
# SSH Function

   Get current SSH Session that are available for interaction.
   Get current SSH Session that are available for interaction.
    Get list of current sessions available.
    PS C:\> Get-SSHSession
    Index Host Connected
    ----- ---- ---------
      0 True
      1 False
      2 True
      3 True
    Index number of Session to retrive.
    AUTHOR: Carlos Perez carlos_perez@darkoprator.com

function Get-SSHSession 

        if ($Index)
            foreach($i in $Index)
                foreach($session in $SshSessions)
                    if ($session.Index -eq $i)
            # Can not reference SShSessions directly so as to be able
            # to remove the sessions when Remove-SSHSession is used
            $return_sessions = @()
            foreach($s in $SshSessions){$return_sessions += $s}

   Removes and Closes an existing SSH Session.
    Removes and Closes an existing SSH Session. The session can be a SSH Session object
    or they can be specified by Index.
    Remove a SSH Session specified by Index
    PS C:\> Remove-SSHSession -Index 0
    Index number of Session to close and remove.
    SSH Session to close and remove.
    AUTHOR: Carlos Perez carlos_perez@darkoprator.com

function Remove-SSHSession
        ParameterSetName = 'byname',

        ParameterSetName = 'Session',

            if ($Index.Count -gt 0)
                $sessions2remove = @()
                 foreach($i in $Index)
                    Write-Verbose $i
                    foreach($session in $Global:SshSessions)
                        if ($session.Index -eq $i)
                            $sessions2remove += $session

                foreach($badsession in $sessions2remove)
                     Write-Verbose "Removing session $($badsession.index)"
                     if ($badsession.session.IsConnected) 
                     Write-Verbose "Session $($badsession.index) Removed"

            if ($SSHSession.Count -gt 0)
                $sessions2remove = @()
                 foreach($i in $SSHSession)
                    foreach($ssh in $Global:SshSessions)
                        if ($ssh -eq $i)
                            $sessions2remove += $ssh

                foreach($badsession in $sessions2remove)
                     Write-Verbose "Removing session $($badsession.index)"
                     if ($badsession.session.IsConnected) 
                     Write-Verbose "Session $($badsession.index) Removed"


   Executes a given command on a remote SSH host.
   Executes a given command on a remote SSH hosst given credentials to the host or using an existing
   SSH Session.
    Executes the "uname -a" command against several sessions
    PS C:\> Invoke-SSHCommand -Command "uname -a" -Index 0,2,3
    Host :
    Output : Linux debian6 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Sep 23 10:07:46 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    ExitStatus : 0
    Host :
    Output : Linux ole6 2.6.39-300.17.1.el6uek.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Oct 19 11:29:17 PDT 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    ExitStatus : 0
    Host :
    Output : Linux ubuntusrv 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    ExitStatus : 0
    Command to execute in remote host.
    Index number of Session to execute command against.
    SSH Session to execute command against.
    AUTHOR: Carlos Perez carlos_perez@darkoprator.com

function Invoke-SSHCommand

        ParameterSetName = 'Session',

        ParameterSetName = 'Index')]
        [int32[]]$Index = $null,

        # Ensures a connection is made by reconnecting before command.


        if ($SSHSession)
            foreach($s in $SshSession)
                if ($s.session.isconnected)
                    if ($EnsureConnection)
                    $result = $S.session.RunCommand($Command)
                    $result = $s.session.RunCommand($Command)
                if ($result)
                        $ResultObj = New-Object psobject -Property @{Output = $result.Result
                                                                     ExitStatus = $result.ExitStatus 
                                                                     Host = $s.Host

        elseif ($Index.Length -gt 0)
            foreach($s in $SshSessions)
                if($Index -contains $s.Index)
                    Write-Verbose "Running command against $($s.Index)"
                    if ($s.session.isconnected)
                        if ($EnsureConnection)
                        $result = $S.session.RunCommand($Command)
                        $result = $s.session.RunCommand($Command)
                    if ($result)
                        $ResultObj = New-Object psobject -Property @{Output = $result.Result; ExitStatus = $result.ExitStatus; Host = $s.Host}


