
class SlackBackend : Backend {

    # The types of message that we care about from Slack
    # All othere will be ignored
    [string[]]$MessageTypes = @('channel_rename', 'message', 'pin_added', 'pin_removed', 'presence_change', 'reaction_added', 'reaction_removed', 'star_added', 'star_removed')

    [int]$MaxMessageLength = 4000

    # Buffer to receive data from websocket
    hidden [Byte[]]$Buffer = (New-Object System.Byte[] 4096)

    # Import some color defs.
    hidden [hashtable]$_PSSlackColorMap = @{
        aliceblue = "#F0F8FF"
        antiquewhite = "#FAEBD7"
        aqua = "#00FFFF"
        aquamarine = "#7FFFD4"
        azure = "#F0FFFF"
        beige = "#F5F5DC"
        bisque = "#FFE4C4"
        black = "#000000"
        blanchedalmond = "#FFEBCD"
        blue = "#0000FF"
        blueviolet = "#8A2BE2"
        brown = "#A52A2A"
        burlywood = "#DEB887"
        cadetblue = "#5F9EA0"
        chartreuse = "#7FFF00"
        chocolate = "#D2691E"
        coral = "#FF7F50"
        cornflowerblue = "#6495ED"
        cornsilk = "#FFF8DC"
        crimson = "#DC143C"
        darkblue = "#00008B"
        darkcyan = "#008B8B"
        darkgoldenrod = "#B8860B"
        darkgray = "#A9A9A9"
        darkgreen = "#006400"
        darkkhaki = "#BDB76B"
        darkmagenta = "#8B008B"
        darkolivegreen = "#556B2F"
        darkorange = "#FF8C00"
        darkorchid = "#9932CC"
        darkred = "#8B0000"
        darksalmon = "#E9967A"
        darkseagreen = "#8FBC8F"
        darkslateblue = "#483D8B"
        darkslategray = "#2F4F4F"
        darkturquoise = "#00CED1"
        darkviolet = "#9400D3"
        deeppink = "#FF1493"
        deepskyblue = "#00BFFF"
        dimgray = "#696969"
        dodgerblue = "#1E90FF"
        firebrick = "#B22222"
        floralwhite = "#FFFAF0"
        forestgreen = "#228B22"
        fuchsia = "#FF00FF"
        gainsboro = "#DCDCDC"
        ghostwhite = "#F8F8FF"
        gold = "#FFD700"
        goldenrod = "#DAA520"
        gray = "#808080"
        green = "#008000"
        greenyellow = "#ADFF2F"
        honeydew = "#F0FFF0"
        hotpink = "#FF69B4"
        indianred = "#CD5C5C"
        indigo = "#4B0082"
        ivory = "#FFFFF0"
        khaki = "#F0E68C"
        lavender = "#E6E6FA"
        lavenderblush = "#FFF0F5"
        lawngreen = "#7CFC00"
        lemonchiffon = "#FFFACD"
        lightblue = "#ADD8E6"
        lightcoral = "#F08080"
        lightcyan = "#E0FFFF"
        lightgoldenrodyellow = "#FAFAD2"
        lightgreen = "#90EE90"
        lightgrey = "#D3D3D3"
        lightpink = "#FFB6C1"
        lightsalmon = "#FFA07A"
        lightseagreen = "#20B2AA"
        lightskyblue = "#87CEFA"
        lightslategray = "#778899"
        lightsteelblue = "#B0C4DE"
        lightyellow = "#FFFFE0"
        lime = "#00FF00"
        limegreen = "#32CD32"
        linen = "#FAF0E6"
        maroon = "#800000"
        mediumaquamarine = "#66CDAA"
        mediumblue = "#0000CD"
        mediumorchid = "#BA55D3"
        mediumpurple = "#9370DB"
        mediumseagreen = "#3CB371"
        mediumslateblue = "#7B68EE"
        mediumspringgreen = "#00FA9A"
        mediumturquoise = "#48D1CC"
        mediumvioletred = "#C71585"
        midnightblue = "#191970"
        mintcream = "#F5FFFA"
        mistyrose = "#FFE4E1"
        moccasin = "#FFE4B5"
        navajowhite = "#FFDEAD"
        navy = "#000080"
        oldlace = "#FDF5E6"
        olive = "#808000"
        olivedrab = "#6B8E23"
        orange = "#FFA500"
        orangered = "#FF4500"
        orchid = "#DA70D6"
        palegoldenrod = "#EEE8AA"
        palegreen = "#98FB98"
        paleturquoise = "#AFEEEE"
        palevioletred = "#DB7093"
        papayawhip = "#FFEFD5"
        peachpuff = "#FFDAB9"
        peru = "#CD853F"
        pink = "#FFC0CB"
        plum = "#DDA0DD"
        powderblue = "#B0E0E6"
        purple = "#800080"
        red = "#FF0000"
        rosybrown = "#BC8F8F"
        royalblue = "#4169E1"
        saddlebrown = "#8B4513"
        salmon = "#FA8072"
        sandybrown = "#F4A460"
        seagreen = "#2E8B57"
        seashell = "#FFF5EE"
        sienna = "#A0522D"
        silver = "#C0C0C0"
        skyblue = "#87CEEB"
        slateblue = "#6A5ACD"
        slategray = "#708090"
        snow = "#FFFAFA"
        springgreen = "#00FF7F"
        steelblue = "#4682B4"
        tan = "#D2B48C"
        teal = "#008080"
        thistle = "#D8BFD8"
        tomato = "#FF6347"
        turquoise = "#40E0D0"
        violet = "#EE82EE"
        wheat = "#F5DEB3"
        white = "#FFFFFF"
        whitesmoke = "#F5F5F5"
        yellow = "#FFFF00"
        yellowgreen = "#9ACD32"

