
function Get-PAPluginArgs {
        [ValidateScript({Test-ValidFriendlyName $_ -ThrowOnFail})]

    Begin {
        # Make sure we have an account configured
        if (-not ($acct = Get-PAAccount)) {
            try { throw "No ACME account configured. Run Set-PAAccount or New-PAAccount first." }
            catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) }

    Process {
        trap { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($PSItem) }

        # try to find an order using the specified parameters
        $order = Get-PAOrder @PSBoundParameters

        if (-not $order) {
            if (-not $MainDomain -and -not $Name) {
                Write-Warning "No ACME order configured. Run Set-PAOrder or New-PAOrder first."
            } else {
                Write-Warning "No ACME order found using the specified parameters."
            return @{}

        $pDataFile = Join-Path $order.Folder 'pluginargs.json'
        $pData = @{}

        if (Test-Path $pDataFile -PathType Leaf) {

            # Despite being exported as a hashtable, it comes back in as a PSCustomObject
            # And while there's -AsHashtable in PS 6+, we can't rely on it until we
            # drop support for PS 5.1.
            $pDataSafe = Get-Content $pDataFile -Raw -Encoding utf8 -EA Ignore | ConvertFrom-Json

            # determine whether we're using a custom key
            $encParam = @{}
            if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($acct.sskey)) {
                $encParam.Key = $acct.sskey | ConvertFrom-Base64Url -AsByteArray

            # Convert it to a hashtable and do our custom deserialization on SecureString
            # and PSCredential objects.
            foreach ($prop in $pDataSafe.PSObject.Properties) {
                if ($prop.TypeNameOfValue -eq 'System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject') {
                    if ($prop.Value.origType) {
                        if ('pscredential' -eq $prop.Value.origType) {
                            $pData[$prop.Name] = [pscredential]::new(
                                $prop.Value.user,($prop.Value.pass | ConvertTo-SecureString @encParam)
                        elseif ('securestring' -eq $prop.Value.origType) {
                            $pData[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value.value | ConvertTo-SecureString @encParam
                    else {
                        Write-Debug "PluginArg $($prop.Name) deserialized as custom object we don't recognize. Treating as hashtable."
                        # We're going to assume all custom objects that don't have an 'origType' property
                        # were hashtables that we can safely convert back.
                        $subHT = @{}
                        foreach ($subprop in $prop.Value.PSObject.Properties) {
                            $subHT[$subprop.Name] = $subprop.Value
                        $pData[$prop.Name] = $subHT
                else {
                    $pData[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value


        Retrieve the plugin args for the current or specified order.
        An easy way to recall the plugin args used for a given order.
    .PARAMETER MainDomain
        The primary domain for the order. For a SAN order, this was the first domain in the list when creating the order.
        The name of the ACME order. This can be useful to distinguish between two orders that have the same MainDomain.
        Retrieve the plugin args for the current order.
        Get-PAPluginArgs -Name myorder
        Retrieve the plugin args for the specified order.
        Get-PAOrder -Name myorder | Get-PAPluginArgs
        Retrieve the plugin args for the order passed via the pipeline.