# SSH Port Forwarding

   Redirects traffic from a local port to a remote host and port via a SSH Session.
   Redirects TCP traffic from a local port to a remote host and port via a SSH Session.
   Forward traffic from to thru a SSH Session
    PS C:\> New-SSHLocalPortForward -Index 0 -LocalAdress -LocalPort 8081 -RemoteAddress -RemotePort 80 -Verbose
    VERBOSE: Finding session with Index 0
    VERBOSE: 0
    VERBOSE: Adding Forward Port Configuration to session 0
    VERBOSE: Starting the Port Forward.
    VERBOSE: Forwarding has been started.
    PS C:\> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:8081
    StatusCode : 200
    StatusDescription : OK
    Content :
                        <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
                                <script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/scri...
    RawContent : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                        Expires: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 03:43:18 GMT,Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
                        Cache-Control: max-age=180000,no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
                        Set-Cookie: PHPSESS...
    Forms : {iform}
    Headers : {[Expires, Tue, 16 Apr 2013 03:43:18 GMT,Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT], [Cache-Control, max-age=180000,no-store, no-cache,
                        must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0], [Set-Cookie, PHPSESSID=d53d3dc62ffac241112bcfd16af36bb8; path=/], [Pragma, no-cache]...}
    Images : {}
    InputFields : {@{innerHTML=; innerText=; outerHTML=<INPUT onchange=clearError(); onclick=clearError(); tabIndex=1 id=usernamefld class="formfld user"
                        name=usernamefld>; outerText=; tagName=INPUT; onchange=clearError();; onclick=clearError();; tabIndex=1; id=usernamefld; class=formfld
                        user; name=usernamefld}, @{innerHTML=; innerText=; outerHTML=<INPUT onchange=clearError(); onclick=clearError(); tabIndex=2
                        id=passwordfld class="formfld pwd" type=password value="" name=passwordfld>; outerText=; tagName=INPUT; onchange=clearError();;
                        onclick=clearError();; tabIndex=2; id=passwordfld; class=formfld pwd; type=password; value=; name=passwordfld}, @{innerHTML=;
                        innerText=; outerHTML=<INPUT tabIndex=3 class=formbtn type=submit value=Login name=login>; outerText=; tagName=INPUT; tabIndex=3;
                        class=formbtn; type=submit; value=Login; name=login}}
    Links : {}
    ParsedHtml : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
    RawContentLength : 5932

<#function New-SSHLocalPortForward
    [String]$LocalAdress = '',
        ParameterSetName = "Session",
        ParameterSetName = "Index",
    [Int32]$Index = $null
        # Initialize the ForwardPort Object
        $SSHFWP = New-Object Renci.SshNet.ForwardedPortLocal($LocalAdress, $LocalPort, $RemoteAddress, $RemotePort)
        if ($Index -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Finding session with Index $Index"
            foreach($session in $Global:SshSessions)
                Write-Verbose $session.index
                if ($session.index -eq $Index)
                    # Add the forward port object to the session
                    Write-Verbose "Adding Forward Port Configuration to session $Index"
                    Write-Verbose "Starting the Port Forward."
                    Write-Verbose "Forwarding has been started."
        elseif ($SSHSession)
            if ($SSHSession -in $Global:SshSessions)
                # Add the forward port object to the session
                Write-Verbose "Adding Forward Port Configuration to session $($SSHSession.index)"
                Write-Verbose "Starting the Port Forward."
                Write-Verbose "Forwarding has been started."
                Write-Error "The Session does not appear in the list of created sessions."