    SlackBackend ([string]$Token) {
        Import-Module PSSlack -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction Stop

        $config = [ConnectionConfig]::new()
        $secToken = $Token | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
        $config.Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('asdf', $secToken)
        $conn = [SlackConnection]::New()
        $conn.Config = $config
        $this.Connection = $conn

    [void]Connect() {
        $this.BotId = $this.GetBotIdentity()

    # Receive a message from the websocket
    [Message]ReceiveMessage() {
        [Message]$msg = $null
        try {
            $ct = New-Object System.Threading.CancellationToken
            $taskResult = $null
            do {
                $taskResult = $this.Connection.WebSocket.ReceiveAsync($this.buffer, $ct)
                while (-not $taskResult.IsCompleted) {
                    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
            } until (
                $taskResult.Result.Count -lt 4096
            $jsonResult = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($this.buffer, 0, $taskResult.Result.Count)

            if ($null -ne $jsonResult -and $jsonResult -ne [string]::Empty) {
                Write-Debug -Message "[SlackBackend:ReceiveMessage] Received `n$jsonResult"

                # Strip out Slack's URI formatting
                $jsonResult = $this._SanitizeURIs($jsonResult)

                $slackMessage = $jsonResult | ConvertFrom-Json
                if ($slackMessage) {
                    # We only care about certain message types from Slack
                    if ($slackMessage.Type -in $this.MessageTypes) {
                        $msg = [Message]::new()

                        # Set the message type and optionally the subtype
                        #$msg.Type = $slackMessage.type
                        switch ($slackMessage.type) {
                            'channel_rename' {
                                $msg.Type = [MessageType]::ChannelRenamed
                            'message' {
                                $msg.Type = [MessageType]::Message
                            'pin_added' {
                                $msg.Type = [MessageType]::PinAdded
                            'pin_removed' {
                                $msg.Type = [MessageType]::PinRemoved
                            'presence_change' {
                                $msg.Type = [MessageType]::PresenceChange
                            'reaction_added' {
                                $msg.Type = [MessageType]::ReactionAdded
                            'reaction_removed' {
                                $msg.Type = [MessageType]::ReactionRemoved
                            'star_added' {
                                $msg.Type = [MessageType]::StarAdded
                            'star_removed' {
                                $msg.Type = [MessageType]::StarRemoved

                        if ($slackMessage.subtype) {
                            switch ($slackMessage.subtype) {
                                'channel_join' {
                                    $msg.Subtype = [MessageSubtype]::ChannelJoined
                                'channel_leave' {
                                    $msg.Subtype = [MessageSubtype]::ChannelLeft
                                'channel_name' {
                                    $msg.Subtype = [MessageSubtype]::ChannelRenamed
                                'channel_purpose' {
                                    $msg.Subtype = [MessageSubtype]::ChannelPurposeChanged
                                'channel_topic' {
                                    $msg.Subtype = [MessageSubtype]::ChannelTopicChanged

                        $msg.RawMessage = $slackMessage
                        if ($slackMessage.text)    { $msg.Text = $slackMessage.text }
                        if ($ { $msg.To   = $ }
                        if ($slackMessage.user)    { $msg.From = $slackMessage.user }

                        # Sometimes the message is nested in a 'message' subproperty. This could be
                        # if the message contained a link that was unfurled. We would receive a
                        # 'message_changed' message and need to look in the 'message' subproperty
                        # to see who the message was from. Slack is weird
                        if ($slackMessage.message) {
                            if ($slackMessage.message.user) {
                                $msg.From = $slackMessage.message.user
                            if ($slackMessage.message.text) {
                                $msg.Text = $slackMessage.message.text

                        if (-not $this.MsgFromBot($msg.From)) {
                            return $msg
                        } else {
                            # Don't process messages that came from the bot
                            # That could cause a feedback loop
                            return $null

