
function Start-PoshBot {
        Starts a new instance of PoshBot interactively or in a job.
        Starts a new instance of PoshBot interactively or in a job.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        An existing PoshBot instance to start.
    .PARAMETER Configuration
        A PoshBot configuration object to use to start the bot instance.
        The path to a PoshBot configuration file.
        A new instance of PoshBot will be created from this file.
        Run the PoshBot instance in a background job.
    .PARAMETER PassThru
        Return the PoshBot instance Id that is running as a job.
        PS C:\> Start-PoshBot -Bot $bot
        Runs an instance of PoshBot that has already been created interactively in the shell.
        PS C:\> $bot | Start-PoshBot -Verbose
        Runs an instance of PoshBot that has already been created interactively in the shell.
        PS C:\> $config = Get-PoshBotConfiguration -Path (Join-Path -Path $env:USERPROFILE -ChildPath '.poshbot\MyPoshBot.psd1')
        PS C:\> Start-PoshBot -Config $config
        Gets a PoshBot configuration from file and starts the bot interactively.
        PS C:\> Get-PoshBot -Id 100
        Id : 100
        Name : PoshBot_eab96f2ad147489b9f90e110e02ad805
        State : Running
        InstanceId : eab96f2ad147489b9f90e110e02ad805
        Config : BotConfiguration
        Gets the PoshBot job instance with ID 100.

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'bot')]
        [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'bot')]

        [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'config')]

        [parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'path')]



    process {
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            'bot' {
                $bot = $InputObject
                $Configuration = $bot.Configuration
            'config' {
                $backend = New-PoshBotSlackBackend -Configuration $Configuration.BackendConfiguration
                $bot = New-PoshBotInstance -Backend $backend -Configuration $Configuration
            'path' {
                $Configuration = Get-PoshBotConfiguration -Path $Path
                $backend = New-PoshBotSlackBackend -Configuration $Configuration.BackendConfiguration
                $bot = New-PoshBotInstance -Backend $backend -Configuration $Configuration

        if ($AsJob) {
            $sb = {

                Import-Module PoshBot -ErrorAction Stop

                while($true) {
                    try {
                        $backend = New-PoshBotSlackBackend -Configuration $Configuration.BackendConfiguration
                        $bot = New-PoshBotInstance -Backend $backend -Configuration $Configuration
                    } catch {
                        Write-Error 'PoshBot crashed :( Restarting...'
                        Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

            $instanceId = (New-Guid).ToString().Replace('-', '')
            $jobName = "PoshBot_$instanceId"

            #$job = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sb -JobName $jobName -ArgumentList $bot -AsJob
            $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $sb -Name $jobName -ArgumentList $Configuration

            # Track the bot instance
            $botTracker = @{
                JobId = $job.Id
                Name = $jobName
                InstanceId = $instanceId
                Config = $Configuration
            $script:botTracker.Add($job.Id, $botTracker)

            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PassThru')) {
                Get-PoshBot -Id $job.Id
        } else {