
function Get-ActiveCasConnection {
    Collect counters that show point in time use of various clients (IMAP, POP, EWS, IIS, OWA, RPC)
    Collect counters that show point in time use of various clients (IMAP, POP, EWS, IIS, OWA, RPC)
    If you have mixed environment run from highest version
    For example, if you have Exchange 2010, 2013 and 2016 - Run from Exchange 2016 server
    NOTE: This is designed to run against servers where the services are running.
    For example, verify POP service is running on a server prior to adding it to the list
    If it is not running add "#" to the POP Object below, like this:
    # POP = [math]::Truncate((Get-Counter "\MSExchangePOP3(_total)\Connections Current" -ComputerName $CurServer).CounterSamples[0].Cookedvalue)
    To determine if POP3 & IMAP4 service is running on each of your CAS Servers run:
    $CAS = Get-ClientAccessServer | Select -ExpandProperty name
    $CAS | % {write-host "`n`nServer: $($_)`nPOP3" -foregroundcolor "green";Get-service -ComputerName $_ -ServiceName MSExchangePOP3 | Select -expandproperty status }
    $CAS | % {write-host "`n`nServer: $($_)`nIMAP4" -foregroundcolor "blue";Get-service -ComputerName $_ -ServiceName MSExchangeIMAP4 | Select -expandproperty status }
    .PARAMETER Server
    Feed a list of servers to the function
    $CAS = Get-ClientAccessServer | Select -ExpandProperty name
    for ($i=0 ; $i -lt 20 ; $i++) {$CAS | Get-ActiveCASConnection -LogPath C:\scripts -SleepBetweenChecks 10}
    $CAS = "Server01", "Server02"
    for ($i=0 ; $i -lt 100 ; $i++) {$CAS | Get-ActiveCASConnection -LogPath C:\scripts -SleepBetweenChecks 10}
    Counters retrieved are:
        RPC = RPC Client Access Connections
        OWA = Current Unique OWA users
        EAS = EAS Requests/Sec
        IMAP = IMAP Total Connections
        POP = POP Connections Current
        WSR = Exchange Web Services Requests/Sec
        WST = Web Service (IIS) Total Current Connections

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [int] $SleepBetweenChecks,

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Mandatory = $true)]


    begin {
        $LogFileName = $(get-date -Format yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss)
        $Log = Join-Path $LogPath ($LogFileName + "-CasConnections.csv")

        # $headerstring = ('Server' + "," + 'RPC' + "," + 'OWA' + "," + 'EAS' + "," + 'IMAP' + "," + 'POP' + "," + 'WSR' + "," + 'WST' + "," + 'Time')

        # Use when POP3 is not present on the servers
        $headerstring = ('Server' + "," + 'RPC' + "," + 'OWA' + "," + 'EAS' + "," + 'IMAP' + "," + 'WSR' + "," + 'WST' + "," + 'Time')

        # Use when IMAP4 is not present on the servers
        # $headerstring = ('Server' + "," + 'RPC' + "," + 'OWA' + "," + 'EAS' + "," + 'POP' + "," + 'WSR' + "," + 'WST' + "," + 'Time')

        # Use when neither POP nor IMAP is present on the servers
        # $headerstring = ('Server' + "," + 'RPC' + "," + 'OWA' + "," + 'EAS' + "," + "," + 'WSR' + "," + 'WST' + "," + 'Time')

        Out-File -FilePath $Log -InputObject $headerstring -Encoding UTF8 -Append

    process {

        ForEach ($CurServer In $Server) {
            write-host "SERVER:`t $CurServer"
            $Object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                Server = $CurServer
                RPC    = (Get-Counter "\MSExchange RpcClientAccess\User Count" -ComputerName $CurServer).CounterSamples[0].Cookedvalue
                OWA    = (Get-Counter "\MSExchange OWA\Current Unique Users" -ComputerName $CurServer).CounterSamples[0].Cookedvalue
                EAS    = [math]::Truncate((Get-Counter "\MSExchange ActiveSync\Requests/sec" -ComputerName $CurServer).CounterSamples[0].Cookedvalue)
                IMAP   = [math]::Truncate((Get-Counter "\MSExchangeImap4(_total)\Current Connections" -ComputerName $CurServer).CounterSamples[0].Cookedvalue)
                # POP = [math]::Truncate((Get-Counter "\MSExchangePOP3(_total)\Connections Current" -ComputerName $CurServer).CounterSamples[0].Cookedvalue)
                WSR    = [math]::Truncate((Get-Counter "\MSExchangeWS\Requests/sec" -ComputerName $CurServer).CounterSamples[0].Cookedvalue)
                WST    = (Get-Counter "\Web Service(_Total)\Current Connections" -ComputerName $CurServer).CounterSamples[0].Cookedvalue
                Time   = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")

        # $Object.Server + "," + $Object.RPC + "," + $Object.OWA + "," + $Object.EAS + "," + $Object.IMAP + "," + $Object.POP + "," + $Object.WSR + "," + $Object.WST + "," + $Object.Time | Out-File -FilePath $Log -Encoding UTF8 -Append

        # Use when POP3 is not present on the servers
        $Object.Server + "," + $Object.RPC + "," + $Object.OWA + "," + $Object.EAS + "," + $Object.IMAP + "," + $Object.WSR + "," + $Object.WST + "," + $Object.Time | Out-File -FilePath $Log -Encoding UTF8 -Append

        # Use with IMAP4 is not present on the servers
        # $Object.Server + "," + $Object.RPC + "," + $Object.OWA + "," + $Object.EAS + "," + $Object.POP + "," + $Object.WSR + "," + $Object.WST + "," + $Object.Time | Out-File -FilePath $Log -Encoding UTF8 -Append

        # Use when neither POP nor IMAP is present on the servers
        # $Object.Server + "," + $Object.RPC + "," + $Object.OWA + "," + $Object.EAS + "," + $Object.WSR + "," + $Object.WST + "," + $Object.Time | Out-File -FilePath $Log -Encoding UTF8 -Append

        Start-Sleep -Seconds $SleepBetweenChecks

    end {
