
function Get-PodeCronFields
    return @(

function Get-PodeCronFieldConstraints
    return @{
        MinMax = @(
            @(0, 59),
            @(0, 23),
            @(1, 31),
            @(1, 12),
            @(0, 6)
        DaysInMonths = @(
            31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
        Months = @(
            'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
            'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'

function Get-PodeCronPredefined
    return @{
        # normal
        '@minutely' = '* * * * *';
        '@hourly' = '0 * * * *';
        '@daily' = '0 0 * * *';
        '@weekly' = '0 0 * * 0';
        '@monthly' = '0 0 1 * *';
        '@quarterly' = '0 0 1 1,4,7,10 *';
        '@yearly' = '0 0 1 1 *';
        '@annually' = '0 0 1 1 *';

        # twice
        '@twice-hourly' = '0,30 * * * *';
        '@twice-daily' = '0 0,12 * * *';
        '@twice-weekly' = '0 0 * * 0,4';
        '@twice-monthly' = '0 0 1,15 * *';
        '@twice-yearly' = '0 0 1 1,6 *';
        '@twice-annually' = '0 0 1 1,6 *';

function Get-PodeCronFieldAliases
    return @{
        Month = @{
            Jan = 1
            Feb = 2
            Mar = 3
            Apr = 4
            May = 5
            Jun = 6
            Jul = 7
            Aug = 8
            Sep = 9
            Oct = 10
            Nov = 11
            Dec = 12
        DayOfWeek = @{
            Sun = 0
            Mon = 1
            Tue = 2
            Wed = 3
            Thu = 4
            Fri = 5
            Sat = 6

function ConvertFrom-PodeCronExpressions
    param (

    return @(@($Expressions) | ForEach-Object {
        ConvertFrom-PodeCronExpression -Expression $_

function ConvertFrom-PodeCronExpression
    param (

    $Expression = $Expression.Trim()

    # check predefineds
    $predef = Get-PodeCronPredefined
    if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $predef[$Expression])) {
        $Expression = $predef[$Expression]

    # split and check atoms length
    $atoms = @($Expression -isplit '\s+')
    if ($atoms.Length -ne 5) {
        throw "Cron expression should only consist of 5 parts: $($Expression)"

    # basic variables
    $aliasRgx = '(?<tag>[a-z]{3})'

    # get cron obj and validate atoms
    $fields = Get-PodeCronFields
    $constraints = Get-PodeCronFieldConstraints
    $aliases = Get-PodeCronFieldAliases
    $cron = @{}

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $atoms.Length; $i++)
        $_cronExp = @{
            Range = $null
            Values = $null
            Constraints = $null
            Random = $false
            WildCard = $false

        $_atom = $atoms[$i]
        $_field = $fields[$i]
        $_constraint = $constraints.MinMax[$i]
        $_aliases = $aliases[$_field]

        # replace day of week and months with numbers
        if (@('month', 'dayofweek') -icontains $_field) {
            while ($_atom -imatch $aliasRgx) {
                $_alias = $_aliases[$Matches['tag']]
                if ($null -eq $_alias) {
                    throw "Invalid $($_field) alias found: $($Matches['tag'])"

                $_atom = $_atom -ireplace $Matches['tag'], $_alias
                $_atom -imatch $aliasRgx | Out-Null

        # ensure atom is a valid value
        if (!($_atom -imatch '^[\d|/|*|\-|,r]+$')) {
            throw "Invalid atom character: $($_atom)"

        # replace * with min/max constraint
        if ($_atom -ieq '*') {
            $_cronExp.WildCard = $true
            $_atom = ($_constraint -join '-')

        # parse the atom for either a literal, range, array, or interval
        # literal
        if ($_atom -imatch '^(\d+|r)$') {
            # check if it's random
            if ($_atom -ieq 'r') {
                $_cronExp.Values = @(Get-Random -Minimum $_constraint[0] -Maximum ($_constraint[1] + 1))
                $_cronExp.Random = $true
            else {
                $_cronExp.Values = @([int]$_atom)

        # range
        elseif ($_atom -imatch '^(?<min>\d+)\-(?<max>\d+)$') {
            $_cronExp.Range = @{ 'Min' = [int]($Matches['min'].Trim()); 'Max' = [int]($Matches['max'].Trim()); }

        # array
        elseif ($_atom -imatch '^[\d,]+$') {
            $_cronExp.Values = [int[]](@($_atom -split ',').Trim())

        # interval
        elseif ($_atom -imatch '(?<start>(\d+|\*))\/(?<interval>(\d+|r))$') {
            $start = $Matches['start']
            $interval = $Matches['interval']

            if ($interval -ieq '0') {
                $interval = '1'

