
function Remove-BPAObject {
            Removes an AutoMate BPA object.
            Remove-BPAObject receives BPA object(s) on the pipeline, or via the parameter $InputObject, and deletes the object(s).
        .PARAMETER InputObject
            The object(s) to be deleted.
            The following objects can be disabled by this function:
            # Deletes agent "agent01"
            Get-BPAAgent "agent01" | Remove-BPAObject
            Author(s): : David Seibel
            Contributor(s) :
            Date Created : 09/12/2016
            Date Modified : 05/01/2018

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    BEGIN {
        $workflowCache = @{}
        $taskCache = @{}
        $processCache = @{}
        $conditionCache = @{}
        $userCache = @{}
        $userGroupCache = @{}
        $agentCache = @{}
        $agentGroupCache = @{}

        foreach ($obj in $InputObject) {
            Write-Verbose "Processing object Name: '$($obj.Name)' Type: '$($obj.TypeName)'"
            if (-not $workflowCache.ContainsKey($obj.BPAServer)) {
                Write-Verbose "Caching workflow objects for server $($obj.BPAServer) for better performance"
                $workflowCache.Add($obj.BPAServer, (Get-BPAWorkflow -BPAServer $obj.BPAServer))
            # Check if there are any dependencies on the object, and warn user
            switch ($obj.TypeName) {
                {($_ -in @("Workflow","Task","Process","Condition"))} {
                    foreach ($workflow in $workflowCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                        if (($workflow.Triggers.ConstructID -contains $obj.ID) -or ($workflow.Items.ConstructID -contains $obj.ID)) {
                            Write-Warning "$($obj.TypeName) '$($obj.Name)' is used in workflow '$($workflow.Name)'"
                {($_ -in @("Agent","AgentGroup"))} {
                    foreach ($workflow in $workflowCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                        if (($workflow.Triggers.AgentID -contains $obj.ID) -or ($workflow.Items.AgentID -contains $obj.ID)) {
                            Write-Warning "$($obj.TypeName) '$($obj.Name)' is used in workflow '$($workflow.Name)'"
                "Folder" {
                    if (-not $taskCache.ContainsKey($obj.BPAServer)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Caching task objects for server $($obj.BPAServer) for better performance"
                        $taskCache.Add($obj.BPAServer, (Get-BPATask -BPAServer $obj.BPAServer))
                    if (-not $processCache.ContainsKey($obj.BPAServer)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Caching process objects for server $($obj.BPAServer) for better performance"
                        $processCache.Add($obj.BPAServer, (Get-BPAProcess -BPAServer $obj.BPAServer))
                    if (-not $conditionCache.ContainsKey($obj.BPAServer)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Caching condition objects for server $($obj.BPAServer) for better performance"
                        $conditionCache.Add($obj.BPAServer, (Get-BPACondition -BPAServer $obj.BPAServer))
                    if (-not $userCache.ContainsKey($obj.BPAServer)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Caching user objects for server $($obj.BPAServer) for better performance"
                        $userCache.Add($obj.BPAServer, (Get-BPAUser -BPAServer $obj.BPAServer))
                    if (-not $userGroupCache.ContainsKey($obj.BPAServer)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Caching user group objects for server $($obj.BPAServer) for better performance"
                        $userGroupCache.Add($obj.BPAServer, (Get-BPAUserGroup -BPAServer $obj.BPAServer))
                    if (-not $agentCache.ContainsKey($obj.BPAServer)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Caching agent objects for server $($obj.BPAServer) for better performance"
                        $agentCache.Add($obj.BPAServer, (Get-BPAAgent -BPAServer $obj.BPAServer))
                    if (-not $agentGroupCache.ContainsKey($obj.BPAServer)) {
                        Write-Verbose "Caching agent group objects for server $($obj.BPAServer) for better performance"
                        $agentGroupCache.Add($obj.BPAServer, (Get-BPAAgentGroup -BPAServer $obj.BPAServer))
                    if ($obj.Path -like "\WORKFLOWS*") {
                        foreach ($workflow in $workflowCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                            if ($workflow.ParentID -eq $obj.ID) {
                                Write-Warning "Folder '$(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)' contains workflow '$($workflow.Name)'"
                        foreach ($user in $userCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                            if ($user.WorkflowFolderID -eq $obj.ID) {
                                Write-Warning "Folder '$(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)' is the workflow user folder for '$($user.Name)'"
                    if ($obj.Path -like "\TASKS*") {
                        foreach ($task in $taskCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                            if ($task.ParentID -eq $obj.ID) {
