
function Get-YNABBudget {
    Describe the function here
    Describe the function in more detail
    Give an example of how to use it
    Give another example of how to use it
    .PARAMETER computername
    The computer name to query. Just one.
    .PARAMETER logname
    The name of a file to write failed computer names to. Defaults to errors.txt.





    begin {
        Write-Verbose "Get-YNABBudget.ParameterSetName: $($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName)"
        # Set the default header value for Invoke-RestMethod
        $header = Get-Header $Token

    process {
        # If a name is provided, perform a recursive lookup, filtering by name and then looking up by ID
        if ($BudgetName) {
            $budgets = Get-YNABBudget -Token $Token -List
            $budgetId = $budgets.Where{$_.Budget -eq $BudgetName}.BudgetID

        switch -Wildcard ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'List' {
                # Return a list of budgets if no ID is specified or if ListAvailable is supplied
                $response = Invoke-RestMethod "$uri/budgets" -Headers $header
                if ($response) {
                    $budgets = $
                            Budget = $
                            LastModified = [datetime]::ParseExact($_.last_modified_on, $dateFormat, $null).ToLocalTime()
                            FirstMonth = [datetime]::ParseExact($_.first_month,'yyyy-MM-dd',$null)
                            LastMonth = [datetime]::ParseExact($_.last_month,'yyyy-MM-dd',$null)
                            DateFormat = $_.date_format.format
                            CurrencyFormat = [Ordered]@{
                                ISOCode = $_.currency_format.iso_code
                                ExampleFormat = $_.currency_format.example_format
                                DecimalDigits = $_.currency_format.decimal_digits
                                DecimalSeparator = $_.currency_format.decimal_separator
                                SymbolFirst = $_.currency_format.symbol_first
                                GroupSeparator = $_.currency_format.group_separator
                                CurrencySymbol = $_.currency_format.currency_symbol
                                DisplaySymbol = $_.currency_format.display_symbol
                            BudgetID = $
            'Detail*' {
                # Return details of each provided BudgetID
                    $response = Invoke-RestMethod "$uri/budgets/$_" -Headers $header
                    if ($response) {
                        $budget = $
                        $accounts = Get-ParsedAccountJson $budget.accounts
                        $payees = Get-ParsedPayeeJson $budget.payees $budget.payee_locations
                        $transactions = Get-ParsedTransactionJson $budget.transactions $budget.subtransactions -ParsedPayee $payees
                            Budget = $budget.budget
                            LastModified = [datetime]::ParseExact($budget.last_modified_on, $dateFormat, $null).ToLocalTime()
                            FirstMonth = [datetime]::ParseExact($budget.first_month,'yyyy-MM-dd',$null)
                            LastMonth = [datetime]::ParseExact($budget.last_month,'yyyy-MM-dd',$null)
                            DateFormat = $budget.date_format.format
                            CurrencyFormat = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                ISOCode = $budget.currency_format.iso_code
                                ExampleFormat = $budget.currency_format.example_format
                                DecimalDigits = $budget.currency_format.decimal_digits
                                DecimalSeparator = $budget.currency_format.decimal_separator
                                SymbolFirst = $budget.currency_format.symbol_first
                                GroupSeparator = $budget.currency_format.group_separator
                                CurrencySymbol = $budget.currency_format.currency_symbol
                                DisplaySymbol = $budget.currency_format.display_symbol
                            Accounts = $accounts
                            Payees = $payees
                            Transactions = $transactions
                            BudgetID = $
                            <# TODO: Implement:
                            Categories =
                            'Category Groups' =
                            Months =
                            'Scheduled Transactions' = (scheduled subtransactions under this)
