
function Get-PodeLoggingTerminalMethod {
    return {
        param($item, $options)

        if ($PodeContext.Server.Quiet) {

        # check if it's an array from batching
        if ($item -is [array]) {
            $item = ($item -join [System.Environment]::NewLine)

        # protect then write
        $item = ($item | Protect-PodeLogItem)
        $item.ToString() | Out-PodeHost

function Get-PodeLoggingFileMethod {
    return {
        param($item, $options)

        # check if it's an array from batching
        if ($item -is [array]) {
            $item = ($item -join [System.Environment]::NewLine)

        # mask values
        $item = ($item | Protect-PodeLogItem)

        # variables
        $date = [DateTime]::Now.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')

        # do we need to reset the fileId?
        if ($options.Date -ine $date) {
            $options.Date = $date
            $options.FileId = 0

        # get the fileId
        if ($options.FileId -eq 0) {
            $path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($options.Path, "$($options.Name)_$($date)_*.log")
            $options.FileId = (@(Get-ChildItem -Path $path)).Length
            if ($options.FileId -eq 0) {
                $options.FileId = 1

        $id = "$($options.FileId)".PadLeft(3, '0')
        if ($options.MaxSize -gt 0) {
            $path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($options.Path, "$($options.Name)_$($date)_$($id).log")
            if ((Get-Item -Path $path -Force).Length -ge $options.MaxSize) {
                $id = "$($options.FileId)".PadLeft(3, '0')

        # get the file to write to
        $path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($options.Path, "$($options.Name)_$($date)_$($id).log")

        # write the item to the file
        $item.ToString() | Out-File -FilePath $path -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force

        # if set, remove log files beyond days set (ensure this is only run once a day)
        if (($options.MaxDays -gt 0) -and ($options.NextClearDown -lt [DateTime]::Now.Date)) {
            $date = [DateTime]::Now.Date.AddDays(-$options.MaxDays)

            $null = Get-ChildItem -Path $options.Path -Filter '*.log' -Force |
                Where-Object { $_.CreationTime -lt $date } |
                Remove-Item $_ -Force

            $options.NextClearDown = [DateTime]::Now.Date.AddDays(1)

function Get-PodeLoggingEventViewerMethod {
    return {
        param($item, $options, $rawItem)

        if ($item -isnot [array]) {
            $item = @($item)

        if ($rawItem -isnot [array]) {
            $rawItem = @($rawItem)

        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $item.Length; $i++) {
            # convert log level - info if no level present
            $entryType = ConvertTo-PodeEventViewerLevel -Level $rawItem[$i].Level

            # create log instance
            $entryInstance = [System.Diagnostics.EventInstance]::new($options.ID, 0, $entryType)

            # create event log
            $entryLog = [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::new()
            $entryLog.Log = $options.LogName
            $entryLog.Source = $options.Source

            try {
                $message = ($item[$i] | Protect-PodeLogItem)
                $entryLog.WriteEvent($entryInstance, $message)
            catch {

function ConvertTo-PodeEventViewerLevel {

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Level)) {
        return [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Information

    if ($Level -ieq 'error') {
        return [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Error

    if ($Level -ieq 'warning') {
        return [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Warning

    return [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Information

function Get-PodeLoggingInbuiltType {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Errors', 'Requests')]

    switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'requests' {
            $script = {
                param($item, $options)

                # just return the item if Raw is set
                if ($options.Raw) {
                    return $item

                function sg($value) {
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($value)) {
                        return '-'

                    return $value

                # build the url with http method
                $url = "$(sg $item.Request.Method) $(sg $item.Request.Resource) $(sg $item.Request.Protocol)"

                # build and return the request row
                return "$(sg $item.Host) $(sg $item.RfcUserIdentity) $(sg $item.User) [$(sg $item.Date)] `"$($url)`" $(sg $item.Response.StatusCode) $(sg $item.Response.Size) `"$(sg $item.Request.Referrer)`" `"$(sg $item.Request.Agent)`""

        'errors' {
            $script = {
                param($item, $options)

                # do nothing if the error level isn't present
                if (@($options.Levels) -inotcontains $item.Level) {

                # just return the item if Raw is set
                if ($options.Raw) {
                    return $item

                # build the exception details
                $row = @(
                    "Date: $($item.Date.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))",
                    "Level: $($item.Level)",
                    "ThreadId: $($item.ThreadId)",
                    "Server: $($item.Server)",
                    "Category: $($item.Category)",
                    "Message: $($item.Message)",
                    "StackTrace: $($item.StackTrace)"

                # join the details and return
                return "$($row -join "`n")`n"

    return $script

function Get-PodeRequestLoggingName {
    return '__pode_log_requests__'

function Get-PodeErrorLoggingName {
    return '__pode_log_errors__'

function Get-PodeLogger {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types[$Name]

function Test-PodeLoggerEnabled {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return ($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Enabled -and $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types.ContainsKey($Name))

function Get-PodeErrorLoggingLevels {
    return (Get-PodeLogger -Name (Get-PodeErrorLoggingName)).Arguments.Levels

function Test-PodeErrorLoggingEnabled {
    return (Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name (Get-PodeErrorLoggingName))

function Test-PodeRequestLoggingEnabled {
    return (Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name (Get-PodeRequestLoggingName))

function Write-PodeRequestLog {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    # do nothing if logging is disabled, or request logging isn't setup
    $name = Get-PodeRequestLoggingName
    if (!(Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name $name)) {

