
function Remove-IBConfig
        [ValidateScript({Test-NonEmptyString $_ -ThrowOnFail})]

    Process {

        if ('All' -eq $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {

            if ($AllProfiles) {
                Write-Verbose "Removing all connection profiles."

                # delete the config file if it exists
                if (Test-Path $script:ProfilesFile) {
                    Remove-Item $script:ProfilesFile -Force


            # it's possible they called this with -AllProfiles:$false which is weird
            # and we'll just not do anything

        } else {

            # decide which profile to remove
            $profToRemove = $script:CurrentProfile
            if ($ProfileName) {
                $profToRemove = $ProfileName

            Write-Verbose "Removing $profToRemove"

            if ($profToRemove -in $script:Profiles.Keys) {


                # set a new CurrentProfile if necessary
                if ($script:CurrentProfile -eq $profToRemove) {
                    $script:CurrentProfile = [string]::Empty
                    if ($script:Profiles.Count -gt 0) {
                        $script:CurrentProfile = @(($script:Profiles.Keys | Sort-Object))[0]

            } else {
                Write-Warning "`"$profToRemove`" not found in the set of existing profiles."

            # save changes to disk

            # if this is the last entry, just delete the config file
            if ($script:Profiles.Count -lt 1) {
                if (Test-Path $script:ConfigFile) {
                    Remove-Item $script:ConfigFile -Force
            } else {


        Remove a WAPI connection profile.
        When called with no parameters, the currently active connection profile will be removed.
        When called with -ProfileName, the specified profile will be removed.
        When called with -AllProfiles, all profiles will be removed.
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        The name of the profile to remove.
    .PARAMETER AllProfiles
        If set, all profiles will be removed.
        Remove the currently active connection profile.
        Remove-IBConfig -AllHosts
        Remove all connection profiles.
