.Crons -DateTime $_now)
                } | ForEach-Object {

                # increment total number of triggers for the schedule
                if ($_.Countable) {
                    $_.Countable = ($_.Count -lt $_.Limit)

                # check if we have hit the limit, and remove
                if ($_.Limit -ne 0 -and $_.Count -ge $_.Limit) {
                    $_remove += $_.Name

                # trigger the schedules logic
                try {
                    $parameters = @{
                        Event = @{
                            Lockable = $PodeContext.Lockable

                    foreach ($key in $_.Arguments.Keys) {
                        $parameters[$key] = $_.Arguments[$key]

                    Add-PodeRunspace -Type 'Schedules' -ScriptBlock (($_.Script).GetNewClosure()) -Parameters $parameters -Forget
                catch {
                    $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog

                # reset the cron if it's random
                $_.Crons = Reset-PodeRandomCronExpressions -Expressions $_.Crons

            # add any schedules to remove that have exceeded their end time
            $_remove += @($PodeContext.Schedules.Values |
                Where-Object { (($null -ne $_.EndTime) -and ($_.EndTime -lt $_now)) }).Name

            # remove any schedules
            foreach ($name in $_remove) {
                if ($PodeContext.Schedules.ContainsKey($name)) {
                    $PodeContext.Schedules.Remove($name) | Out-Null

            # cron expression only goes down to the minute, so sleep for 1min
            Start-Sleep -Seconds (60 - [DateTime]::Now.Second)

    Add-PodeRunspace -Type 'Main' -ScriptBlock $script