
Function Show-FsRight {
    To list all potential file system rights
    To list all potential file system rights
    Would return:
    A listing of all of the explicit filesystemrights
                        Name Type Hex Dec
                        ---- ---- --- ---
                    ReadData Single 0x00000001 1
                 CreateFiles Single 0x00000002 2
                  AppendData Single 0x00000004 4
      ReadExtendedAttributes Single 0x00000008 8
     WriteExtendedAttributes Single 0x00000010 16
                 ExecuteFile Single 0x00000020 32
DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles Single 0x00000040 64
              ReadAttributes Single 0x00000080 128
             WriteAttributes Single 0x00000100 256
                       Write Single 0x00000116 278
                      Delete Single 0x00010000 65536
             ReadPermissions Single 0x00020000 131072
                        Read Single 0x00020089 131209
              ReadAndExecute Single 0x000200A9 131241
                      Modify Single 0x000301BF 197055
           ChangePermissions Single 0x00040000 262144
               TakeOwnership Single 0x00080000 524288
                 Synchronize Single 0x00100000 1048576
                        Read Combo 0x00120089 1179785
              ReadAndExecute Combo 0x001200A9 1179817
                  Read,Write Combo 0x0012019F 1180063
        ReadAndExecute,Write Combo 0x001201BF 1180095
 ReadAndExecute,Modify,Write Combo 0x001301BF 1245631
                 FullControl Single 0x001F01FF 2032127
        AccessSystemSecurity Combo 0x01000000 16777216
              MaximumAllowed Combo 0x02000000 33554432
                  GenericAll Combo 0x10000000 268435456
              GenericExecute Combo 0x20000000 536870912
                GenericWrite Combo 0x40000000 1073741824
                 GenericRead Combo 0x80000000 2147483648
      ReadAndExecuteExtended Combo 0xFFA0000000 1097901015040
    An array of objects containing the fields Name, Type, Dec, Hex

    #region Parameter
    #endregion Parameter

    $returnVar = @()
    $prop       = @{ Name = 'GenericRead' ; Dec = [uint64] '0x80000000'; Hex = '0x80000000'; Type = 'Single' }
    $object     = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $prop
    $returnVar += $object

    $prop       = @{ Name = 'GenericWrite' ;  Dec = [uint64] '0x40000000'; Hex = '0x40000000'; Type = 'Single' }
    $object     = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $prop
    $returnVar += $object

    $prop       = @{ Name = 'GenericExecute' ;  Dec = [uint64] '0x20000000'; Hex = '0x20000000'; Type = 'Single' }
    $object     = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $prop
    $returnVar += $object

    $prop       = @{ Name = 'GenericAll' ;  Dec = [uint64] '0x10000000'; Hex = '0x10000000'; Type = 'Single' }
    $object     = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $prop
    $returnVar += $object

    $prop       = @{ Name = 'MaximumAllowed' ;  Dec = [uint64] '0x02000000'; Hex = '0x02000000'; Type = 'Single' }
    $object     = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $prop
    $returnVar += $object

    $prop       = @{ Name = 'AccessSystemSecurity' ;  Dec = [uint64] '0x01000000'; Hex = '0x01000000'; Type = 'Single' }
    $object     = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $prop
    $returnVar += $object

    $prop       = @{ Name ='Read' ; Dec = [uint64] 1179785 ; Hex = '0x00120089'; Type = 'Combo' }
    $object     = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $prop
    $returnVar += $object

    $prop       = @{ Name ='Read,Write' ; Dec = [uint64] 1180063 ; Hex = '0x0012019F'; Type = 'Combo' }
    $object     = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $prop
    $returnVar += $object

    $prop       = @{ Name ='ReadAndExecute' ; Dec = [uint64] 1179817 ; Hex = '0x001200A9'; Type = 'Combo' }
    $object     = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $prop
    $returnVar += $object

    $prop       = @{ Name ='ReadAndExecuteExtended' ; Dec = [uint64] '0xFFA0000000'; Hex = '0xFFA0000000'; Type = 'Combo' }
    $object     = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $prop
    $returnVar += $object

    $prop       = @{ Name ='ReadAndExecute,Modify,Write' ; Dec = [uint64] 1245631 ; Hex = '0x001301BF'; Type = 'Combo' }
    $object     = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $prop
    $returnVar += $object

    $prop       = @{ Name ='ReadAndExecute,Write' ; Dec = [uint64] 1180095 ; Hex = '0x001201BF'; Type = 'Combo' }
    $object     = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $prop
    $returnVar += $object

        $returnVar += [System.Enum]::Getvalues([]) |
        select-object -Property @{Name = 'Name'; Expression = {$_}},
            @{Name = 'Dec';     Expression = {[Int32] $_}},
            @{Name = 'Hex';     Expression = {'0x{0:X8}' -f [uint64] $_}},
            @{Name = 'Type';    Expression = {if (('0x{0:X8}' -f [uint64] $_) -match '^0x0*\d0*$') {'Single'} else {'Combo'} }} |
            select-object -Property name, dec, hex, type -Unique
    $returnVar = $returnVar | sort-object -Property Dec
    write-output -InputObject ($returnVar | select-object -Property Name, Type, Hex, Dec)