
function New-BPAUserGroup {
            Creates a new AutoMate BPA user group.
            New-BPAUserGroup creates a user group object.
        .PARAMETER Name
            The name of the new object.
        .PARAMETER Notes
            The new notes to set on the object.
        .PARAMETER Folder
            The folder to place the object in.
        .PARAMETER BPAServer
            The server to create the object on.
            # Create a user group
            New-BPAUserGroup -Name "All Users" -Notes "Group containing all users"
            Author(s): : David Seibel
            Contributor(s) :
            Date Created : 11/07/2016
            Date Modified : 02/12/2018

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [string]$Notes = "",

        [ValidateScript({$_.TypeName -eq "Folder"})]


    $guid = "{$((New-Guid).Guid)}"

    if (-not $BPAServer -and $global:BPAConnectionInfo.Count -gt 1) {
        throw "Multiple BPA Servers are connected, please specify which server to create a new user group on!"
    } elseif (-not $BPAServer) {
        $BPAServer = $BPAConnectionInfo.Server

    $user = Get-BPAUser -BPAServer $BPAServer | Where-Object {$_.Name -ieq ($BPAConnectionInfo | Where-Object {$_.Server -eq $BPAServer}).Credential.UserName}
    if (-not $Folder) {            
        $Folder = Get-BPAFolder -Name USERGROUPS -BPAServer $BPAServer

    # Get the template object from the PoshBPA\ObjectTemplates folder, and configure the object
    $newObject = Get-BPAObjectTemplate -Type "UserGroup" -BPAServer $BPAServer
    $newObject.ID          = $guid
    $newObject.Name        = $Name
    $newObject.ParentID    = $Folder.ID
    $newObject.Path        = Join-Path -Path $Folder.Path -ChildPath $Folder.Name
    $newObject.CreatedBy   = $user.ID
    $newObject.Notes       = $Notes
    $newObject | New-BPAObject -BPAServer $BPAServer
    return (Get-BPAUserGroup -ID $guid -BPAServer $BPAServer)