<#function New-SSHRemotePortForward
    [String]$LocalAdress = '',
        ParameterSetName = "Session",
        ParameterSetName = "Index",
    [Int32]$Index = $null
        # Initialize the ForwardPort Object
        $SSHFWP = New-Object Renci.SshNet.ForwardedPortRemote($LocalAdress, $LocalPort, $RemoteAddress, $RemotePort)
        if ($Index -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Finding session with Index $Index"
            foreach($session in $Global:SshSessions)
                Write-Verbose $session.index
                if ($session.index -eq $Index)
                    # Add the forward port object to the session
                    Write-Verbose "Adding Forward Port Configuration to session $Index"
                    Write-Verbose "Starting the Port Forward."
                    Write-Verbose "Forwarding has been started."
        elseif ($SSHSession)
            if ($SSHSession -in $Global:SshSessions)
                # Add the forward port object to the session
                Write-Verbose "Adding Forward Port Configuration to session $($SSHSession.index)"
                Write-Verbose "Starting the Port Forward."
                Write-Verbose "Forwarding has been started."
                Write-Error "The Session does not appear in the list of created sessions."

   Establishes a Dynamic Port Forward thru a stablished SSH Session.
   Dynamic port forwarding is a transparent mechanism available for applications, which
   support the SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 client protoco. In windows for best results the local address
   to bind to should be the IP of the network interface.
    New-SSHDynamicPortForward -LocalAdress -LocalPort 8081 -Index 0 -Verbose
VERBOSE: Finding session with Index 0
VERBOSE: Adding Forward Port Configuration to session 0
VERBOSE: Starting the Port Forward.
VERBOSE: Forwarding has been started.

<#function New-SSHDynamicPortForward
    [String]$LocalAdress = 'localhost',
        ParameterSetName = "Session",
        ParameterSetName = "Index",
        # Initialize the ForwardPort Object
        $SSHFWP = New-Object Renci.SshNet.ForwardedPortDynamic($LocalAdress, $LocalPort)
        if ($Index -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Finding session with Index $Index"
            foreach($session in $Global:SshSessions)
                Write-Verbose $session.index
                if ($session.index -eq $Index)
                    # Add the forward port object to the session
                    Write-Verbose "Adding Forward Port Configuration to session $Index"
                    Write-Verbose "Starting the Port Forward."
                    Write-Verbose "Forwarding has been started."
        elseif ($SSHSession)
            if ($SSHSession -in $Global:SshSessions)
                # Add the forward port object to the session
                Write-Verbose "Adding Forward Port Configuration to session $($SSHSession.index)"
                Write-Verbose "Starting the Port Forward."
                Write-Verbose "Forwarding has been started."
                Write-Error "The Session does not appear in the list of created sessions."

   Get a list of forwarded TCP Ports for a SSH Session
   Get a list of forwarded TCP Ports for a SSH Session
   Get list of configured forwarded ports
    PS C:\> Get-SSHPortForward -Index 0
    BoundHost :
    BoundPort : 8081
    Host :
    Port : 80
    IsStarted : True

<#function Get-SSHPortForward
        ParameterSetName = "Session",
        ParameterSetName = "Index",
        if ($Index -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Finding session with Index $Index"
            foreach($session in $Global:SshSessions)
                if ($session.index -eq $Index)
                    Write-Verbose "Session with index $Index found."
        elseif ($SSHSession)
            if ($SSHSession -in $Global:SshSessions)
                Write-Error "The Session does not appear in the list of created sessions."

   Stops a configured port forward configured for a SSH Session
   Stops a configured port forward configured for a SSH Session given the session and port number
   Stop a currently working port forward thru a SSH Session
   C:\Users\Carlos> Get-SSHPortForward -Index 0
    BoundHost :
    BoundPort : 8081
    Host :
    Port : 80
    IsStarted : True
    C:\Users\Carlos> Stop-SSHPortForward -Index 0 -BoundPort 8081
    BoundHost :
    BoundPort : 8081
    Host :
    Port : 80
    IsStarted : False