                                Write-Warning "Folder '$(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)' contains task '$($task.Name)'"
                        foreach ($user in $userCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                            if ($user.TaskFolderID -eq $obj.ID) {
                                Write-Warning "Folder '$(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)' is the task user folder for '$($user.Name)'"
                    if ($obj.Path -like "\CONDITIONS*") {
                        foreach ($condition in $conditionCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                            if ($condition.ParentID -eq $obj.ID) {
                                Write-Warning "Folder '$(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)' contains condition '$($condition.Name)'"
                        foreach ($user in $userCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                            if ($user.ConditionFolderID -eq $obj.ID) {
                                Write-Warning "Folder '$(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)' is the condition user folder for '$($user.Name)'"
                    if ($obj.Path -like "\PROCESSES*") {
                        foreach ($process in $processCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                            if ($process.ParentID -eq $obj.ID) {
                                Write-Warning "Folder '$(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)' contains process '$($process.Name)'"
                        foreach ($user in $userCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                            if ($user.ProcessFolderID -eq $obj.ID) {
                                Write-Warning "Folder '$(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)' is the process user folder for '$($user.Name)'"
                    if ($obj.Path -like "\USERS*") {
                        foreach ($user in $userCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                            if ($user.ParentID -eq $obj.ID) {
                                Write-Warning "Folder '$(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)' contains user '$($user.Name)'"
                    if ($obj.Path -like "\USERGROUPS*") {
                        foreach ($userGroup in $userGroupCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                            if ($userGroup.ParentID -eq $obj.ID) {
                                Write-Warning "Folder '$(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)' contains user group '$($userGroup.Name)'"
                    if ($obj.Path -like "\TASKAGENTS*") {
                        foreach ($agent in $agentCache[$obj.BPAServer] | Where-Object {$_.AgentType -eq [BPAAgentType]::TaskAgent}) {
                            if ($agent.ParentID -eq $obj.ID) {
                                Write-Warning "Folder '$(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)' contains agent '$($agent.Name)'"
                    if ($obj.Path -like "\PROCESSAGENTS*") {
                        foreach ($agent in $agentCache[$obj.BPAServer] | Where-Object {$_.AgentType -eq [BPAAgentType]::ProcessAgent}) {
                            if ($agent.ParentID -eq $obj.ID) {
                                Write-Warning "Folder '$(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)' contains agent '$($agent.Name)'"
                    if ($obj.Path -like "\AGENTGROUPS*") {
                        foreach ($agentGroup in $agentGroupCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                            if ($agentGroup.ParentID -eq $obj.ID) {
                                Write-Warning "Folder '$(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)' contains user group '$($agentGroup.Name)'"
                "User" {
                    # Do nothing
                "UserGroup" {
                    if ($obj.UserIDs.Count -gt 0) {
                        $systemPermission = $obj | Get-BPASystemPermission
                        if ($null -ne $systemPermission) {
                            if (-not $userCache.ContainsKey($obj.BPAServer)) {
                                Write-Verbose "Caching user objects for server $($obj.BPAServer) for better performance"
                                $userCache.Add($obj.BPAServer, (Get-BPATask -BPAServer $obj.BPAServer))
                            Write-Warning "User Group '$($obj.Name)' has a system permission defined!" 
                            foreach ($user in $userCache[$obj.BPAServer]) {
                                if ($user.ID -in $obj.UserIDs) {
                                    Write-Warning "User Group '$($obj.Name)' contains user '$($user.Name)'"
                default {
                    Write-Error -Message "Unsupported input type '$($obj.TypeName)' encountered!" -TargetObject $obj

            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($obj.BPAServer, "Removing $($obj.TypeName): $(Join-Path -Path $obj.Path -ChildPath $obj.Name)")) {
                Write-Verbose "Deleting object '$($obj.Name) (Type: $($obj.TypeName))'."
                Invoke-BPARestMethod -Resource "$([BPATypeDictionary]::($obj.TypeName).RestResource)/$($obj.ID)/delete" -RestMethod Post -BPAServer $obj.BPAServer