
function Get-IBCLIApacheCerts {
            HelpMessage='Enter the Hostname or IP Address of an Infoblox appliance.'
            HelpMessage='Enter the ShellStream object returned by Connect-IBCLI.'
            HelpMessage='Enter the credentials for the appliance.'

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NewStream') {
        $ShellStream = Connect-IBCLI $ComputerName $Credential -Force:$Force -ErrorAction Stop

    Write-Verbose "Fetching 'set apache_https_cert' output from $($ShellStream.Session.ConnectionInfo.Host)"
        There's no 'show apache_https_cert' command, but the 'set' equivalent
        outputs all the info we need and we can just quit the prompt without
        making changes. It looks something like this:
        Current apache certificate:
            Serial: 73000000313fc79913148368ae000000000031
            Common name:
        Available certificates:
            1. Serial: 259fb5e9e47c9ea8e64ba3bba692b070 , Common name: infoblox.localdomain
            2. Serial: 641ba8024f8a93879a504a49bf58bbef , Common name: infoblox.localdomain
            3. Serial: 59b86fe0dc3337606a87ce0dedc09076 , Common name:
            4. Serial: 73000000313fc79913148368ae000000000031 , Common name:
        Select certificate (1-4) or q to quit:

    try {

        # make sure this appliance supports the command (NIOS 8.4+)
        $output = Invoke-IBCLICommand 'help set' $ShellStream
        if ($null -eq ($output | Where-Object { $_ -like '*set apache_https_cert*' })) {
            throw "The NIOS version on this appliance does not support the 'set apache_https_cert' command required to get the certificate info."

        # # get the command output
        $output = Invoke-IBCLICommand 'set apache_https_cert' $ShellStream

        $reCert = '(?<index>\d+)\. [^:]+: (?<serial>\w+) , [^:]+: (?<cn>.+)'

        $gotCurrent = $false
        for ($i=0; $i -lt $output.Count; $i++) {
            $line = $output[$i]
            if (-not $gotCurrent -and $line -like 'Current apache certificate:*') {
                $curSerial = $output[$i+1].Trim()
                $curSerial = $curSerial.Substring($curSerial.IndexOf(':')+1)
                Write-Verbose $curSerial
                $curCN = $output[$i+2].Trim()
                $curCN = $curCN.Substring($curCN.IndexOf(':')+1)
                Write-Verbose $curCN
                $i += 2
                $gotCurrent = $true

            if ($gotCurrent -and $line -match $reCert) {
                $index = $matches['index']
                $serial = $matches['serial']
                $cn = $matches['cn']

                Write-Verbose "$index, $serial, $cn"


        $output = Invoke-IBCLICommand 'q' $ShellStream

        # $csv = $output[0..($output.length-2)] | ConvertFrom-Csv

        # $ret = $csv | ?{ $_.public_ip -eq $ip } |
        # Select `
        # @{L='LicenseType';E={$_.license_type}}, `
        # @{L='LicenseString';E={$_.license_string}}, `
        # @{L='HardwareID';E={$hwid}}, `
        # @{L='Expiration';E={
        # $outdate = [DateTime]::MinValue
        # if ([DateTime]::TryParse($_.exp_date,[ref]$outdate)) {
        # $outdate
        # } else {
        # # unparseable usually means 'Permanent'
        # [DateTime]::MaxValue
        # }
        # }}

        # # inject the type name for each result
        # $ret | %{
        # $_.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0,'Dvolve.IBCLI.License')
        # }

        # return $ret

    } finally {
        # disconnect if we initiated the connection here
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NewStream') {
            Disconnect-IBCLI $ShellStream