<#function Stop-SSHPortForward
        ParameterSetName = "Session",
        ParameterSetName = "Index",
        if ($Index -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Finding session with Index $Index"
            foreach($session in $Global:SshSessions)
                Write-Verbose $session.index
                if ($session.index -eq $Index)
                    $ports = $session.Session.ForwardedPorts
                    foreach($p in $ports)
                        if ($p.BoundPort -eq $BoundPort)
        elseif ($SSHSession)
            if ($SSHSession -in $Global:SshSessions)
                $ports = $SSHSession.Session.ForwardedPorts
                foreach($p in $ports)
                    if ($p.BoundPort -eq $BoundPort)
                Write-Error "The Session does not appear in the list of created sessions."

   Start a configured port forward configured for a SSH Session
   Stops a configured port forward configured for a SSH Session given the session and port number
   Stop a currently working port forward thru a SSH Session
   C:\Users\Carlos> Get-SSHPortForward -Index 0
    BoundHost :
    BoundPort : 8081
    Host :
    Port : 80
    IsStarted : False
    C:\Users\Carlos> Start-SSHPortForward -Index 0 -BoundPort 8081
    BoundHost :
    BoundPort : 8081
    Host :
    Port : 80
    IsStarted : True

<#function Start-SSHPortForward
        ParameterSetName = "Session",
        ParameterSetName = "Index",
        if ($Index -ne $null)
            Write-Verbose "Finding session with Index $Index"
            foreach($session in $Global:SshSessions)
                Write-Verbose $session.index
                if ($session.index -eq $Index)
                    $ports = $session.Session.ForwardedPorts
                    foreach($p in $ports)
                        if ($p.BoundPort -eq $BoundPort)
        elseif ($SSHSession)
            if ($SSHSession -in $Global:SshSessions)
                $ports = $SSHSession.Session.ForwardedPorts
                foreach($p in $ports)
                    if ($p.BoundPort -eq $BoundPort)
                Write-Error "The Session does not appear in the list of created sessions."

# SFTP Functions

   Get current SFTP Sessions that are available for interaction.
   Get current SFTP Sessions that are available for interaction.
    Get list of current sessions available.
    PS C:\> Get-SFTPSession
    Index Host Connected
    ----- ---- ---------
      0 True
    Index number of Session to retrive.
    AUTHOR: Carlos Perez carlos_perez@darkoprator.com

function Get-SFTPSession 
        [Int32[]] $Index

        if ($Index.Length -gt 0)
            foreach($i in $Index)
                foreach($session in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($session.Index -eq $i)
            # Can not reference SFTPSessions directly so as to be able
            # to remove the sessions when Remove-Sftpession is used
            $return_sessions = @()
            foreach($s in $Global:SFTPSessions){$return_sessions += $s}

   Close and Remove a SFTP Session
   Close and Remove a SFTP Session specified by Index or SFTP Session Object.
   Close a SFTP Session
    PS C:\> Remove-SFTPSession -Index 0 -Verbose
    VERBOSE: 0
    VERBOSE: Removing session 0
    VERBOSE: Session 0 Removed

function Remove-SFTPSession
        ParameterSetName = 'byname',
        [Int32[]] $Index,

        ParameterSetName = 'Session',

            if ($Index.Count -gt 0)
                $sessions2remove = @()
                 foreach($i in $Index)
                    Write-Verbose $i
                    foreach($session in $Global:SFTPSessions)
                        if ($session.Index -eq $i)
                            $sessions2remove += $session

                foreach($badsession in $sessions2remove)
                     Write-Verbose "Removing session $($badsession.index)"
                     if ($badsession.session.IsConnected) 
                     Write-Verbose "Session $($badsession.index) Removed"

            if ($SFTPSession.Count -gt 0)
                $sessions2remove = @()
                 foreach($i in $SFTPSession)
                    foreach($ssh in $global:SFTPSessions)
                        if ($ssh -eq $i)
                            $sessions2remove += $ssh

                foreach($badsession in $sessions2remove)
                     Write-Verbose "Removing session $($badsession.index)"
                     if ($badsession.session.IsConnected) 
                     Write-Verbose "Session $($badsession.index) Removed"


