
# inspired by
# changed what is output by the function

function Get-Type {
    Get exported types in the current session
    Get exported types in the current session
    Filter on Module. Accepts wildcard
    Filter on Assembly. Accepts wildcard
    Filter on FullName. Accepts wildcard
.PARAMETER Namespace
    Filter on Namespace. Accepts wildcard
    Filter on BaseType. Accepts wildcard
    Switch to just return IsEnum types.
    Get-Type | Select-Object -First 1
    # Default view
    IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
    -------- -------- ---- --------
    True False Registry System.Object
    #List the full name of all Enums in the current session
    $List = Get-Type -IsEnum | Select -ExpandProperty FullName | Sort -Unique
    Get-Type -Namespace System.Xaml.Hosting
    # Default view
    IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
    -------- -------- ---- --------
    True False XamlBuildProvider System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvider
    # Here is a list of all the properties that are returned
    Get-Type | Select-Object -First 1 | Get-Member -MemberType Property
    TypeName: System.RuntimeType
    Name MemberType Definition
    ---- ---------- ----------
    Assembly Property System.Reflection.Assembly Assembly {get;}
    AssemblyQualifiedName Property string AssemblyQualifiedName {get;}
    Attributes Property System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Attributes {get;}
    BaseType Property type BaseType {get;}
    ContainsGenericParameters Property bool ContainsGenericParameters {get;}
    CustomAttributes Property System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData] CustomAttributes {get;}
    DeclaredConstructors Property System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo] DeclaredConstructors {get;}
    DeclaredEvents Property System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[System.Reflection.EventInfo] DeclaredEvents {get;}
    DeclaredFields Property System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[System.Reflection.FieldInfo] DeclaredFields {get;}
    DeclaredMembers Property System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[System.Reflection.MemberInfo] DeclaredMembers {get;}
    DeclaredMethods Property System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[System.Reflection.MethodInfo] DeclaredMethods {get;}
    DeclaredNestedTypes Property System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[System.Reflection.TypeInfo] DeclaredNestedTypes {get;}
    DeclaredProperties Property System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[System.Reflection.PropertyInfo] DeclaredProperties {get;}
    DeclaringMethod Property System.Reflection.MethodBase DeclaringMethod {get;}
    DeclaringType Property type DeclaringType {get;}
    FullName Property string FullName {get;}
    GenericParameterAttributes Property System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes GenericParameterAttributes {get;}
    GenericParameterPosition Property int GenericParameterPosition {get;}
    GenericTypeArguments Property type[] GenericTypeArguments {get;}
    GenericTypeParameters Property type[] GenericTypeParameters {get;}
    GUID Property guid GUID {get;}
    HasElementType Property bool HasElementType {get;}
    ImplementedInterfaces Property System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[type] ImplementedInterfaces {get;}
    IsAbstract Property bool IsAbstract {get;}
    IsAnsiClass Property bool IsAnsiClass {get;}
    IsArray Property bool IsArray {get;}
    IsAutoClass Property bool IsAutoClass {get;}
    IsAutoLayout Property bool IsAutoLayout {get;}
    IsByRef Property bool IsByRef {get;}
    IsClass Property bool IsClass {get;}
    IsCOMObject Property bool IsCOMObject {get;}
    IsConstructedGenericType Property bool IsConstructedGenericType {get;}
    IsContextful Property bool IsContextful {get;}
    IsEnum Property bool IsEnum {get;}
    IsExplicitLayout Property bool IsExplicitLayout {get;}
    IsGenericParameter Property bool IsGenericParameter {get;}
    IsGenericType Property bool IsGenericType {get;}
    IsGenericTypeDefinition Property bool IsGenericTypeDefinition {get;}
    IsImport Property bool IsImport {get;}
    IsInterface Property bool IsInterface {get;}
    IsLayoutSequential Property bool IsLayoutSequential {get;}
    IsMarshalByRef Property bool IsMarshalByRef {get;}
    IsNested Property bool IsNested {get;}
    IsNestedAssembly Property bool IsNestedAssembly {get;}
    IsNestedFamANDAssem Property bool IsNestedFamANDAssem {get;}
    IsNestedFamily Property bool IsNestedFamily {get;}
    IsNestedFamORAssem Property bool IsNestedFamORAssem {get;}
    IsNestedPrivate Property bool IsNestedPrivate {get;}
    IsNestedPublic Property bool IsNestedPublic {get;}
    IsNotPublic Property bool IsNotPublic {get;}
    IsPointer Property bool IsPointer {get;}
    IsPrimitive Property bool IsPrimitive {get;}
    IsPublic Property bool IsPublic {get;}
    IsSealed Property bool IsSealed {get;}
    IsSecurityCritical Property bool IsSecurityCritical {get;}
    IsSecuritySafeCritical Property bool IsSecuritySafeCritical {get;}
    IsSecurityTransparent Property bool IsSecurityTransparent {get;}
    IsSerializable Property bool IsSerializable {get;}
    IsSpecialName Property bool IsSpecialName {get;}
    IsUnicodeClass Property bool IsUnicodeClass {get;}
    IsValueType Property bool IsValueType {get;}
    IsVisible Property bool IsVisible {get;}
    MemberType Property System.Reflection.MemberTypes MemberType {get;}
    MetadataToken Property int MetadataToken {get;}
    Module Property System.Reflection.Module Module {get;}
    Name Property string Name {get;}
    Namespace Property string Namespace {get;}
    ReflectedType Property type ReflectedType {get;}
    StructLayoutAttribute Property System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute StructLayoutAttribute {get;}
    TypeHandle Property System.RuntimeTypeHandle TypeHandle {get;}
    TypeInitializer Property System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo TypeInitializer {get;}
    UnderlyingSystemType Property type UnderlyingSystemType {get;}

        [string] $Module = '*',
        [string] $Assembly = '*',
        [string] $FullName = '*',
        [string] $Namespace = '*',
        [string] $BaseType = '*',
        [switch] $IsEnum

    #Build up the Where statement
    $WhereArray = @('$_.IsPublic')
    if ($Module -ne '*')    {$WhereArray += '$_.Module -like $Module'}
    if ($Assembly -ne '*')  {$WhereArray += '$_.Assembly -like $Assembly'}
    if ($FullName -ne '*')  {$WhereArray += '$_.FullName -like $FullName'}
    if ($Namespace -ne '*') {$WhereArray += '$_.Namespace -like $Namespace'}
    if ($BaseType -ne '*')  {$WhereArray += '$_.BaseType -like $BaseType'}
    #This clause is only evoked if IsEnum is passed in
    if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsEnum')) { $WhereArray += '$_.IsENum -like $IsENum' }

    #Give verbose output, convert where string to scriptblock
    $WhereString = $WhereArray -Join ' -and '
    $WhereBlock = [scriptblock]::Create( $WhereString )
    Write-Verbose -message "Where ScriptBlock: { $WhereString }"

    #Invoke the search!
    [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | ForEach-Object {
        Write-Verbose -message "Getting types from $($_.FullName)"
        Try {
        } Catch {
            Write-Verbose -message "$($_.FullName) error getting Exported Types: $_"
    } | Where-Object -FilterScript $WhereBlock
    # | Select-Object -Property Name, FullName, IsPublic, IsSerializable, IsEnum, BaseType, Module, Assembly, NameSpace