
Function Show-NamedColor {
    Shows all named colors
    Shows all named colors
    To show the attributes of a single named color. This parameter has a ValidateSet against it so you can tab through the options.
.PARAMETER ExcludeEmpty
    Will exclude the Empty and Transparent colors

    #region Parameter
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline) ]
        [string] $ColorName,

            [switch] $ExcludeEmpty
    #endregion Parameter

    begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"

    process {
        write-verbose -Message 'Determining names of colors'
        [System.Drawing.Color] | get-member -MemberType *property -Static | findstr.exe /i 'Property' |
            foreach-object -begin {
                } -process {
                    $tmp = $_ -split '\s+'
                    $result1 += $tmp[0]
                } -end { }
        write-verbose -Message "There are $($result1.count) named system colors."
        if ($ExcludeEmpty) {
            write-verbose -Message 'Excluding empty and transparent'
            $result1 = $result1 | where-object {$_ -notin @('Empty', 'Transparent')}

        if (-not $ColorName) {
            $ReturnVal = $result1 | foreach-object { [system.drawing.color]::$_ } |
                select-object -property Name, IsKnownColor, IsNamedColor, IsSystemColor, IsEmpty, R, G, B, A
        else {
            $result2 = @()
            $result2 += $result1 | where-object { $_ -eq "$ColorName" } | foreach-object { [system.drawing.color]::$_ }
            write-verbose -Message "There are $($result2.count) named system colors in the result set."
            $ReturnVal = $result2 | select-object -property Name, IsKnownColor, IsNamedColor, IsSystemColor, IsEmpty, R, G, B, A
        foreach ($R in $ReturnVal) { if ($R.Name -eq '0') { $R.Name = 'Empty' }}

    end {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)"