   Get a List of Files for SFTP Session.
   Get a collection of objection representing files on a given path on a SFTP Session.
   List files in the /tmp path on a remote SFTP Session
   C:\Users\Carlos> Get-SFTPDirectoryList -Index 0 -Path "/tmp"
    FullName : /tmp/vmware-root
    LastAccessTime : 4/13/2013 5:44:56 PM
    LastWriteTime : 4/13/2013 5:44:56 PM
    Length : 4096
    UserId : 0
    FullName : /tmp/..
    LastAccessTime : 4/13/2013 5:31:46 PM
    LastWriteTime : 4/13/2013 7:11:05 PM
    Length : 4096
    UserId : 0
    FullName : /tmp/vmware-config1
    LastAccessTime : 4/13/2013 5:44:23 PM
    LastWriteTime : 4/13/2013 5:44:23 PM
    Length : 4096
    UserId : 0
    FullName : /tmp/.
    LastAccessTime : 4/13/2013 8:11:43 PM
    LastWriteTime : 4/13/2013 8:11:41 PM
    Length : 4096
    UserId : 0
    FullName : /tmp/yum.conf.security
    LastAccessTime : 4/13/2013 6:19:22 PM
    LastWriteTime : 4/13/2013 6:19:21 PM
    Length : 865
    UserId : 0
    FullName : /tmp/.ICE-unix
    LastAccessTime : 4/13/2013 5:27:15 PM
    LastWriteTime : 4/13/2013 5:27:15 PM
    Length : 4096
    UserId : 0
    Index number of Session to interact with.
    Remote path to list.
    AUTHOR: Carlos Perez carlos_perez@darkoprator.com

function Get-SFTPDirectoryList
        ParameterSetName = 'byname',
        [Int32[]] $Index,

        ParameterSetName = 'Session',




        if ($Index.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $Index)
                foreach($session in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($session.Index -eq $i)
                        if ($Path -eq $null)
                            $Path = $session.Session.WorkingDirectory

        if ($SFTPSession.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $SFTPSession)
                foreach($ssh in $Global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($ssh -eq $i)
                        if ($Path -eq $null)
                            $Path = $ssh.Session.WorkingDirectory

   Create Directory on Remote Server via SFTP
   Create Directory on Remote Server via SFTP specified by Index or SFTP Session Object.
   Create a folder in the /tmp directory on servia via a SFTP Session
   PS C:\> New-SFTPDirectory -Index 0 -Path "/tmp/temporaryfolder"

function New-SFTPDirectory
        ParameterSetName = 'byname',
        [Int32[]] $Index,

        ParameterSetName = 'Session',



        if ($Index.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $Index)
                foreach($session in $Global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($session.Index -eq $i)

        if ($SFTPSession.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $SFTPSession)
                foreach($ssh in $Global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($ssh -eq $i)

   Remove Directory on Remote Server via SFTP
   Remove Directory on Remote Server via SFTP specified by Index or SFTP Session Object.
   Remove a folder in the /tmp directory on servia via a SFTP Session
   PS C:\> Remove-SFTPDirectory -Index 0 -Path "/tmp/temporaryfolder"

function Remove-SFTPDirectory
        ParameterSetName = 'byname',
        [Int32[]] $Index,

        ParameterSetName = 'Session',



        if ($Index.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $Index)
                foreach($session in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($session.Index -eq $i)

        if ($SFTPSession.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $SFTPSession)
                foreach($ssh in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($ssh -eq $i)

   Change the current folder location of a SFTP Session
   Change the current folder location of a SFTP Session specified by Index or SFTP Session Object.
   Change a SFTP Session current folder
   PS C:\> Get-SFTPCurrentDirectory -Index 0
    PS C:\> Set-SFTPDirectoryPath -Index 0 -Path "/tmp"
    PS C:\> Get-SFTPCurrentDirectory -Index 0

function Set-SFTPDirectoryPath
        ParameterSetName = 'byname',
        [Int32[]] $Index,