        } catch {
            Write-Error $_
        return $msg

    # Send a Slack ping
    [void]Ping() {
        $msg = @{
            id = 1
            type = 'ping'
            time = [System.Math]::Truncate((Get-Date -Date (Get-Date) -UFormat %s))
        $json = $msg | ConvertTo-Json
        $bytes = ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8).GetBytes($json)
        Write-Debug -Message '[SlackBackend:Ping]: One ping only Vasili'
        $cts = New-Object System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource -ArgumentList 5000

        $task = $this.Connection.WebSocket.SendAsync($bytes, [System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType]::Text, $true, $cts.Token)
        do { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 }
        until ($task.IsCompleted)
        #$result = $this.Connection.WebSocket.SendAsync($bytes, [System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType]::Text, $true, $cts.Token).GetAwaiter().GetResult()

    [void]SendMessage([Card]$Response) {
        $channelId = $this.ResolveChannelId($Response.To)
        if ($channelId) {
            $cardParams = @{
                #Color = $
                Fallback = $Response.Text
                Text = $Response.Text
                MarkDownFields = 'text'
            if ($Response.Title) { $cardParams.Title = $Response.Title }
            if ($Response.Summary) { $cardParams.PreText = $Response.Summary }
            if ($Response.Link) { $cardParams.TitleLink = $Response.Link }
            if ($Response.ThumbnailUrl) { $cardParams.ThumbURL = $Response.ThumbnailUrl }
            if ($Response.Fields) {
                # Convert hashtable to what Slack expects
                $fields = @()
                foreach($key in $Response.Fields.Keys){
                    $fields += @{
                        title = $key
                        value = $Response.Fields[$key]
                        short = $true
                $cardParams.Fields = $fields
            $msgAtt = New-SlackMessageAttachment @cardParams

            # Set severity of response
            switch ($Response.Severity) {
                'Success' {
                    $msgAtt.color = $
                'Warning' {
                    $msgAtt.color = $
                'Error' {
                    $msgAtt.color = $
                'None' {
                    # no color

            $msg = $msgAtt | New-SlackMessage -Channel $Response.To -AsUser
            $slackResponse = $msg | Send-SlackMessage -Token $this.Connection.Config.Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -Verbose:$false
            Write-Verbose "[SlackBackend:SendMessage] Result: $($slackResponse | Format-List * | Out-String)"
        } else {
            Write-Error -Message "[SlackBackend:SendMessage] Unable to resolve channel [$($Response.To))]"

    [void]SendMessage([Response]$Response) {
        if ($Response.Data.Count -gt 0) {
            # Process our custom responses
            foreach ($customResponse in $Response.Data) {

                [string]$sendTo = $Response.To
                if ($customResponse.DM -eq $true) {
                    $sendTo = "@$($this.UserIdToUsername($Response.MessageFrom))"

                if ($customResponse.PSObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'PoshBot.Card.Response') {

                    $chunks = $this._ChunkString($customResponse.Text)
                    Write-Verbose "Split response into [$($chunks.Count)] chunks"
                    $x = 0
                    foreach ($chunk in $chunks) {
                        $attParams = @{
                            MarkdownFields = 'text'
                            Color = $customResponse.Color
                        $fbText = 'no data'
                        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($chunk.Text)) {
                            Write-Verbose "response size: $($chunk.Text.Length)"
                            $fbText = $chunk.Text
                        $attParams.Fallback = $fbText
                        if ($customResponse.Title) {

                            # If we chunked up the response, only display the title on the first one
                            if ($x -eq 0) {
                                $attParams.Title = $customResponse.Title
                        if ($customResponse.ImageUrl) {
                            $attParams.ImageURL = $customResponse.ImageUrl
                        if ($customResponse.ThumbnailUrl) {
                            $attParams.ThumbURL = $customResponse.ThumbnailUrl
                        if ($customResponse.LinkUrl) {
                            $attParams.TitleLink = $customResponse.LinkUrl
                        if ($customResponse.Fields) {
                            $arr = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
                            foreach ($key in $customResponse.Fields.Keys) {
                                        title = $key;
                                        value = $customResponse.Fields[$key];
                                        short = $true
                            $attParams.Fields = $arr

                        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($chunk)) {
                            $attParams.Text = '```' + $chunk + '```'
                        } else {
                            $attParams.Text = [string]::Empty
                        $att = New-SlackMessageAttachment @attParams
                        $msg = $att | New-SlackMessage -Channel $sendTo -AsUser
                        $slackResponse = $msg | Send-SlackMessage -Token $this.Connection.Config.Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -Verbose:$false
                } elseif ($customResponse.PSObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'PoshBot.Text.Response') {
                    $slackResponse = Send-SlackMessage -Token $this.Connection.Config.Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -Channel $sendTo -Text $customResponse.Text -Verbose:$false -AsUser

        if ($Response.Text.Count -gt 0) {
            foreach ($t in $Response.Text) {
                $slackResponse = Send-SlackMessage -Token $this.Connection.Config.Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -Channel $Response.To -Text $t -Verbose:$false -AsUser

