
function Update-MWMailboxMoveBatchesReportWithTargetTenantAddress {
    Updates Batches.xlsx with Target Tenant Address (onmicrosoft address)
    Connect to AzureAD in Target Tenant.
    Updates Batches.xlsx with Target Tenant Address
    You provide the SharePoint path to the current excel (that you want updated with the Target Tenant addresses) and this will output a fresh Batches.xlsx
    .PARAMETER SharePointURL
    Sharepoint url ex.
    .PARAMETER ExcelFile
    Excel file found in "Shared Documents" of SharePoint site specified in SharePointURL
    ex. "Batchex.xlsx"
    .PARAMETER ReportPath
    Output path where a new and updated Batches.xlsx will be output
    .PARAMETER OverrideTargetMailboxInUse
    Ignores column TargetMailboxInUse and always attempts to use onpremisesSecurityIdentifier to populate both target addresses.
    This will overwrite any value that exists, however, the original batches file will not be modified at all.
    This uses batches.xlsx stored in the teams "General" folder.
    Update-MWMailboxMoveBatchesReport -SharePointURL '' -ExcelFile 'General\batches.xlsx' -ReportPath C:\Scripts
    This uses batches.xlsx stored in the root of the SharePoint documents (sometimes called Shared Documents) folder.
    Update-MWMailboxMoveBatchesReport -SharePointURL '' -ExcelFile 'batches.xlsx' -ReportPath C:\Scripts
    General notes

    param (




    end {
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ReportPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $SharePointSplat = @{
            SharePointURL = $SharePointURL
            ExcelFile     = $ExcelFile

        $AzureSIDHash = @{ }
        (Get-AzureADUser -All:$true).where( { $_.OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier }).foreach{
            $SID = $_.OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier
            $TargetUPN = $_.UserPrincipalName
            $TargetTenantAddress = [regex]::matches(@(($_.ProxyAddresses) -split '\|'), "(?<=(smtp|SMTP):)[^@]+@[^.]+?\.onmicrosoft\.com")[0].Value
            $TargetPrimary = ($_.ProxyAddresses -cmatch 'SMTP:' -split ':')[1]
            if ($SID -and ($TargetTenantAddress -or $TargetPrimary)) {
                $AzureSIDHash.Add($SID, @{
                        TargetTenantAddress     = $TargetTenantAddress
                        TargetPrimary           = $TargetPrimary
                        TargetUserPrincipalName = $TargetUPN
        $Future = Import-SharePointExcel @SharePointSplat | Select-Object @(
                Name       = 'TargetTenantAddress'
                Expression = { if ($_.TargetMailboxInUse -ne $true -or $OverrideTargetMailboxInUse) { $AzureSIDHash[$($_.OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier)].TargetTenantAddress } else { $_.TargetTenantAddress } }
                Name       = 'TargetPrimary'
                Expression = { if ($_.TargetMailboxInUse -ne $true -or $OverrideTargetMailboxInUse) { $AzureSIDHash[$($_.OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier)].TargetPrimary } else { $_.TargetPrimary } }
                Name       = 'TargetUserPrincipalName'
                Expression = { if ($_.TargetMailboxInUse -ne $true -or $OverrideTargetMailboxInUse) { $AzureSIDHash[$($_.OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier)].TargetUserPrincipalName } else { $_.TargetUserPrincipalName } }
        $ExcelSplat = @{
            Path                    = (Join-Path $ReportPath 'Batches.xlsx')
            TableStyle              = 'Medium2'
            FreezeTopRowFirstColumn = $true
            AutoSize                = $true
            BoldTopRow              = $true
            ClearSheet              = $true
            WorksheetName           = 'Batches'
            ErrorAction             = 'SilentlyContinue'
        $Future | Sort-Object @(
                Expression = "DisplayName"
                Descending = $false
        ) | Export-Excel @ExcelSplat