
# .ExternalHelp Posh-SysMon.psm1-Help.xml
function New-SysmonConfiguration
    [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')]
        # Path to write XML config file.

        # Specify one or more hash algorithms used for image identification
        [ValidateSet('ALL', 'MD5', 'SHA1', 'SHA256', 'IMPHASH')]

        # Log Network Connections

        # Log process loading of modules.

        # Log process loading of modules.

        # Log create remote thread actions.

        # Log file creation time modifications.

        # Log process creation.

        # Log process termination.

        # Log when a running process opens another process.

        # Log raw access reads of files.

        # Check for signature certificate revocation.
                   Position=11 )]

        # Log Registry events.
                   Position=12 )]

        # Log File Creation events.
                   Position=13 )]

        # Log File Stream creations events.
                   Position=14 )]

        # Log NamedPipes connection and creations events.
                   Position=15 )]

        # WMI Permanent Event component events.
                   Position=16 )]

        # Comment for purpose of the configuration file.

        # Schema Vesion for the configuration file, default is 4.1.
        $SchemaVersion = '4.1'

    Process {
        if ($HashingAlgorithm -contains 'ALL') {
            $Hash = '*'
        } else {
            $Hash = $HashingAlgorithm -join ','

        $Config = ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path))

        # get an XMLTextWriter to create the XML

        $XmlWriter = New-Object System.XMl.XmlTextWriter($Config,$Null)

        # choose a pretty formatting:
        $xmlWriter.Formatting = 'Indented'
        $xmlWriter.Indentation = 1

        # write the header
        if ($Comment)

        $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('schemaversion', $SchemaVersion)

        Write-Verbose -Message "Enabling hashing algorithms : $($Hash)"

        # Enable checking revocation.
        if ($CheckRevocation) {
            Write-Verbose -message 'Enabling CheckRevocation.'

        # Create empty EventFiltering section.

        if ($NetworkConnect) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Enabling network connection logging for all connections by setting no filter and onmatch to exclude.'
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        if ($DriverLoad) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Enabling logging all driver loading by setting no filter and onmatch to exclude.'
            $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('DriverLoad ')
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        if ($ImageLoad) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Enabling logging all image loading by setting no filter and onmatch to exclude.'
            $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('ImageLoad ')
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        if ($CreateRemoteThread) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Enabling logging all CreateRemoteThread API actions by setting no filter and onmatch to exclude.'
            $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('CreateRemoteThread ')
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        if ($ProcessCreate) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Enabling logging all process creation by setting no filter and onmatch to exclude.'
            $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('ProcessCreate ')
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        if ($ProcessTerminate) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Enabling logging all process termination by setting no filter and onmatch to exclude.'
            $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('ProcessTerminate ')
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        if ($FileCreateTime) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Enabling logging all process creation by setting no filter and onmatch to exclude.'
            $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('FileCreateTime ')
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        if ($ProcessAccess) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Enabling logging all process access by setting no filter and onmatch to exclude.'
            $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('ProcessAccess ')
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        if ($RawAccessRead) {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Enabling logging all process access by setting no filter and onmatch to exclude.'
            $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('RawAccessRead ')
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        # Log registry events.
        if ($RegistryEvent) {
            Write-Verbose -message 'Enabling RegistryEvent.'
            $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('RegistryEvent ')
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        # Log file create events.
        if ($FileCreate) {
            Write-Verbose -message 'Enabling FileCreate.'
            $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('FileCreate ')
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        # Log file create events.
        if ($FileCreateStreamHash) {
            Write-Verbose -message 'Enabling FileCreateStreamHash.'
            $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('FileCreateStreamHash ')
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        # NamedPipes create and connect events.
        if ($PipeEvent) {
            Write-Verbose -message 'Enabling PipeEvent.'
            $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('PipeEvent ')
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        # NamedPipes create and connect events.
        if ($WmiEvent) {
            Write-Verbose -message 'Enabling WmiEvent.'
            $xmlWriter.WriteStartElement('WmiEvent ')
            $XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('onmatch', 'exclude')

        # End Element of EventFiltering

        # Sysmon

        # finalize the document:
        Write-Verbose -Message "Config file created as $($Config)"
        write-verbose -Message "Configuration is for Sysmon $($sysmonVerMap[$SchemaVersion])"
    End {}