
function HighestVer
    param (

    try {
        # Query the grid master schema for the list of supported versions
        Write-Verbose "Querying schema for supported versions"
        $versions = (Invoke-IBWAPI -Uri "https://$WAPIHost/wapi/v1.1/?_schema" -WebSession $WebSession).supported_versions

        # Historically, these are returned in order. But just in case they aren't, we'll
        # explicitly sort them via the [Version] cast which is an easy way to make sure you
        # end up with 1,2,11,22 instead of 1,11,2,22.
        $versions = $versions | Sort-Object @{E={[Version]$_}}

        # set the most recent (last) one in the sorted list
        return $versions[-1]
    catch {
        if ($_.ToString() -eq 'AdmConProtoError: Unknown argument: _schema=') {

            Write-Verbose "Schema query failed, attempting to scrape wapidoc HTML."

            # We're likely dealing with a pre-1.7.5 WAPI version that doesn't support
            # schema querying. So we're going to have to scrape the WAPI version
            # from /wapidoc HTML.
            $reVersion = '<title>.*WAPI ([\.0-9]+).*</title>'

            # get the wapidoc home page
            $response = Invoke-RestMethod "https://$WAPIHost/wapidoc"

            if ($response -match $reVersion) {
                # return the version we found
                return $matches[1]
            else {
                throw "Unable to parse WAPI version from wapidoc HTML."
        else {
            # just re-throw everything else