
using namespace Pode

function Start-PodeSignalServer
    # work out which endpoints to listen on
    $endpoints = @()
    @(Get-PodeEndpoints -Type Ws) | ForEach-Object {
        # get the ip address
        $_ip = [string]($_.Address)
        $_ip = (Get-PodeIPAddressesForHostname -Hostname $_ip -Type All | Select-Object -First 1)
        $_ip = (Get-PodeIPAddress $_ip)

        # add endpoint to list
        $endpoints += @{
            Address = $_ip
            Hostname = $_.HostName
            IsIPAddress = $_.IsIPAddress
            Port = $_.Port
            Certificate = $_.Certificate.Raw
            AllowClientCertificate = $_.Certificate.AllowClientCertificate
            Url = $_.Url

    # create the listener
    $listener = [PodeListener]::new($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token, [PodeListenerType]::WebSocket)
    $listener.ErrorLoggingEnabled = (Test-PodeErrorLoggingEnabled)

        # register endpoints on the listener
        $endpoints | ForEach-Object {
            $socket = [PodeSocket]::new($_.Address, $_.Port, $PodeContext.Server.Sockets.Ssl.Protocols, $_.Certificate, $_.AllowClientCertificate)
            $socket.ReceiveTimeout = $PodeContext.Server.Sockets.ReceiveTimeout

            if (!$_.IsIPAddress) {


        $PodeContext.Listeners += $listener
        $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Listener = $listener
    catch {
        $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
        $_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
        Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $listener
        throw $_.Exception

    # script to write messages back to the client(s)
    $signalScript = {

        try {
            while ($Listener.IsListening -and !$PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)
                $message = (Wait-PodeTask -Task $Listener.GetServerSignalAsync($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token))

                # get the sockets for the message
                $sockets = @()

                # by clientId
                if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($message.ClientId)) {
                    $sockets = @($Listener.WebSockets[$message.ClientId])
                else {
                    $sockets = @($Listener.WebSockets.Values)

                    # by path
                    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($message.Path)) {
                        $sockets = @(foreach ($socket in $sockets) {
                            if ($socket.Path -ieq $message.Path) {

                # do nothing if no socket found
                if (($null -eq $sockets) -or ($sockets.Length -eq 0)) {

                # send the message to all found sockets
                foreach ($socket in $sockets) {
                    try {
                    catch {
                        $Listener.WebSockets.Remove($socket.ClientId) | Out-Null
        catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {}
        catch {
            $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
            $_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
            throw $_.Exception

    Add-PodeRunspace -Type Signals -ScriptBlock $signalScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener }

    # script to queue messages from clients to send back to other clients from the server
    $clientScript = {

        try {
            while ($Listener.IsListening -and !$PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)
                $context = (Wait-PodeTask -Task $Listener.GetClientSignalAsync($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token))
                $context = ($context.Message | ConvertFrom-Json)
                Send-PodeSignal -Value $context.message -Path $context.path -ClientId $context.clientId
        catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {}
        catch {
            $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
            $_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
            throw $_.Exception

    Add-PodeRunspace -Type Signals -ScriptBlock $clientScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener }

    # script to keep web server listening until cancelled
    $waitScript = {

        try {
            while ($Listener.IsListening -and !$PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) {
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {}
        catch {
            $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
            $_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException
            throw $_.Exception
        finally {
            Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $Listener

    Add-PodeRunspace -Type Signals -ScriptBlock $waitScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener }
    return @($endpoints.Url)