
function Update-MailboxMoveBatchesReport {
    Updates Batches.xlsx by pulling batch names from existing and pairing it with a new batches.csv
    Creates a new Batches.xlsx
    Updates Batches.xlsx by pulling batch names from existing and pairing it with a new batches.csv
    Creates a new Batches.xlsx
    .PARAMETER SharePointURL
    Sharepoint url ex.
    .PARAMETER ExcelFile
    Excel file found in "Shared Documents" of SharePoint site specified in SharePointURL
    ex. "Batches.xlsx"
    Minimum headers required are: BatchName, UserPrincipalName
    .PARAMETER NewCsvFile
    Path to csv of mailboxes. Minimum headers required are: BatchName, UserPrincipalName
    This would be a new Csv of existing mailboxes that you want to update with BatchNames from the current excel on the SharePoint Team Site
    This is generated by using
    .PARAMETER NewCsvFile
    This is the directory where you want the new Batches.xlsx to be written.
    The script will overwrite any Batches.xlsx file that exists in that directory
    Update-MailboxMoveBatchesReport -SharePointURL -ExcelFile batches.xlsx -NewCsvFile C:\Scripts\Batches.csv -ReportPath C:\Scripts\
    General notes

    param (



    end {

        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ReportPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $SharePointSplat = @{
            SharePointURL = $SharePointURL
            ExcelFile     = $ExcelFile
        $CurrentHash = @{ }
        # Look at removing the where.{...}... I could just create the hashtable with everything as needs might change (diff parameters)
        $CurrentList = Import-SharePointExcel @SharePointSplat
        foreach ($Current in $CurrentList) {
            $CurrentHash.Add($Current.Alias, @{
                    'BatchName'           = $Current.BatchName
                    'IsMigrated'          = $Current.IsMigrated
                    'CompleteBatchDate'   = $Current.CompleteBatchDate
                    'CompleteBatchTimePT' = $Current.CompleteBatchTimePT
                    'LicenseGroup'        = $Current.LicenseGroup
                    'EnableArchive'       = $Current.EnableArchive
                    'ConvertToShared'     = $Current.ConvertToShared
        # $SelectProps = ($FutureList[0]{ $_ -notmatch 'BatchName|IsMigrated|CompleteBatchDate|CompleteBatchTimePT' }
        $Future = Import-Csv $NewCsvFile | Select-Object @(
                Name       = 'BatchName'
                Expression = { $CurrentHash.$($_.Alias).BatchName }
                Name       = 'IsMigrated'
                Expression = { $CurrentHash.$($_.Alias).IsMigrated }
                Name       = 'CompleteBatchDate'
                Expression = { $CurrentHash.$($_.Alias).CompleteBatchDate }
                Name       = 'CompleteBatchTimePT'
                Expression = { $CurrentHash.$($_.Alias).CompleteBatchTimePT }
                Name       = 'LicenseGroup'
                Expression = { $CurrentHash.$($_.Alias).LicenseGroup }
                Name       = 'EnableArchive'
                Expression = { $CurrentHash.$($_.Alias).EnableArchive }
                Name       = 'ConvertToShared'
                Expression = { $CurrentHash.$($_.Alias).ConvertToShared }
        $ExcelSplat = @{
            Path                    = (Join-Path $ReportPath 'Batches.xlsx')
            TableStyle              = 'Medium2'
            FreezeTopRowFirstColumn = $true
            AutoSize                = $true
            BoldTopRow              = $true
            ClearSheet              = $true
            WorksheetName           = 'Batches'
            ErrorAction             = 'SilentlyContinue'
        $Future | Sort-Object @(
                Expression = "BatchName"
                Descending = $true
                Expression = "DisplayName"
                Descending = $false
        ) | Export-Excel @ExcelSplat