    [string]ResolveChannelId([string]$ChannelName) {
        if ($ChannelName -match '^#') {
            $ChannelName = $ChannelName.TrimStart('#')
        $channelId = ($this.Connection.LoginData.channels | Where-Object name -eq $ChannelName).id
        if (-not $ChannelId) {
            $channelId = ($this.Connection.LoginData.channels | Where-Object id -eq $ChannelName).id
        return $channelId

    [void]LoadUsers() {
        $allUsers = Get-Slackuser -Token $this.Connection.Config.Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -Verbose:$false
        $allUsers | ForEach-Object {
            $user = [SlackPerson]::new()
            $user.Id = $_.ID
            $user.Nickname = $_.Name
            $user.FullName = $_.RealName
            $user.FirstName = $_.FirstName
            $user.LastName = $_.LastName
            $user.Email = $_.Email
            $user.Phone = $_.Phone
            $user.Skype = $_.Skype
            $user.IsBot = $_.IsBot
            $user.IsAdmin = $_.IsAdmin
            $user.IsOwner = $_.IsOwner
            $user.IsPrimaryOwner = $_.IsPrimaryOwner
            $user.IsUltraRestricted = $_.IsUltraRestricted
            $user.Status = $_.Status
            $user.TimeZoneLabel = $_.TimeZoneLabel
            $user.TimeZone = $_.TimeZone
            $user.Presence = $_.Presence
            $user.Deleted = $_.Deleted
            Write-Verbose -Message "[SlackBackend:LoadUsers] Adding user: $($_.ID):$($_.Name)"
            $this.Users[$_.ID] =  $user

        foreach ($key in $this.Users.Keys) {
            if ($key -notin $allUsers.ID) {

    [void]LoadRooms() {
        $allChannels = Get-SlackChannel -Token $this.Connection.Config.Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -ExcludeArchived -Verbose:$false

        $allChannels | ForEach-Object {
            $channel = [SlackChannel]::new()
            $channel.Id = $_.ID
            $channel.Name = $_.Name
            $channel.Topic = $_.Topic
            $channel.Purpose = $_.Purpose
            $channel.Created = $_.Created
            $channel.Creator = $_.Creator
            $channel.IsArchived = $_.IsArchived
            $channel.IsGeneral = $_.IsGeneral
            $channel.MemberCount = $_.MemberCount
            foreach ($member in $_.Members) {
                $channel.Members.Add($member, $null)
            Write-Verbose -Message "[SlackBackend:LoadRooms] Adding channel: $($_.ID):$($_.Name)"
            $this.Rooms[$_.ID] = $channel

        foreach ($key in $this.Rooms.Keys) {
            if ($key -notin $allChannels.ID) {

    [string]GetBotIdentity() {
        return $

    [bool]MsgFromBot([string]$From) {
        return $this.BotId -eq $From

    [SlackPerson]GetUser([string]$UserId) {
        $user = $this.Users[$UserId]
        if ($user) {
            return $user
        } else {
            return $this.Users[$UserId]

    [string]UsernameToUserId([string]$Username) {
        $Username = $Username.TrimStart('@')
        $user = (Get-SlackUser -Token $this.Connection.Config.Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password -Name $Username -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
        if ($user) {
            # Reload our user cache if we don't know about this user
            if (-not $this.Users.ContainsKey($user.Id)) {
            return $user.Id
        } else {
            return $null

    [string]UserIdToUsername([string]$UserId) {
        if ($this.Users.ContainsKey($UserId)) {
            return $this.Users[$UserId].Nickname
        } else {
            return $this.Users[$UserId].Nickname

    hidden [string] _SanitizeURIs([string]$Text) {
        $sanitizedText = $Text -replace '<([^\|>]+)\|([^\|>]+)>', '$2'
        $sanitizedText = $sanitizedText -replace '<(http([^>]+))>', '$1'
        return $sanitizedText

    hidden [System.Collections.ArrayList] _ChunkString([string]$Text) {
        return [regex]::Split($Text, "(?<=\G.{$($this.MaxMessageLength)})", [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Singleline)

function New-PoshBotSlackBackend {
        [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]

    process {
        foreach ($item in $Configuration) {
            if (-not $item.Token) {
                throw 'Configuration is missing [Token] parameter'
            } else {
                Write-Verbose 'Creating new Slack backend instance'
                $backend = [SlackBackend]::new($item.Token)
                if ($item.Name) {
                    $backend.Name = $item.Name