            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($start) -or ($start -ieq '*')) {
                $start = '0'

            # set the initial trigger value
            $_cronExp.Values = @([int]$start)

            # check if it's random
            if ($interval -ieq 'r') {
                $_cronExp.Random = $true
            else {
                # loop to get all next values
                $next = [int]$start + [int]$interval
                while ($next -le $_constraint[1]) {
                    $_cronExp.Values += $next
                    $next += [int]$interval

        # error
        else {
            throw "Invalid cron atom format found: $($_atom)"

        # ensure cron expression values are valid
        if ($null -ne $_cronExp.Range) {
            if ($_cronExp.Range.Min -gt $_cronExp.Range.Max) {
                throw "Min value for $($_field) should not be greater than the max value"

            if ($_cronExp.Range.Min -lt $_constraint[0]) {
                throw "Min value '$($_cronExp.Range.Min)' for $($_field) is invalid, should be greater than/equal to $($_constraint[0])"

            if ($_cronExp.Range.Max -gt $_constraint[1]) {
                throw "Max value '$($_cronExp.Range.Max)' for $($_field) is invalid, should be less than/equal to $($_constraint[1])"

        if ($null -ne $_cronExp.Values) {
            $_cronExp.Values | ForEach-Object {
                if ($_ -lt $_constraint[0] -or $_ -gt $_constraint[1]) {
                    throw "Value '$($_)' for $($_field) is invalid, should be between $($_constraint[0]) and $($_constraint[1])"

        # assign value
        $_cronExp.Constraints = $_constraint
        $cron[$_field] = $_cronExp

    # post validation for month/days in month
    if (($null -ne $cron['Month'].Values) -and ($null -ne $cron['DayOfMonth'].Values))
        foreach ($mon in $cron['Month'].Values) {
            foreach ($day in $cron['DayOfMonth'].Values) {
                if ($day -gt $constraints.DaysInMonths[$mon - 1]) {
                    throw "$($constraints.Months[$mon - 1]) only has $($constraints.DaysInMonths[$mon - 1]) days, but $($day) was supplied"

    # flag if this cron contains a random atom
    $cron['Random'] = (($cron.Values | Where-Object { $_.Random } | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)

    # return the parsed cron expression
    return $cron

function Reset-PodeRandomCronExpressions
    param (

    return @(@($Expressions) | ForEach-Object {
        Reset-PodeRandomCronExpression -Expression $_

function Reset-PodeRandomCronExpression
    param (

    function Reset-Atom($Atom) {
        if (!$Atom.Random) {
            return $Atom

        if ($Atom.Random) {
            $Atom.Values = @(Get-Random -Minimum $Atom.Constraints[0] -Maximum ($Atom.Constraints[1] + 1))

        return $Atom

    if (!$Expression.Random) {
        return $Expression

    $Expression.Minute = (Reset-Atom -Atom $Expression.Minute)
    $Expression.Hour = (Reset-Atom -Atom $Expression.Hour)
    $Expression.DayOfMonth = (Reset-Atom -Atom $Expression.DayOfMonth)
    $Expression.Month = (Reset-Atom -Atom $Expression.Month)
    $Expression.DayOfWeek = (Reset-Atom -Atom $Expression.DayOfWeek)

    return $Expression

function Test-PodeCronExpressions
    param (

        $DateTime = $null

    return ((@($Expressions) | Where-Object {
        Test-PodeCronExpression -Expression $_ -DateTime $DateTime
    } | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)

function Test-PodeCronExpression
    param (

        $DateTime = $null

    function Test-RangeAndValue($AtomContraint, $NowValue) {
        if ($null -ne $AtomContraint.Range) {
            return (!(($NowValue -lt $AtomContraint.Range.Min) -or ($NowValue -gt $AtomContraint.Range.Max)))

        return ($AtomContraint.Values -icontains $NowValue)

    # current time
    if ($null -eq $DateTime) {
        $DateTime = [datetime]::Now

    # check day of month
    if (!(Test-RangeAndValue -AtomContraint $Expression.DayOfMonth -NowValue $DateTime.Day)) {
        return $false

    # check day of week
    if (!(Test-RangeAndValue -AtomContraint $Expression.DayOfWeek -NowValue ([int]$DateTime.DayOfWeek))) {
        return $false

    # check month
    if (!(Test-RangeAndValue -AtomContraint $Expression.Month -NowValue $DateTime.Month)) {
        return $false

    # check hour
    if (!(Test-RangeAndValue -AtomContraint $Expression.Hour -NowValue $DateTime.Hour)) {
        return $false

    # check minute
    if (!(Test-RangeAndValue -AtomContraint $Expression.Minute -NowValue $DateTime.Minute)) {
        return $false

