
function Add-YNABTransaction {
    Adds a transaction to YNAB.
    Adds a transaction to YNAB.
    Add-YNABTransactionPreset -BudgetName 'TestBudget' -AccountName 'Checking' -CategoryName 'Food' -Memo 'Coffee' -Outflow 3.50 -Token $ynabToken
    Adds a transaction to TestBudget with the specified account, category, memo, and outflow.
    Add-YNABTransactionPreset -BudgetName 'TestBudget' -AccountName 'Checking' -CategoryName 'Food' -Memo 'Coffee' -Outflow 3.50 -Token $ynabToken -StoreAs 'Coffee'
    Adds a transaction to TestBudget with the specified account, category, memo, and outflow.
    Stores the transaction as a preset called 'Coffee' (see: Add-YNABTransactionPreset).
    Add-YNABTransactionPreset -PresetName 'Coffee'
    Adds a transaction to YNAB using the settings from the 'Coffee' transaction preset (see: Get-YNABTransactionPreset).
    Add-YNABTransactionPreset -PresetName 'Coffee' -Inflow 3.50 -Memo 'Refund' -StoreAs 'Coffee Refund'
    Adds a transaction to YNAB using the settings from the 'Coffee' transaction preset, but overrides the existing amount and memo, then stores the new details as 'Coffee Refund'.
    .PARAMETER PresetName
    The name of the preset to load (see: Add-YNABTransactionPreset).
    .PARAMETER BudgetName
    The name of the budget to add the transaction to.
    The ID of the budget to add the transaction to.
    Takes priority over BudgetName if both are provided.
    .PARAMETER AccountName
    The name of the account to add the transaction to.
    .PARAMETER AccountID
    The ID of the account to add the transaction to.
    Takes priority over AccountName if both are provided.
    .PARAMETER PayeeName
    The name of the payee to add the transaction to.
    The ID of the payee to add the transaction to.
    Takes priority over PayeeName if both are provided.
    .PARAMETER CategoryName
    The name of the category to add the transaction to.
    .PARAMETER CategoryID
    The ID of the category to add the transaction to.
    Takes priority over CategoryName if both are provided.
    Memo for the transaction.
    .PARAMETER Outflow
    Outflow amount for the transaction.
    Uses absolute value, so a positive or negative number can be provided.
    .PARAMETER Inflow
    Inflow amount for the transaction.
    Uses absolute value, so a positive or negative number can be provided.
    .PARAMETER Amount
    Amount for the transaction.
    Negative = Outflow, Positive = Inflow
    Date for the trarnsaction.
    Defaults to today.
    .PARAMETER Token
    API token used to post the transaction.
    .PARAMETER FlagColor
    Flag color for the transaction.
    .PARAMETER Cleared
    If specified the transaction will be marked as CLeared.
    .PARAMETER Approved
    If specified the transaction will be marked as Approved.
    Defaults to $true.
    .PARAMETER StoreAs
    PresetName to save the transaction as, allowing the transaction details to be re-used with the PresetName parameter (see: Add-YNABTransactionPreset).














        [Datetime]$Date = (Get-Date),






    begin {
        Write-Verbose "Add-YNABTransaction.ParameterSetName: $($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName)"

        # Set the default header value for Invoke-RestMethod
        if ($Token) {$header = Get-Header $Token}

    process {
        # Load presets and perform a recursive run if a $Preset is specified
        if ($PresetName) {
            Write-Verbose "Using preset: $PresetName"
            $presetParams = (Get-YNABTransactionPreset $PresetName).Value

            # Override preset data with values for any provided named parameters
            if ($BudgetName) {$presetParams.BudgetName = $BudgetName}
            if ($BudgetID) {$presetParams.BudgetID = $BudgetID}
            if ($AccountName) {$presetParams.AccountName = $AccountName}
            if ($AccountID) {$presetParams.AccountID = $AccountID}
            if ($PayeeName) {$presetParams.PayeeName = $PayeeName}
            if ($PayeeID) {$presetParams.PayeeID = $PayeeID}
            if ($CategoryName) {$presetParams.CategoryName = $CategoryName}
            if ($CategoryID) {$presetParams.CategoryID = $CategoryID}
            if ($Memo) {$presetParams.Memo = $Memo}
            if ($Outflow) {
                $presetParams.Outflow = $Outflow
            } elseif ($Inflow) {
                $presetParams.Inflow = $Inflow
            } elseif ($Amount) {
                $presetParams.Amount = $Amount
            if ($Date) {$presetParams.Date = $Date}
            if ($Token) {$presetParams.Token = $Token}
            if ($FlagColor) {$presetParams.FlagColor = $FlagColor}
            if ($Cleared) {$presetParams.Cleared = $Cleared}
            if ($Approved) {$presetParams.Approved = $Approved}
            if ($StoreAs) {$presetParams.StoreAs = $StoreAs}

            Add-YNABTransaction @presetParams
        } else {
            # Get the budget IDs if the budget was specified by name
            if (!$BudgetID) {
                $budgets = Get-YNABBudget -List -Token $Token
                if (!$BudgetName) {
                    $BudgetName = Read-Host 'BudgetName'
                $BudgetID = $budgets.Where{$_.Budget -like $BudgetName}.BudgetID
                Write-Verbose "Using budget: $BudgetID"

            # Get the account ID if the account was specified by name
            if (!$AccountID) {
                $accounts = Get-YNABAccount -List -BudgetID $BudgetID -Token $Token
                if (!$AccountName) {
                    $AccountName = Read-Host 'AccountName'
                $AccountID = $accounts.Where{$_.Account -like $AccountName}.AccountID
                Write-Verbose "Using account: $AccountID"

            # Get the category ID if the category was specified by name
            if (!$CategoryID) {
                $categories = (Get-YNABCategory -List -BudgetID $BudgetID -Token $Token).Categories
                if (!$CategoryName) {
                    $CategoryName = Read-Host 'CategoryName'
                $CategoryID = $categories.Where{$_.Category -like $CategoryName}.CategoryID
                Write-Verbose "Using category: $CategoryID"

            # Set Amount if Outflow or Inflow is provided, use negative or positive absolute value respectively
            if ($Outflow) {
                $Amount = -[Math]::Abs($Outflow)
            } elseif ($Inflow) {
                $Amount = [Math]::Abs($Inflow)
            } elseif (!$Amount) {
                # If none are provided, prompt for an outflow amount
                $Amount = -[Math]::Abs((Read-Host 'Outflow'))

            # Prompt for token if none has been provided
            if (!$Token) {
                $Token = Read-Host 'Token'

            # Setup the POST body
            $body = @{
                transaction = @{
                    account_id = $AccountID
                    date = $Date.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')
                    amount = $Amount * 1000
                    category_id = $CategoryID
                    approved = $Approved

            # Add the optionbal parameters
            if ($PayeeID) {$body.transaction.payee_id = $PayeeID}
            elseif ($PayeeName) {$body.transaction.payee_name = $PayeeName}

            if ($Memo) {$body.transaction.memo = $Memo}
            if ($Cleared) {$body.transaction.cleared = 'cleared'}
            if ($FlagColor) {$body.transaction.flag_color = $FlagColor.ToLower()}

            $response = Invoke-RestMethod "$uri/budgets/$BudgetID/transactions" -Headers $header -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json) -Method 'POST'

            # Return parsed details
            if ($response) {
                Get-ParsedTransactionJson $

            # Save the Preset if StoreAs is provided
            if ($StoreAs) {
                $params = $PSBoundParameters

                # Replace *Name parameters with ID, which will speed up future calls

                Add-YNABTransactionPreset -PresetName $StoreAs @params