    # build a request object
    $item = @{
        Host            = $Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address.IPAddressToString
        RfcUserIdentity = '-'
        User            = '-'
        Date            = [DateTime]::Now.ToString('dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss zzz')
        Request         = @{
            Method   = $Request.HttpMethod.ToUpperInvariant()
            Resource = $Path
            Protocol = "HTTP/$($Request.ProtocolVersion)"
            Referrer = $Request.UrlReferrer
            Agent    = $Request.UserAgent
        Response        = @{
            StatusCode        = $Response.StatusCode
            StatusDescription = $Response.StatusDescription
            Size              = '-'

    # set size if >0
    if ($Response.ContentLength64 -gt 0) {
        $item.Response.Size = $Response.ContentLength64

    # set username - dot spaces
    if (Test-PodeAuthUser -IgnoreSession) {
        $userProps = (Get-PodeLogger -Name $name).Properties.Username.Split('.')

        $user = $WebEvent.Auth.User
        foreach ($atom in $userProps) {
            $user = $user.($atom)

        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($user)) {
            $item.User = $user -ireplace '\s+', '.'

    # add the item to be processed
    $null = $PodeContext.LogsToProcess.Add(@{
            Name = $name
            Item = $item

function Add-PodeRequestLogEndware {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # do nothing if logging is disabled, or request logging isn't setup
    $name = Get-PodeRequestLoggingName
    if (!(Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name $name)) {

    # add the request logging endware
    $WebEvent.OnEnd += @{
        Logic = {
            Write-PodeRequestLog -Request $WebEvent.Request -Response $WebEvent.Response -Path $WebEvent.Path

function Test-PodeLoggersExist {
    if (($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.Logging) -or ($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types)) {
        return $false

    return (($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types.Count -gt 0) -or ($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Enabled))

function Start-PodeLoggingRunspace {
    # skip if there are no loggers configured, or logging is disabled
    if (!(Test-PodeLoggersExist)) {

    $script = {
        while (!$PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) {
            # if there are no logs to process, just sleep for a few seconds - but after checking the batch
            if ($PodeContext.LogsToProcess.Count -eq 0) {
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

            # safely pop off the first log from the array
            $log = (Lock-PodeObject -Return -Object $PodeContext.LogsToProcess -ScriptBlock {
                    $log = $PodeContext.LogsToProcess[0]
                    $null = $PodeContext.LogsToProcess.RemoveAt(0)
                    return $log

            # run the log item through the appropriate method
            $logger = Get-PodeLogger -Name $log.Name
            $now = [datetime]::Now

            # if the log is null, check batch then sleep and skip
            if ($null -eq $log) {
                Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100

            # convert to log item into a writable format
            $_args = @($log.Item) + @($logger.Arguments)
            $_args = @(Get-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $_args -UsingVariables $logger.UsingVariables)

            $rawItems = $log.Item
            $result = @(Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $logger.ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -Return -Splat)

            # check batching
            $batch = $logger.Method.Batch
            if ($batch.Size -gt 1) {
                # add current item to batch
                $batch.Items += $result
                $batch.RawItems += $log.Item
                $batch.LastUpdate = $now

                # if the current amount of items matches the batch, write
                $result = $null
                if ($batch.Items.Length -ge $batch.Size) {
                    $result = $batch.Items
                    $rawItems = $batch.RawItems

                # if we're writing, reset the items
                if ($null -ne $result) {
                    $batch.Items = @()
                    $batch.RawItems = @()

            # send the writable log item off to the log writer
            if ($null -ne $result) {
                $_args = @(, $result) + @($logger.Method.Arguments) + @(, $rawItems)
                $_args = @(Get-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $_args -UsingVariables $logger.Method.UsingVariables)
                Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $logger.Method.ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -Splat

            # small sleep to lower cpu usage
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100

    Add-PodeRunspace -Type Main -ScriptBlock $script

function Test-PodeLoggerBatches {
    $now = [datetime]::Now

    # check each logger, and see if its batch needs to be written
    foreach ($logger in $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types.Values) {
        $batch = $logger.Method.Batch
        if (($batch.Size -gt 1) -and ($batch.Items.Length -gt 0) -and ($batch.Timeout -gt 0) -and ($null -ne $batch.LastUpdate) -and ($batch.LastUpdate.AddSeconds($batch.Timeout) -le $now)) {
            $result = $batch.Items
            $rawItems = $batch.RawItems

            $batch.Items = @()
            $batch.RawItems = @()

            $_args = @(, $result) + @($logger.Method.Arguments) + @(, $rawItems)
            $_args = @(Get-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $_args -UsingVariables $logger.Method.UsingVariables)
            Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $logger.Method.ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -Splat