
Function Get-ePoTable 
            Gets table information using the ePo API.
            Sends the command specified to the McAfee EPO server. Connect-ePoServer has to be run first,
            as this function uses the epoServer global variable created by that functions connection to the server. Uses the Invoke-ePoCommand
        .PARAMETER TableName
            The database type-qualified name of the table to which view the details. Defaults to all tables.
            $ePoTables = Get-ePoTable
            Retruns the output of the core.listTables API command and stores the PowerShell custom object in a variable.
            $FoundTable = Get-ePoTable -TableName "MyTable"
            Returns an object of the results of the core.listTables API command with a table name of MyTable.
            Added support for an array of strings for the TableName parameter
            Added support for -Whatif

        ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$true)]
        [string[]]$TableName = ""
            Write-Warning "Connection to ePoServer not found. Please run Connect-ePoServer first."
        $Tables = @()
        ForEach($TableNameItem in $TableName)
            If($TableNameItem -notlike "")
                $results = Invoke-ePoCommand -Command "core.listTables" -Parameters "table=$($TableNameItem)"
                $results = Invoke-ePoCommand -Command "core.listTables"
            If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$TableNameItem","Creating output object of table information for"))
                ForEach($Table in $results.result.list.table)
                    $props = @{TableName = ($Table | Select -ExpandProperty name)
                            Target = ($Table |  Select -ExpandProperty target)
                            DatabaseType = ($Table | Select -ExpandProperty databaseType)
                            Description = ($Table | Select -ExpandProperty description)
                            Columns = ($Table | Select -ExpandProperty columns)
                            RelatedTables = ($Table | Select -ExpandProperty relatedTables)
                            ForeignKeys = ($Table | Select -ExpandProperty foreignKeys)

                    $Tables += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
        If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$TableNameItem","Ouputting object of table information for"))