
#Functions written below:
function convertFromUnixTimeStamp {
        PoshBot function to convert from UnixTimeStamp
    .PARAMETER timestamp
        A number in seconds counting up from epoch (01/01/1970)
    .PARAMETER format
        A number to pull the specific format from the getDateTimeFormats array
        !unitxtime [-timestamp <timeinseconds> -format <number>]
        Uses code from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10781697/convert-unix-time-with-powershell

        CommandName = 'convertFromUnixTimeStamp',
        Aliases = ('unixtime','fromunixtime')
    param (
    $epoch = (Get-Date "01/01/1970")
    if ($format){
    } else {
function convertToUnixTimeStamp {
        PoshBot function to convert to UnixTimeStamp
    .PARAMETER date
        A string in the format MM/dd/YYYY
        !tounixtime [-date <string >]
        Uses ideas from:

        CommandName = 'convertToUnixTimeStamp',
        Aliases = ('tounixtime')
    param (
    try { $validdate = [datetime]::ParseExact($date,'d',$null)
    $epoch = (Get-Date "01/01/1970")
    (New-TimeSpan -Start $epoch -End (Get-Date $validdate).date).TotalSeconds
    } catch {
        New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Warning -Text 'Please use the format MM/dd/Year'

function getZabbixProblem {
        PoshBot function to return Zabbix Problems
        !GetZabbixProblem [-instance [FQDN] -time ['today','yesterday','thisweek','alltime']]

        CommandName = 'GetZabbixProblem',
        Aliases = 'GetZBXProblem',
        Permissions = ('Read')
    param (
        # ZabbixAPI credential
        # FQDN to the Zabbix API
        [string]$time = 'today'

    $session = New-ZBXSession -Name "Temp-PoshBot" -URI $Instance -Credential $creds
    switch ($time) {
        'today'     {$timeFilter = convertToUnixTimeStamp -date (Get-Date).GetDateTimeFormats()[3]}
        'yesterday' {$timeFilter = convertToUnixTimeStamp -date (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).GetDateTimeFormats()[3]}
        'thisweek'  {$timeFilter = convertToUnixTimeStamp -date (Get-Date).AddDays(-7).GetDateTimeFormats()[3]}
        'alltime'   {$timeFilter = 0}

    try {
        $problems = Get-ZBXProblem -Session $session | Where-Object {$_.clock -ge $timeFilter} | Sort-Object -Property clock
        if ($null -ne $problems) {
            foreach ($p in $problems) {
                $eventdata = Get-ZBXEvent -Session -EventID $($p.eventid)
                $friendlyTime = convertFromUnixTimeStamp -timestamp $($p.clock) -format 105

                $fields = [ordered]@{
                    Host = $($eventdata.hosts.name)
                    EventID = $p.eventid
                    Problem = $p.name
                    Time = $friendlyTime
                    Acknowledged = $(if($p.acknowledged -eq 1){'yes'} else {'no'})
                if ($fields.acknowledged -eq 'yes') {
                    New-PoshBotCardResponse -type Normal -Title "Zabbix Problems on [$instance] from [$time]" -fields $fields
                } else {
                    New-PoshBotCardResponse -type Warning -Title "Zabbix Problems on [$instance] from [$time]" -fields $fields
        } else {
            New-PoshBotCardResponse -Title "Zabbix Problems on [$instance] from [$time]" -Text "Currently no active or unacknowledged problems on [$instance]"
    } catch {
        New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Error -Text "Something bad happened while running !$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
    } finally {
        $null = Remove-ZBXSession $session.id

function getZabbixMaintenance {
        PoshBot function to return Zabbix Maintenance
        !GetZabbixMaintenance [-instance [FQDN]]

        CommandName = 'GetZabbixMaintenance',
        Aliases = ('GetZBXMaint','GetZBXMaintenance'),
        Permissions = ('Read')
    param (
        # ZabbixAPI credential
        # FQDN to the Zabbix API

    $session = New-ZBXSession -Name "Temp-PoshBot" -URI $Instance -Credential $creds

    try {
        $MaintenanceWindow = Get-ZBXMaintenance -Session $session
        if ($null -ne $MaintenanceWindow) {
            foreach ($m in $MaintenanceWindow) {
                $maintStart = [timespan]::FromSeconds($m.timeperiods.start_time).totalhours
                $maintDurration = [timespan]::FromSeconds($m.timeperiods.period).totalhours
                $maintEnd = $maintStart + $maintDurration
                $currentdate = (Get-Date)
                $currentHour = $($currentdate.Hour + ($currentdate.Minute / 60))

                $fields = [ordered]@{
                    Name = $($m.name)
                    Description = $($m.Description)
                    ActiveSince = $(convertFromUnixTimeStamp -timestamp $($m.active_since) -format 105)
                    ActiveUntil = $(convertFromUnixTimeStamp -timestamp $($m.active_till) -format 105)
                    MaintenanceType = $(switch ($m.timeperiods.timeperiod_type){ 0 {"one time only"}; 2 {"daily"}; 3{"weekly"}; 4{"monthly"}; default {"notsure"} })
                    MaintenanceStart = $maintStart
                    MaintenanceEnd = $maintEnd
                    MaintenanceDurration = "$($maintDurration) HRs"
                    Active = $(if($currentHour -gt $maintStart -and $currentHour -lt $maintEnd){"Possibly - Day Needs to be calculated"}else{"No"})

                New-PoshBotCardResponse -type Normal -Title "Zabbix Maintenance Schedules on [$instance]" -fields $fields
        } else {
            New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Warrning  -Title "Zabbix Maintenance not found on [$instance]" -Text "Check Zabbix [$instance] to ensure this is expected"
    } catch {
        New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Error -Text "Something bad happened while running !$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
    } finally {
        $null = Remove-ZBXSession $session.id
function acknowledgeZabbixEvent {
        PoshBot function to acknowledge a Zabbix Event
        !AcknowledgeZabbixEvent [-instance [FQDN] -eventid <string> -message "<string>"]

        CommandName = 'AcknowledgeZabbixEvent',
        Aliases = ('AckZBX'),
        Permissions = ('Write')
    param (
        # ZabbixAPI credential
        # FQDN to the Zabbix API
    $session = New-ZBXSession -Name "Temp-PoshBot" -URI $Instance -Credential $creds
    $user = $global:PoshBotContext.FromName
        $AcknowledgeMessage = $message + "- $user"
    } else {
        $AcknowledgeMessage = "Message Acknolwedged via PoshBot by $user"
    try {
        $output = Confirm-ZBXEvent -Session $session -EventID $eventid -AcknowledgeAction Acknowledge,AddMessage -AcknowledgeMessage $AcknowledgeMessage
        New-PoshBotCardResponse -Title "Zabbix Acknowledged on [$instance] for [$eventid]" -Text ($output | Format-List -Property * | Out-String)
    } catch {
        New-PoshBotCardResponse -Type Error -Text "Something bad happened while running !$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
    } finally {
        $null = Remove-ZBXSession $session.id

# Export all functions for poshbot
Export-ModuleMember *