
Create a new type of Authentication.
Create a new type of Authentication, which is used to parse the Request for user credentials for validating.
If supplied, will use the inbuilt Basic Authentication credentials retriever.
The Encoding to use when decoding the Basic Authorization header.
The name of the type of Basic Authentication.
If supplied, will use the inbuilt Form Authentication credentials retriever.
.PARAMETER UsernameField
The name of the Username Field in the payload to retrieve the username.
.PARAMETER PasswordField
The name of the Password Field in the payload to retrieve the password.
If supplied, will allow you to create a Custom Authentication credentials retriever.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock is used to parse the request and retieve user credentials and other information.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Custom Authentication type's ScriptBlock.
The Name of an Authentication type - such as Basic or NTLM.
The name of scope of the protected area.
The scheme type for custom Authentication types. Default is HTTP.
.PARAMETER PostValidator
The PostValidator is a scriptblock that is invoked after user validation.
If supplied, will use the inbuilt Digest Authentication credentials retriever.
If supplied, will use the inbuilt Bearer Authentication token retriever.
An optional array of Scopes for Bearer Authentication. (These are case-sensitive)
$basic_auth = New-PodeAuthType -Basic
$form_auth = New-PodeAuthType -Form -UsernameField 'Email'
$custom_auth = New-PodeAuthType -Custom -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }

function New-PodeAuthType
    param (

        $Encoding = 'ISO-8859-1',

        $HeaderTag = 'Basic',


        $UsernameField = 'username',

        $PasswordField = 'password',


        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Custom')]
            if (Test-IsEmpty $_) {
                throw "A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the Custom authentication type"

            return $true




        [ValidateSet('ApiKey', 'Http', 'OAuth2', 'OpenIdConnect')]
        $Scheme = 'Http',





    # default realm
    $_realm = 'User'

    # configure the auth type
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'basic' {
            return @{
                Name = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $HeaderTag -Default 'Basic')
                Realm = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Realm -Default $_realm)
                ScriptBlock = (Get-PodeAuthBasicType)
                PostValidator = $null
                Scheme = 'http'
                Arguments = @{
                    HeaderTag = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $HeaderTag -Default 'Basic')
                    Encoding = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Encoding -Default 'ISO-8859-1')

        'digest' {
            return @{
                Name = 'Digest'
                Realm = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Realm -Default $_realm)
                ScriptBlock = (Get-PodeAuthDigestType)
                PostValidator = (Get-PodeAuthDigestPostValidator)
                Scheme = 'http'
                Arguments = @{}

        'bearer' {
            return @{
                Name = 'Bearer'
                Realm = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Realm -Default $_realm)
                ScriptBlock = (Get-PodeAuthBearerType)
                PostValidator = (Get-PodeAuthBearerPostValidator)
                Scheme = 'http'
                Arguments = @{
                    Scopes = $Scope

        'form' {
            return @{
                Name = 'Form'
                Realm = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Realm -Default $_realm)
                ScriptBlock = (Get-PodeAuthFormType)
                PostValidator = $null
                Scheme = 'http'
                Arguments = @{
                    Fields = @{
                        Username = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $UsernameField -Default 'username')
                        Password = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $PasswordField -Default 'password')

        'custom' {
            return @{
                Name = $Name
                Realm = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Realm -Default $_realm)
                Scheme = $Scheme.ToLowerInvariant()
                ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
                PostValidator = $PostValidator
                Arguments = $ArgumentList

Adds a custom Authentication method for verifying users.
Adds a custom Authentication method for verifying users.
A unique Name for the Authentication method.
The Type to use for retrieving credentials (From New-PodeAuthType).
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock defining logic that retrieves and verifys a user.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Custom Authentication's ScriptBlock.
New-PodeAuthType -Form | Add-PodeAuth -Name 'Main' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }

function Add-PodeAuth
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

            if (Test-IsEmpty $_) {
                throw "A non-empty ScriptBlock is required for the authentication method"

            return $true


    # ensure the name doesn't already exist
    if ($PodeContext.Server.Authentications.ContainsKey($Name)) {
        throw "Authentication method already defined: $($Name)"

    # ensure the Type contains a scriptblock
    if (Test-IsEmpty $Type.ScriptBlock) {
        throw "The supplied Type for the '$($Name)' authentication method requires a valid ScriptBlock"

    # add auth method to server
    $PodeContext.Server.Authentications[$Name] = @{
        Type = $Type
        ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
        Arguments = $ArgumentList

Adds the inbuilt Windows AD Authentication method for verifying users.
Adds the inbuilt Windows AD Authentication method for verifying users.
A unique Name for the Authentication method.
The Type to use for retrieving credentials (From New-PodeAuthType).
A custom FQDN for the DNS of the AD you wish to authenticate against. (Alias: Server)
(Unix Only) A custom domain name that is prepended onto usernames that are missing it (<Domain>\<Username>).
An array of Group names to only allow access.
An array of Usernames to only allow access.
If supplied, groups will not be retrieved for the user in AD.
If supplied, and on Windows, OpenLDAP will be used instead.
New-PodeAuthType -Form | Add-PodeAuthWindowsAd -Name 'WinAuth'
New-PodeAuthType -Basic | Add-PodeAuthWindowsAd -Name 'WinAuth' -Groups @('Developers')
New-PodeAuthType -Form | Add-PodeAuthWindowsAd -Name 'WinAuth' -NoGroups
New-PodeAuthType -Form | Add-PodeAuthWindowsAd -Name 'UnixAuth' -Server '' -Domain 'testdomain'

function Add-PodeAuthWindowsAd
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]