        ParameterSetName = 'Session',



        if ($Index.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $Index)
                foreach($session in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($session.Index -eq $i)

        if ($SFTPSession.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $SFTPSession)
                foreach($ssh in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($ssh -eq $i)

   Get the current location of a SFTP Session
   Get the current location of a SFTP Session specified by Index or SFTP Session Object.
   Get current folder location of a SFTP Session
   PS C:\> Get-SFTPCurrentDirectory -Index 0

function Get-SFTPCurrentDirectory
        ParameterSetName = 'byname',
        [Int32[]] $Index,

        ParameterSetName = 'Session',

        if ($Index.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $Index)
                foreach($session in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($session.Index -eq $i)

        if ($SFTPSession.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $SFTPSession)
                foreach($ssh in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($ssh -eq $i)

   Download remote file from a SFTP Session
   Download remote file from a SFTP Session specified by Index or SFTP Session Object
   Download the anaconda configuration file of a remote Red Hat Session via a SFTP Session
   PS C:\> Get-SFTPFile -Index 0 -RemoteFile "/root/anaconda-ks.cfg" -LocalPath $env:homepath\Desktop
    PS C:\> ls $env:homepath\Desktop -Filter *.cfg
        Directory: C:\Users\Carlos\Desktop
    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    ---- ------------- ------ ----
    -a--- 4/13/2013 8:40 PM 1337 anaconda-ks.cfg

function Get-SFTPFile
        ParameterSetName = 'byname',
        [Int32[]] $Index,

        ParameterSetName = 'Session',

        # Full path of file on remote system.

        # Directory Path to save the file.
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]

        # Append to start of filename

        if ($Index.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $Index)
                foreach($session in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($session.Index -eq $i)
                        $FileName = Split-Path $RemoteFile -Leaf
                        $LocalFile = "$((Resolve-Path $LocalPath).Path)\$filename"
                        if ($FileNameAppend)
                            $FileName = "$($FileNameAppend.Trim())$FileName"
                        $LocalFileStream = [System.IO.File]::Create($LocalFile)
                        $session.Session.DownloadFile($RemoteFile, $LocalFileStream)

        if ($SFTPSession.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $SFTPSession)
                foreach($ssh in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($ssh -eq $i)
                        $FileName = Split-Path $RemoteFile -Leaf
                        $LocalFile = "$((Resolve-Path $LocalPath).Path)\$filename"
                        if ($FileNameAppend)
                            $FileName = "$($FileNameAppend.Trim())$FileName"
                        $LocalFileStream = [System.IO.File]::Create($LocalFile)
                        $ssh.Session.DownloadFile($RemoteFile, $LocalFileStream)

   Upload local file using a SFTP Session to remote system
   Upload local file using a SFTP Session to remote system given the local file
   and remote path to place the file. The session can be specified by session index or
   a SFTP Session object.
    Upload local file in to remote system /tmp directory
    PS C:\> Set-SFTPFile -Index 0 -RemotePath "/tmp" -LocalFile $env:homepath\Desktop\anaconda-ks.cfg -Verbose
    VERBOSE: Uploading \Users\Carlos\Desktop\anaconda-ks.cfg as /tmp/anaconda-ks.cfg
    VERBOSE: Successfully Uploaded file to /tmp/anaconda-ks.cfg

function Set-SFTPFile
        ParameterSetName = 'byname',
        [Int32[]] $Index,

