
function Get-PACertificate {

    Begin {
        # Make sure we have an account configured
        if (!(Get-PAAccount)) {
            throw "No ACME account configured. Run Set-PAAccount or New-PAAccount first."

    Process {

        # List mode
        if ('List' -eq $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

            # get the list of orders
            $orders = Get-PAOrder -List | Where-Object { $_.status -eq 'valid' -and $_.CertExpires }

            # recurse for each complete order
            $orders | Get-PACertificate

        # Specific mode
        } else {

            if ($MainDomain) {

                # build the path to order.json
                $domainFolder = Join-Path $script:AcctFolder $MainDomain.Replace('*','!')
                $orderFile =  Join-Path $domainFolder 'order.json'

                # check for an order.json
                if (Test-Path $orderFile -PathType Leaf) {
                    Write-Debug "Loading PAOrder from disk"
                    $order = Get-ChildItem $orderFile | Get-Content -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
                } else {
                    throw "Unable to find cached PAOrder info for $MainDomain."

            } else {
                # just use the current one
                $order = $script:Order

            # build the path to cert.cer
            $domainFolder = Join-Path $script:AcctFolder $order.MainDomain.Replace('*','!')
            $certFile = Join-Path $domainFolder 'cert.cer'

            # double check the cert exists
            if (!(Test-Path $certFile -PathType Leaf)) {
                throw "Certificate file missing: $certFile"

            # import the cert
            $cert = Import-Pem $certFile

            $sha1 = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider
            $allSANs = @($order.MainDomain); if ($order.SANs.Count -gt 0) { $allSANs += @($order.SANs) }

            # create the output object
            $pacert = [pscustomobject]@{
                PSTypeName = 'PoshACME.PACertificate';

                # add the literal subject rather than just the domain name
                Subject = $cert.SubjectDN.ToString();

                # PowerShell's cert:\ provider outputs these in local time, but BouncyCastle outputs in
                # UTC, so we'll convert so they match
                NotBefore = $cert.NotBefore.ToLocalTime();
                NotAfter  = $cert.NotAfter.ToLocalTime();

                KeyLength = $order.KeyLength;

                # the thumbprint is a SHA1 hash of the DER encoded cert which is not actually
                # stored in the cert itself
                Thumbprint = [BitConverter]::ToString($sha1.ComputeHash($cert.GetEncoded())).Replace('-','')

                # add the full list of SANs
                AllSANs = $allSANs

                # add the associated files
                CertFile      = Join-Path $domainFolder 'cert.cer'
                KeyFile       = Join-Path $domainFolder 'cert.key'
                ChainFile     = Join-Path $domainFolder 'chain.cer'
                FullChainFile = Join-Path $domainFolder 'fullchain.cer'
                PfxFile       = Join-Path $domainFolder 'cert.pfx'
                PfxFullChain  = Join-Path $domainFolder 'fullchain.pfx'


            return $pacert

        Get ACME certificate details.
        Returns details such as Thumbprint, Subject, Validity, SANs, and file locations for one or more ACME certificates previously created.
    .PARAMETER MainDomain
        The primary domain associated with the certificate. This is the domain that goes in the certificate's subject.
        If specified, the details for all completed certificates will be returned for the current account.
        Get cached ACME order details for the currently selected order.
        Get cached ACME order details for the specified domain.
        Get-PACertificate -List
        Get all cached ACME order details.