    # ensure the name doesn't already exist
    if ($PodeContext.Server.Authentications.ContainsKey($Name)) {
        throw "Windows AD Authentication method already defined: $($Name)"

    # ensure the Type contains a scriptblock
    if (Test-IsEmpty $Type.ScriptBlock) {
        throw "The supplied Type for the '$($Name)' Windows AD authentication method requires a valid ScriptBlock"

    # set server name if not passed
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Fqdn)) {
        $Fqdn = Get-PodeAuthDomainName

        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Fqdn)) {
            throw 'No domain server name has been supplied for Windows AD authentication'

    # set the domain if not passed
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Domain)) {
        $Domain = ($Fqdn -split '\.')[0]

    # add Windows AD auth method to server
    $PodeContext.Server.Authentications[$Name] = @{
        Type = $Type
        ScriptBlock = (Get-PodeAuthWindowsADMethod)
        Arguments = @{
            Server = $Fqdn
            Domain = $Domain
            Users = $Users
            Groups = $Groups
            NoGroups = $NoGroups
            OpenLDAP = $OpenLDAP

Remove a specific Authentication method.
Remove a specific Authentication method.
The Name of the Authentication method.
Remove-PodeAuth -Name 'Login'

function Remove-PodeAuth
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

    $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Remove($Name) | Out-Null

Clear all defined Authentication methods.
Clear all defined Authentication methods.

function Clear-PodeAuth


Returns Authentication Middleware that can be used globally, or an Routes.
Returns Authentication Middleware that can be used globally, or an Routes.
The Name of the Authentication method.
The URL to redirect to when authentication fails.
.PARAMETER FailureMessage
An override Message to throw when authentication fails.
The URL to redirect to when authentication succeeds.
.PARAMETER EnableFlash
If supplied, error messages will be added as Flash messages.
.PARAMETER Sessionless
If supplied, authenticated users will not be stored in sessions, and sessions will not be used.
If supplied, navigating to a login page with a valid session will redirect to the SuccessUrl. Otherwise the login page will be displayed.
If supplied, the current session will be purged, and the user will be redirected to the FailureUrl.
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/' -Middleware (Get-PodeAuthMiddleware -Name 'Main') -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Get-PodeAuthMiddleware -Name 'BasicAuth' -Sessionless | Add-PodeMiddeware -Name 'GlobalAuth'
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/login' -Middleware (Get-PodeAuthMiddleware -Name 'Main' -SuccessUrl '/' -AutoLogin) -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }

function Get-PodeAuthMiddleware
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]








    # ensure the auth method exists
    if (!$PodeContext.Server.Authentications.ContainsKey($Name)) {
        throw "Authentication method does not exist: $($Name)"

    # if we're using sessions, ensure sessions have been setup
    if (!$Sessionless -and !(Test-PodeSessionsConfigured)) {
        throw 'Sessions are required to use session persistent authentication'

    # create the options
    $options = @{
        Name = $Name
        Failure = @{
            Url = $FailureUrl
            Message = $FailureMessage
            FlashEnabled = $EnableFlash
        Success = @{
            Url = $SuccessUrl
        Sessionless = $Sessionless
        AutoLogin = $AutoLogin
        Logout = $Logout

    # return the middleware
    return (Get-PodeAuthMiddlewareScript | New-PodeMiddleware -ArgumentList $options)

Adds the inbuilt IIS Authentication method for verifying users passed to Pode from IIS.
Adds the inbuilt IIS Authentication method for verifying users passed to Pode from IIS.
A unique Name for the Authentication method.
An array of Group names to only allow access.
An array of Usernames to only allow access.
If supplied, groups will not be retrieved for the user in AD.
If supplied, Pode will not at attempt to retrieve local User/Group information for the authenticated user.
Add-PodeAuthIIS -Name 'IISAuth'
Add-PodeAuthIIS -Name 'IISAuth' -Groups @('Developers')
Add-PodeAuthIIS -Name 'IISAuth' -NoGroups

function Add-PodeAuthIIS
    param (





    # ensure we're on Windows!
    if (!(Test-IsWindows)) {
        throw "IIS Authentication support is for Windows only"

    # ensure the name doesn't already exist
    if ($PodeContext.Server.Authentications.ContainsKey($Name)) {
        throw "IIS Authentication method already defined: $($Name)"

    # create the auth tye for getting the token header
    $type = New-PodeAuthType -Custom -ScriptBlock {
        param($e, $options)


        # fail if no header
        if (!(Test-PodeHeader -Name $header)) {
            return @{
                Message = "No $($header) header found"
                Code = 401

        # return the header for validation
        $token = Get-PodeHeader -Name $header
        return @($token)

    # add a custom auth method to validate the user
    $method = Get-PodeAuthWindowsADIISMethod
    $type | Add-PodeAuth -Name $Name -ScriptBlock $method -ArgumentList @{
        Users = $Users
        Groups = $Groups
        NoGroups = $NoGroups
        NoLocalCheck = $NoLocalCheck