        ParameterSetName = 'Session',

        # Full path of where to upload file on remote system.

        # Local File to upload to remote host.
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]

        if ($Index.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $Index)
                foreach($session in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($session.Index -eq $i)
                        $LocalFileName = Split-Path $LocalFile -Leaf
                        $RemoteFile = "$RemotePath/$LocalFileName"
                        Write-Verbose "Uploading $LocalFile as $RemoteFile"
                        $LocalFileStream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead((resolve-path $LocalFile).path)
                        $session.Session.UploadFile($LocalFileStream, $RemoteFile)
                        Write-Verbose "Successfully Uploaded file to $RemoteFile"

        if ($SFTPSession.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $SFTPSession)
                foreach($ssh in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($ssh -eq $i)
                        $LocalFileName = Split-Path $LocalFile -Leaf
                        $RemoteFile = "$RemotePath/$LocalFileName"
                        Write-Verbose "Uploading $LocalFile as $RemoteFile"
                        $LocalFileStream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($LocalFile)
                        $ssh.Session.UploadFile( $LocalFileStream, $RemoteFile)
                        Write-Verbose "Successfully Uploaded file to $RemoteFile"

   Deletes a file on a remote system via a SFTP Session
   Deletes a file on a remote system via a SFTP Session specified by index or SFTP Session object.
   Deleting file on /tmp directory.
    PS C:\> Remove-SFTPFile -Index 0 -RemoteFile "/tmp/anaconda-ks.cfg" -Verbose
    VERBOSE: Deleting /tmp/anaconda-ks.cfg
    VERBOSE: Deleted /tmp/anaconda-ks.cfg

function Remove-SFTPFile
        ParameterSetName = 'byname',
        [Int32[]] $Index,

        ParameterSetName = 'Session',

        # Full path of where to upload file on remote system.

        if ($Index.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $Index)
                foreach($session in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($session.Index -eq $i)
                        Write-Verbose "Deleting $RemoteFile"
                        Write-Verbose "Deleted $RemoteFile"

        if ($SFTPSession.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $SFTPSession)
                foreach($ssh in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($ssh -eq $i)
                        Write-Verbose "Deleting $RemoteFile"
                        Write-Verbose "Deleted $RemoteFile"

   Move or Rename remote file via a SFTP Session
   Move or Rename remote file via a SFTP Session specified by index or SFTP Session object.
   Rename file by moving it
    PS C:\> Move-SFTPFile -Index 0 -OriginalPath /tmp/anaconda-ks.cfg -NewPath /tmp/anaconda-ks.cfg.old -Verbose
    VERBOSE: Renaming /tmp/anaconda-ks.cfg to /tmp/anaconda-ks.cfg.old
    VERBOSE: File renamed

function Move-SFTPFile
        ParameterSetName = 'byname',
        [Int32[]] $Index,

        ParameterSetName = 'Session',



        if ($Index.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $Index)
                foreach($session in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($session.Index -eq $i)
                        Write-Verbose "Renaming $OriginalPath to $NewPath"
                        $session.Session.RenameFile($OriginalPath, $NewPath)
                        Write-Verbose 'File renamed'

        if ($SFTPSession.Count -gt 0)
            $sessions2remove = @()
            foreach($i in $SFTPSession)
                foreach($ssh in $global:SFTPSessions)
                    if ($ssh -eq $i)
                        Write-Verbose "Renaming $OriginalPath to $NewPath"
                        $ssh.Session.RenameFile($OriginalPath, $NewPath)
                        Write-Verbose 'File renamed'

    Gets the current installed version and the latest version of Posh-SSH.
    Gets the current installed version and the latest version of Posh-SSH.
InstalledVersion CurrentVersion
---------------- --------------
1.1 1.1

 function Get-PoshSSHModVersion
        $currentversion = ''
        $installed = Get-Module -Name 'posh-SSH' -ListAvailable
        $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
            $current = Invoke-Expression  $webClient.DownloadString('https://raw.github.com/darkoperator/Posh-SSH/master/Posh-SSH.psd1')
            $currentversion = $current.moduleversion
            Write-Warning 'Could not retrieve the current version.'
        $majorver,$minorver = $currentversion.split('.')