    # date is valid
    return $true

function Get-PodeCronNextEarliestTrigger

        $StartTime = $null,

        $EndTime = $null

    return (@($Expressions) | Foreach-Object {
        Get-PodeCronNextTrigger -Expression $_ -StartTime $StartTime -EndTime $EndTime
    } | Where-Object { $null -ne $_ } | Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1)

function Get-PodeCronNextTrigger

        $StartTime = $null,

        $EndTime = $null

    # start from the current time, if a start time not defined
    if ($null -eq $StartTime) {
        $StartTime = [datetime]::Now
    $StartTime = $StartTime.AddMinutes(1)

    # the next time to trigger
    $NextTime = [datetime]::new($StartTime.Year, $StartTime.Month, $StartTime.Day, $StartTime.Hour, $StartTime.Minute, 0)

    # first, is the current time valid?
    if (Test-PodeCronExpression -Expression $Expression -DateTime $NextTime) {
        return $NextTime

    # functions for getting the closest value
    function Get-ClosestValue($AtomContraint, $NowValue) {
        $_values = $AtomContraint.Values
        if ($null -eq $_values) {
            $_values = ($AtomContraint.Range.Min..$AtomContraint.Range.Max)

        if (($_values.Length -eq 1) -or ($_values[-1] -lt $NowValue) -or ($_values[0] -gt $NowValue)) {
            return $_values[0]

        return ($_values -ge $NowValue)[0]

    # loop until we get a date
    while ($true)
        # check the minute
        if (!$Expression.Minute.WildCard) {
            $minute = Get-ClosestValue -AtomContraint $Expression.Minute -NowValue $NextTime.Minute
            if ($minute -lt $NextTime.Minute) {
                $NextTime = $NextTime.AddHours(1)

            $NextTime = $NextTime.AddMinutes($minute - $NextTime.Minute)

        # check hour
        if (!$Expression.Hour.WildCard) {
            $hour = Get-ClosestValue -AtomContraint $Expression.Hour -NowValue $NextTime.Hour
            if ($hour -lt $NextTime.Hour) {
                $NextTime = $NextTime.AddDays(1)

            $_hour = $NextTime.Hour
            $NextTime = $NextTime.AddHours($hour - $NextTime.Hour)
            if ($_hour -ne $hour) {
                $NextTime = [datetime]::new($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month, $NextTime.Day, $NextTime.Hour, 0, 0)

        # check day
        if (!$Expression.DayOfMonth.WildCard) {
            $day = Get-ClosestValue -AtomContraint $Expression.DayOfMonth -NowValue $NextTime.Day
            if (($day -lt $NextTime.Day) -or ($day -gt [datetime]::DaysInMonth($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month))) {
                $NextTime = $NextTime.AddMonths(1)

            if ($day -gt [datetime]::DaysInMonth($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month)) {
                $NextTime = [datetime]::new($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0)

            $_day = $NextTime.Day
            $NextTime = $NextTime.AddDays($day - $NextTime.Day)
            if ($_day -ne $day) {
                $NextTime = [datetime]::new($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month, $NextTime.Day, 0, 0, 0)

        # check month
        if (!$Expression.Month.WildCard) {
            $month = Get-ClosestValue -AtomContraint $Expression.Month -NowValue $NextTime.Month
            if ($month -lt $NextTime.Month) {
                $NextTime = $NextTime.AddYears(1)

            $_month = $NextTime.Month
            $NextTime = $NextTime.AddMonths($month - $NextTime.Month)
            if ($_month -ne $month) {
                $NextTime = [datetime]::new($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0)

        # check day of week
        if (!$Expression.DayOfWeek.WildCard) {
            $doweek = Get-ClosestValue -AtomContraint $Expression.DayOfWeek -NowValue $NextTime.DayOfWeek

            $_doweek = $NextTime.DayOfWeek
            if ($doweek -lt $NextTime.DayOfWeek) {
                $NextTime = $NextTime.AddDays(7 - ($NextTime.DayOfWeek - $doweek))
            elseif ($doweek -gt $NextTime.DayOfWeek) {
                $NextTime = $NextTime.AddDays($doweek - $NextTime.DayOfWeek)

            if ($_doweek -ne $doweek) {
                $NextTime = [datetime]::new($NextTime.Year, $NextTime.Month, $NextTime.Day, 0, 0, 0)


    # before we return, make sure the time is valid
    if (!(Test-PodeCronExpression -Expression $Expression -DateTime $NextTime)) {
        throw "Looks like something went wrong trying to calculate the next trigger datetime: $($NextTime)"

    # if before the start or after end then return null
    if (($NextTime -lt $StartTime) -or (($null -ne $EndTime) -and ($NextTime -gt $EndTime))) {
        return $null

    return $NextTime