
function Start-PodeInternalServer
    param (


        # setup temp drives for internal dirs

        # create the shared runspace state

        # get the server's script and invoke it - to set up routes, timers, middleware, etc
        $_script = $PodeContext.Server.Logic
        if (Test-PodePath -Path $PodeContext.Server.LogicPath -NoStatus) {
            $_script = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $PodeContext.Server.LogicPath

        Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $_script -NoNewClosure

        # load any modules/snapins

        # load any functions
        Import-PodeFunctionsIntoRunspaceState -ScriptBlock $_script

        # start the runspace pools for web, schedules, etc

        # create timer/schedules for auto-restarting

        if (!$PodeContext.Server.IsServerless -and ($PodeContext.Server.Types.Length -gt 0))
            # start runspace for loggers

            # start runspace for timers

            # start runspace for schedules

            # start runspace for gui

        # start the appropriate server
        $endpoints = @()

        # - service
        if ($PodeContext.Server.IsService) {

        # - serverless
        elseif ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
            switch ($PodeContext.Server.ServerlessType.ToUpperInvariant())
                'AZUREFUNCTIONS' {
                    Start-PodeAzFuncServer -Data $Request

                'AWSLAMBDA' {
                    Start-PodeAwsLambdaServer -Data $Request

        # - normal
        else {
            foreach ($_type in $PodeContext.Server.Types) {
                switch ($_type.ToUpperInvariant())
                    'SMTP' {
                        $endpoints += (Start-PodeSmtpServer)

                    'TCP' {
                        $endpoints += (Start-PodeTcpServer)

                    'HTTP' {
                        $endpoints += (Start-PodeWebServer -Browse:$Browse)

                    'WS' {
                        $endpoints += (Start-PodeSignalServer)

        # set the start time of the server (start and after restart)
        $PodeContext.Metrics.Server.StartTime = [datetime]::UtcNow

        # state what endpoints are being listened on
        if ($endpoints.Length -gt 0) {
            Write-PodeHost "Listening on the following $($endpoints.Length) endpoint(s) [$($PodeContext.Threads.General) thread(s)]:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            $endpoints | ForEach-Object {
                Write-PodeHost "`t- $($_)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    catch {
        throw $_.Exception

function Restart-PodeInternalServer
        # inform restart
        Write-PodeHost 'Restarting server...' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan

        # cancel the session token

        # close all current runspaces
        Close-PodeRunspaces -ClosePool

        # remove all of the pode temp drives

        # clear up timers, schedules and loggers
        $PodeContext.Server.Routes.Keys.Clone() | ForEach-Object {

        $PodeContext.Server.Handlers.Keys.Clone() | ForEach-Object {


        # auto-importers
        $PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportList = @()
        $PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportList = @()
        $PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportList = @()

        # clear middle/endware
        $PodeContext.Server.Middleware = @()
        $PodeContext.Server.Endware = @()

        # clear misc

        # clear endpoints

        # clear openapi
        $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI = Get-PodeOABaseObject

        # clear the sockets
        $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Listener = $null
        $PodeContext.Listeners = @()

        # set view engine back to default
        $PodeContext.Server.ViewEngine = @{
            Type = 'html'
            Extension = 'html'
            ScriptBlock = $null
            UsingVariables = $null
            IsDynamic = $false

        # clear up cookie sessions

        # clear up authentication methods

        # clear up shared state

        # reset type if smtp/tcp
        $PodeContext.Server.Types = @()

        # recreate the session tokens
        Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation
        $PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation = New-Object System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource

        Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $PodeContext.Tokens.Restart
        $PodeContext.Tokens.Restart = New-Object System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource

        # reload the configuration
        $PodeContext.Server.Configuration = Open-PodeConfiguration -Context $PodeContext

        Write-PodeHost " Done" -ForegroundColor Green

        # restart the server
    catch {
        $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
        throw $_.Exception