        if ($majorver -gt $installed.Version.Major)
            Write-Warning 'You are running an outdated version of the module.'
        elseif ($minorver -gt $installed.Version.Minor)
            Write-Warning 'You are running an outdated version of the module.'
        $props = @{
            InstalledVersion = $installed.Version.ToString()
            CurrentVersion   = $currentversion
        New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $props

    List Host and Fingerprint pairs that Posh-SSH trusts.
    List Host and Fingerprint pairs that Posh-SSH trusts.
SSHHost Fingerprint
------- ----------- a4:6e:80:33:3f:32:4:cb:be:e9:a0:80:1b:38:fd:3b 27:ca:f8:39:7e:ba:a:ff:a3:2d:ff:75:16:a6:bc:18 ea:8c:ec:93:1e:9d:ad:2e:41:bc:d0:b3:d8:a9:98:80

 function Get-SSHTrustedHost
        $poshsshkey = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::CurrentUser.OpenSubKey('Software\PoshSSH', $true)

        $hostnames = $poshsshkey.GetValueNames()
        $TrustedHosts = @()
        foreach($h in $hostnames)
            $TrustedHost = @{
                SSHHost        = $h
                Fingerprint = $poshsshkey.GetValue($h)
            $TrustedHosts += New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $TrustedHost

    Adds a new SSH Host and Fingerprint pait to the list of trusted SSH Hosts.
    Adds a new SSH Host and Fingerprint pait to the list of trusted SSH Hosts.
    New-SSHTrustedHost -SSHHost -FingerPrint a4:6e:80:33:3f:31:4:cb:be:e9:a0:80:fb:38:fd:3b -Verbose
VERBOSE: Adding to trusted SSH Host list with a fingerprint of a4:6e:80:33:3f:31:4:cb:be:e9:a0:80:fb:38:fd:3b
VERBOSE: SSH Host has been added.

 function New-SSHTrustedHost
         # IP Address of FQDN of host to add to trusted list.
         # SSH Server Fingerprint.
        $softkey = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::CurrentUser.OpenSubKey('Software')
        if ( $softkey.GetSubKeyNames() -contains 'PoshSSH')
            $poshsshkey = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::CurrentUser.OpenSubKey('Software\PoshSSH', $true)
            Write-Verbose 'PoshSSH Registry key has not Present for this user.'
            Write-Verbose 'PoshSSH Key created.'
            $poshsshkey = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::CurrentUser.OpenSubKey('Software\PoshSSH', $true)
        Write-Verbose "Adding to trusted SSH Host list $($SSHHost) with a fingerprint of $($FingerPrint)"
        $poshsshkey.SetValue($SSHHost, $FingerPrint)
        Write-Verbose 'SSH Host has been added.'

    Removes a given SSH Host from the list of trusted hosts.
    Removes a given SSH Host from the list of trusted hosts.
    Remove-SSHTrustedHost -SSHHost -Verbose
VERBOSE: Removing SSH Host from the list of trusted hosts.
VERBOSE: SSH Host has been removed.

 function Remove-SSHTrustedHost
         # Param1 help description
        $softkey = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::CurrentUser.OpenSubKey('Software')
        if ($softkey.GetSubKeyNames() -contains 'PoshSSH' )
            $poshsshkey = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::CurrentUser.OpenSubKey('Software\PoshSSH', $true)
            Write-warning 'PoshSSH Registry key has not Present for this user.'
        Write-Verbose "Removing SSH Host $($SSHHost) from the list of trusted hosts."
        if ($poshsshkey.GetValueNames() -contains $SSHHost)
            Write-Verbose 'SSH Host has been removed.'
            Write-Warning "SSH Hosts $($SSHHost) was not present in the list of trusted hosts." 

if (!(Test-Path variable:Global:SshSessions ))
    $global:SshSessions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

if (!(Test-Path variable:Global:SFTPSessions ))
    $global:SFTPSessions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList