
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)]

$ProjectRoot = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\.."
$ModuleRoot = Split-Path (Resolve-Path "$ProjectRoot\*.psd1")
$ModuleName = Split-Path $ModuleRoot -Leaf
$ModulePsd = (Resolve-Path "$ProjectRoot\$ModuleName.psd1").Path
$ModulePsm = (Resolve-Path "$ProjectRoot\$ModuleName.psm1").Path
#$DefaultsFile = Join-Path $ProjectRoot "Tests\$($ModuleName).Pester.Defaults.json"

$ModuleLoaded = Get-Module $ModuleName
If ($null -eq $ModuleLoaded) {
    Import-Module $ModulePSD -Force
ElseIf ($null -ne $ModuleLoaded -and $ModuleLoaded -ne $ModulePSM) {
    Remove-Module $ModuleName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Import-Module $ModulePSD -Force

Describe "Connection" {
    $1stSession = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential
    Context "When Logging In with Actual Credentials" {
        it 'uxSession return object should include the host name provided above' {
            $1stSession.host | Should -be $uxhostname
        it 'uxSession return object should include a websession' {
            $1stSession.session | Should -be $true
        it 'uxSession return object should include a credential' {
            $1stSession.credentials | Should -be $true
    Context "When Logging In with wrong hostname " {
        it 'uxSession return object should throw an error' {
            { connect-uxgateway -uxhostname "kkk.no.local" -credentials $Credential -ea stop } | should throw
    Context "When Logging In with wrong credentials " {
        $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "PlainTextPassword" -AsPlainText -Force
        $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("username", $secpasswd)

        it 'uxSession return object should throw an error' {
            { connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -Credentials $mycreds -ea stop } | should throw
    if ($2ndHostname) {
        $2ndSession = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $2ndHostname -credentials $Credential
        Context "Testing Connections Using two Sessions" {
            it 'uxSession return object for first session should include the host name provided' {
                $1stSession.host | Should -be $uxhostname
            it 'uxSession return object for first session should include the host name provided' {
                $2ndSession.host | Should -be $2ndHostname
            it "The First Session host Should not match the second session" {
                $1stSession.host -eq $2ndSession.host | Should -Be $false
Describe "Getting Information Back from Get Cmdlets" {
    $1stSession = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential -ea stop
    if ($2ndHostname) {
        $2ndSession = connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $2ndHostname -credentials $Credential
    Context "Testing the `"Engine`" cmdlet get-UXResource " {
        it "should not error if we ask for a valid resource" {
            { Get-UxResource -resource system -ReturnElement system -ea stop } | Should -Not -Throw
        it "should return a valid XML response when asking for a return element" {
            Get-UxResource -resource system -ReturnElement system -ea stop | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        it "should return a valid XML response when not asking for a return element" {
            Get-UxResource -resource system -ea stop | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        it "should return a valid XML response when not asking for a return element from a declared session" {
            Get-UxResource -uxSession $1stSession -resource system -ea stop | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        it "should return a valid XML response when not asking for a return element from a declared session" {
            Get-UxResource -uxSession $1stSession -resource system -ReturnElement system -ea stop | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        it "should throw if we ask for an invalid resource" {
            { Get-UxResource -uxSession $1stSession -resource zzzz -ea stop } | Should -Throw

    Context "Getting System Info testing get-uxSystemInfo" {
        connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential -ea stop
        it 'An XML object Should be returned for the DEFAULT session' {
            (Get-UxSystemInfo) | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        it 'A string object Should be returned for vendor for the DEFAULT session' {
            (Get-UxSystemInfo).vendor | Should -beoftype String
        $PrimarySBC = Get-UxSystemInfo -uxSession $1stSession 
        it 'An XML object Should be returned for a NAMED session' {
            $PrimarySBC | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        it 'A string object Should be returned for vendor for a NAMED session' {
            $PrimarySBC.vendor | Should -beoftype String
        if ($2ndHostname) {
            $SecondSBC = Get-UxSystemInfo -uxSession $2ndSession 
            it 'The return object should not be the same as the primary connection' {
                $PrimarySBC.href -ne $SecondSBC.href | Should -be $true

    Context "Getting System Info testing get-uxSystemCallStats" {
        connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential -ea stop
        it 'An XML object Should be returned for the DEFAULT session' {
            (Get-UxSystemCallStats) | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        it 'A string object Should be returned for href for the DEFAULT session' {
            (Get-UxSystemCallStats).href | Should -beoftype String
        $PrimarySBC = Get-UxSystemCallStats -uxSession $1stSession 
        it 'An XML object Should be returned for a NAMED session' {
            $PrimarySBC | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        it 'A string object Should be returned for href for a NAMED session' {
            $PrimarySBC.href | Should -beoftype String
        if ($2ndHostname) {
            $SecondSBC = Get-UxSystemCallStats -uxSession $2ndSession 
            it 'The return object should not be the same as the primary connection' {
                $PrimarySBC.href -ne $SecondSBC.href | Should -be $true

    Context "Getting System Info testing get-UxSystemLog" {
        connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential -ea stop
        it 'An XML object Should be returned for the DEFAULT session' {
            (Get-UxSystemLog) | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        it 'A string object Should be returned for href for the DEFAULT session' {
            (Get-UxSystemLog).href | Should -beoftype String
        $PrimarySBC = Get-UxSystemLog -uxSession $1stSession 
        it 'An XML object Should be returned for a NAMED session' {
            $PrimarySBC | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        it 'A string object Should be returned for href for a NAMED session' {
            $PrimarySBC.href | Should -beoftype String
        if ($2ndHostname) {
            $SecondSBC = Get-UxSystemLog -uxSession $2ndSession 
            it 'The return object should not be the same as the primary connection' {
                $PrimarySBC.href -ne $SecondSBC.href | Should -be $true

    Context "Getting System Info testing get-UxTransformationTable" {
        connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential -ea stop
        it 'An XML object Should be returned for the DEFAULT session' {
            (Get-UxTransformationTable) | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        it 'A string object Should be returned for href element of the first object for the DEFAULT session' {
            (Get-UxTransformationTable)[0].href | Should -beoftype String
        $PrimarySBC = Get-UxTransformationTable -uxSession $1stSession 
        it 'An XML object Should be returned for a NAMED session' {
            $PrimarySBC | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        it 'A string object Should be returned for href element of the first object for a NAMED session' {
            $PrimarySBC[0].href | Should -beoftype String
        if ($2ndHostname) {
            $SecondSBC = Get-UxTransformationTable -uxSession $2ndSession 
            it 'The return object should not be the same as the primary connection' {
                $PrimarySBC[0].href -ne $SecondSBC[0].href | Should -be $true
    Context "Testing get-UxTransformationTable and getting detailed entries for the first table" {
        connect-uxgateway -uxhostname $uxhostname -credentials $Credential -ea stop
        $1stTable = (Get-UxTransformationTable)[0].id
        if (-not $1stTable) {
            $1stTable = (Get-UxTransformationTable)[1].id
        it 'An XML object Should be returned for the DEFAULT session' {
            (Get-UxTransformationTable $1stTable) | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        $PrimarySBC = Get-UxTransformationTable $1stTable -uxSession $1stSession 
        it 'An XML object Should be returned for a NAMED session' {
            $PrimarySBC | Should -BeOfType System.Xml.XmlElement
        if ($2ndHostname) {
            $1stTable = (Get-UxTransformationTable -uxSession $2ndSession)[0].id
            if (-not $1stTable) {
                $1stTable = (Get-UxTransformationTable -uxSession $2ndSession)[1].id
            $SecondSBC = Get-UxTransformationTable -uxSession $2ndSession 
            $1stTable = $SecondSBC[0].id
            if ($null -eq $1stTable) {
                $1stTable = $SecondSBC[1].id
            it 'The return object should not be the same as the primary connection' {
                $PrimarySBC[0].href -ne $SecondSBC[0].href | Should -be $true
