
.VERSION 1.0.5
.GUID 7e409cd8-833d-4ff6-933e-df644c8bf7c7
.AUTHOR saglodha

 This utility can be used to generate compliance reports for resources on basis of Azure Policy.

Write-Host "";"";"Hello User! Welcome to Policy Report Generator";""

Write-Host "Please provide the subscription ID that you want to generate the reports for";""

$subID = Read-Host "Subscription ID"

Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $subID

"";Write-Host "Type 'Generatereport' so as to initialize the tool."

function Generatereport{
try {
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
"";Write-Host "1. Generate enforcement mode report for the assigned policies";""
Write-Host "2. Generate Compliance report for the assigned policies";""
Write-Host "3. Generate Lastevaluationcycle report and run on-demand compliance scan";""
$prompt = Read-Host "Please enter the specified selection"
$Policyassignments = Get-AzPolicyAssignment -Scope "/subscriptions/$subID"
switch ($prompt) {

1 {
for ($i = 1; $i -le 100; $i++ )
    Write-Progress -Activity "Fetching Policy Information" -Status "$i% Complete:" -PercentComplete $i;
    sleep -Milliseconds 50
write-progress -Activity "Fetching Policy Information" -status "Completed" -Completed
$output = foreach( $assignment in $policyassignments){
if ( $assignment.properties.displayname -ne $null) {
$assignment.properties | Select-Object -Property Displayname,enforcementmode 
$output | ft
Write-Host "Would you like to process the output to a csv file? Type Yes or No";""
$outputfile = Read-Host "Enter value"
if ( $outputfile -eq 'Yes') 
"";Write-Host "Please enter the file path that you would like to export the report to. Please ensure to specify file path until the filename";""

$filepath = Read-Host "File path "

$output = foreach( $assignment in $policyassignments){
if ( $assignment.properties.displayname -ne $null) {
$assignment.properties | Select-Object -Property Displayname,enforcementmode 
for ($i = 1; $i -le 100; $i++ )
    Write-Progress -Activity "Processing details to csv file" -Status "$i% Complete:" -PercentComplete $i;
    Sleep -Milliseconds 30
write-progress -Activity "Processing details to csv file" -status "Completed" -Completed
$output | Export-Csv $filepath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding ASCII

"";Write-Host "Report has been processed to csv file"
"";Write-Host "Would you like to generate other reports? Type Yes or No";""

$otherreports = Read-Host "Enter Value"

if ( $otherreports -eq 'Yes')
"";Write-Host "Populating options for Report Generation.."

Sleep -Seconds 2


else {

Write-Host "Report has been generated"


2 {
for ($i = 1; $i -le 100; $i++ )
    Write-Progress -Activity "Fetching Policy evaluation information" -Status "$i% Complete:" -PercentComplete $i;
    Sleep -Milliseconds 30

$output = foreach ( $assignment in $Policyassignments)

if ( $assignment.properties.displayname -ne $null) {

$State = Get-AzPOlicyStateSummary -PolicyAssignmentName $assignment.Name
    $obj = new-object psobject -Property @{
                NameofPolicy = $assignment.Properties.displayName
                ResourceCompliance = $State.Results.Resourcedetails
                NonCompliantPolicies = $State.Results.NonCompliantPolicies

$obj | Select-Object NameofPolicy,NonCompliantPolicies -ExpandProperty ResourceCompliance 

$output | ft
write-progress -Activity "Fetching Policy evaluation information" -status "Completed" -Completed

Write-Host "Would you like to process the output to a csv file? Type Yes or No";""
$outputfile = Read-Host "Enter Value"
if ( $outputfile -eq 'Yes') 
"";Write-Host "Please enter the file path that you would like to export the report to. Please ensure to specify file path until the filename";""

$filepath = Read-Host "File Path"
for ($i = 1; $i -le 100; $i++ )
    Write-Progress -Activity "Processing details to csv file" -Status "$i% Complete:" -PercentComplete $i;
    Sleep -Milliseconds 30
write-progress -Activity "Processing details to csv file" -status "Completed" -Completed
$output| Export-Csv $filepath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding ASCII

"";Write-Host "Report has been processed to csv file"
"";Write-Host "Would you like to generate other reports? Type Yes or No";""

$otherreports = Read-Host "Enter Value"

if ( $otherreports -eq 'Yes')
"";Write-Host "Populating options for Report Generation.."

Sleep -Seconds 2


else {

Write-Host "Report has been generated"


"";Write-Host "What would you like to do?"

"";Write-Host "1. Generate Last Evaluation Cycle report"

"";write-Host "2. Run On Demand Compliance scan"

"";$userinput = Read-Host "Enter Value"

switch($userinput) {

1 {
for ($i = 1; $i -le 100; $i++ )
    Write-Progress -Activity "Checking for last evaluation cycle" -Status "$i% Complete:" -PercentComplete $i;
    Sleep -Milliseconds 30

$output = foreach ( $assignment in $PolicyAssignments) 

if ( $assignment.Properties.displayName -ne $null) 

$pstate = Get-AzPolicyState -PolicyAssignmentName $assignment.Name

if ($pstate.Timestamp -eq $null) {

$obj = new-object psobject -Property @{
                Lastevaluationcycle= "No Resources Evaluated"
                NameofPolicy = $assignment.Properties.displayName                   


$Obj | Select-Object NameofPolicy,lastEvaluationcycle

else {

  $obj = new-object psobject -Property @{
                Lastevaluationcycle= $pstate.Timestamp[0]
                NameofPolicy = $assignment.Properties.displayName                   

$obj | Select-Object NameofPolicy,LastEvaluationCycle 


$output | ft -AutoSize
write-progress -Activity "Checking for last evaluation cycle" -status "Completed" -Completed

"";Write-Host "Would you like to process the output to a csv file? Type Yes or No";"" 
$outputfile = Read-Host "Enter Value"
if ( $outputfile -eq 'Yes') 
"";Write-Host "Please enter the file path that you would like to export the report to. Please ensure to specify file path until the filename";""

$filepath = Read-Host "File Path"
for ($i = 1; $i -le 100; $i++ )
    Write-Progress -Activity "Processing details to csv file" -Status "$i% Complete:" -PercentComplete $i;
    Sleep -Milliseconds 30
write-progress -Activity "Processing details to csv file" -status "Completed" -Completed
$output| Export-Csv $filepath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
""; Write-Host "Report has been prcoessed to csv file."
"";Write-Host "Would you like to generate other reports? Type Yes or No";""

$otherreports = Read-Host "Enter Value"

if ( $otherreports -eq 'Yes')
"";Write-Host "Populating options for Report Generation.."

Sleep -Seconds 2


else {

"";Write-Host "Report has been generated"


"" ;Write-Host "Affirmative. Triggering policy evaluation scan" ;""

Write-Host "This might take few minutes. Feel free to grab a coffee." ;""

$job = Start-AzPolicyComplianceScan -AsJob

Write-Host " Evaluation triggered at :" $job.PSBeginTime

while ($job.StatusMessage -eq 'Running')
    Write-Progress -Activity "Triggering Policy Evaluation" -Status "In Progress" 

if ( $job.StatusMessage -eq 'Completed')
"";Write-Host " Success. On-demand evaluation scan has completed." ;""
Write-Host "Evaluation completed at :" $job.PSEndTime

"";Write-Host "Looks like we could not trigger on demand compliance scan. Please try again"


Default {
"";Write-Host "Looks like the entered value does not match the provided values.Please enter a valid value"




Default {
"";Write-Host "Looks like the entered value does not match the provided values.Please enter a valid value"





 $_.Exception | Format-List -Force

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Generatereport'